D.G. Schlom, “PARADIM: An NSF-Supported National User Facility that can help YOU Discover and Perfect Quantum Materials,” presented at the AVS 70th International Symposium & Exhibition in Tampa, Florida (2024).
Invited Presentations
D.G. Schlom, “Hot Complex Oxides—Turning up the Heat for Adsorption Control,” presented at the International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (iWOE-30) in Darmstadt, Germany (2024).
D.G. Schlom, “Navigating Reaction Pathways to grow TCOs by Suboxide MBE,” presented at Transparent Conductive Oxides—Fundamentals and Applications (TCO2024) in Leipzig, Germany (2024). (Karl Bädeker Lecture = Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Stabilizing Improper Ferroelectricity in Thin Films Down to the Monolayer Limit,” presented at the European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD 2024) in Trondheim, Norway (2024). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Growth of β-Ga₂O₃ and α-(AlxGa1–x)2O3 by Suboxide MBE at 1 µm/hr,” presented at the International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (IWGO 2024) in Berlin, Germany (2024).
D.G. Schlom, “Engineering Boundary Conditions to Stabilize Improper Ferroelectricity in Hexagonal LuFeO3 Films Down to the Monolayer Limit,” presented at the 2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Seattle, Washington (2024).
D.G. Schlom, “Hot Complex Oxides--Turning up the Heat for Adsorption Control,” presented at the 2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Seattle, Washington (2024).
D.G. Schlom, “Hot Quantum Materials—Turning up the Heat to Grow Thin Films of Oxide Quantum Materials in an Adsorption Controlled Regime,” presented at the 2024 Rice Workshop on Quantum Material Synthesis in Houston, Texas (2024).
D.G. Schlom, “Hunting for New Oxide Superconductors using MBE,” presented at the Workshop on Quantum Materials Epitaxy that immediately preceded the 37th North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE 2023) in Madison, Wisconsin.
D.G. Schlom, “Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” presented at the 65th Electronic Materials Conference (2023) in Santa Barbara, California. (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Modern Alchemy—Exploiting Elastic Strain Engineering,” presented at Modulation of Physico-Chemical Processes by Elastic Strain Engineering, Colloquium 636 of the European Mechanics Society in Besançon, France (2023). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “‘Suboxide MBE’—A Route to Epitaxial Transparent Conducting Oxides at Relatively Low Deposition Temperatures,” presented at 8th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials & 12th International Symposium on Transparent Oxide and Related Materials for Electroncis and Optics (TCM-TOEO 2022) in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece (2022). (Keynote Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Greatest Hits of MBE,” “Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE,” and “Suboxide MBE,” presented at the PARADIM Summer School on MBE+ARPES: Customizing Oxides with Atomic Layer Precision and Measuring their Electronic Structure in Ithaca, New York (2022).
D.G. Schlom, “What I would do with TLE if I had a System,” presented at the 1st Workshop on the Future of Epitaxy in Stuttgart, Germany (2022).
D.G. Schlom, “AVS 2021 John Thornton Memorial Award Lecture: Oxide MBE Rocks! Reflections on 35+ Years of Oxide MBE,” presented (remotely) at the AVS 67 Virtual Symposium (2021).
D.G. Schlom, “James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2021): Breaking the Rules to Unleash Novel Phenomena in Oxides,” presented (remotely) at the 2021 March Meeting of the American Physical Society (2021).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide Thin Films for High Mobility n-Channel and p-Channel Transistors,” presented (remotely) at SPIE Photonics West (2021).
D.G. Schlom, “Improving the Performance of Today’s best Tunable Microwave Dielectric,” presented (remotely) at the Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics Workshop (2021). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Engineering Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures Utilizing Epitaxy,” presented (remotely) at the Les Houches Summer School: Emergent Electronic States Confined at Interfaces (2020). Available on-line: Part I and Part 2.
R. Steinhardt, M.E. Holtz, P. Barrozo, A. Coleman, I. Glushchenko, C.J. Fennie, D.A. Muller, R. Ramesh, and D.G. Schlom*, “Breaking Symmetries to Create a Robust Room-Temperature Ferrimagnetic Ferroelectric in LuFeO3/CoFe2O4 Superlattices,” presented at the Fall 2019 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2019).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide MBE Rocks!,” presented at the 35th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference (NAMBE 2019) in Ketchum, Idaho (2019). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom* and R. Uecker*, “Development of New Perovskite Substrates Enabling Strain Engineering of Oxide Thin Films,” presented at the 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-19) in Keystone, Colorado (2019). (Frank Prize Talk)
D.G. Schlom, “Growth of Advanced Complex Oxides,” presented at the 17th International Summer School on Crystal Growth (ISSCG-17) in Granby, Colorado (2019).
D.G. Schlom, “Greatest Hits of MBE,” “Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE,” and “Growth of Ruthenates—CaRuO3, SrRuO3, Ca2RuO4, Sr2RuO4, …,” presented at the PARADIM Summer School on MBE+ARPES: Customizing Oxides with Atomic Layer Precision and Measuring their Electronic Structure in Ithaca, New York (2019) Available on-line.
D.G. Schlom, “Thin-Film Alchemy: Engineering Oxide Films to Unleash their Hidden Properties,” presented at AVS Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2018) in Waikoloa, Hawaii (2018).
N.M. Dawley, E.J. Marksz, A.M. Hagerstrom, M.E. Holtz, G.H. Olsen, J. Zhang, C.J. Long, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, D.A. Muller, N.D. Orloff, and D.G. Schlom*, “Applying Chemistry to Make Today’s Best Tunable Millimeter Wave Dielectric even Better,” presented at the Fall 2018 Materials Research Society Meetingin Boston, Massachusetts (2018).
D.G. Schlom, “Applying Chemistry to Make Today’s Best Tunable Millimeter Wave Dielectric even Better,” presented at YUCOMAT 2018 in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (2018).
D.G. Schlom, “Designer Superconductors: Possible Routes to Increase the Tc of Cuprates and Ruthenates,” presented at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics Materials by Design Workshop held at the Flatiron Institute in New York City, New York (2018).
D.G. Schlom, “A Thin Film Approach to Manipulating Quantum Materials,” presented at 9thAmerican Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS 2018) in College Park, Maryland (2018). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Customizing Oxide Interfaces with Atomic Precision,” presented at Interfaces in Energy Materialsin Cambridge, England (2018).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide MBE as a Means to Create Artificial Quantum Materials,” presented at the Fundamentals of Quantum Materials Winter School (2018) in College Park, Maryland (2018). Available on-line.
D.G. Schlom, “A Thin-Film Approach to Manipulating the Electronic Structure of Ruthenates,” presented at Grand Challenges and Opportunities of Quantum Materials – Design, Synthesis, Properties, and Applications in Berlin, Germany (2017). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Atomic Engineering of Ferroic Layers to Create a Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Multiferroic,” presented at the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, SCES 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic (2017).
D.G. Schlom, “Thin-Film Alchemy: Engineering Oxide Films to Unleash their Hidden Properties,” presented at the 3rd Functional Oxide Thin Films for Advanced Energy and Information Technology Conference in Rome, Italy (2017). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “From Lone Wolf to Adventurous Coalition—the Benefits of Collaboration in Materials Discovery,” presented at Physics Next: Materials Design and Discovery in Riverhead, Long Island, New York (2017).
D.G. Schlom, “Four Requests from an Experimentalist to Bold Theorists,” presented at the Theory Winter School—Modeling of Correlated Electron Materials—Materials Genome Meets High Magnetic Fields in Tallahassee, Florida (2017).
D.G. Schlom, “Breaking Synthesis Rules to Cultivate Quantum Materials,” presented at the NSF Workshop on Midscale Instrumentation for Quantum Materials in Arlington, Virginia (2016). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Atomic Engineering of Ferroic Layers to Create a Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Multiferroic,” presented at the Fall 2016 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2016).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Engineering of Ferroic Layers to Create a Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Multiferroic,” presented at the Workshop on an Accelerator Based Source for Nonlinear THz Science @ SwissFEL in Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland (2016).
D.G. Schlom, “Wacky Oxides: Rich Properties in Search of Devices,” presented at the 19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy in Montpellier, France (2016).
D.G. Schlom, “Tuning the Band Structure of Ruthenates with Strain and Dimensionality,” presented at the Symposium on Quantum Materials Synthesis: Grand Challenges and Opportunities in New York City, New York (2016).
D.G. Schlom, “Thin-Film Alchemy: Using Strain and Dimensionality to Unleash the Hidden Properties of Oxides,” presented at the 45th “Jaszowiec” International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors in Szczyrk, Poland (2016).
D.G. Schlom, “Thin-Film Alchemy: Using Strain and Dimensionality to Unleash the Hidden Properties of Oxides,” presented at Electronic Materials and Applications 2016 in Orlando, Florida (2016). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Using Epitaxial Engineering to Statically Unleash Hidden Ground States in Oxide Heterostructures,” presented at the Fall 2015 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2015).
C.H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, Y. Nie, V. Goian, E. Rocas, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, M.D. Biegalski, D.J. Baek, S. Sung, J. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, J. Junquera, P. Ghosez, R. Uecker, X. X. Xi, V. Gopalan, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom*, “World Record Tunable Microwave Dielectrics,” presented at the AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition in San Jose, California (2015).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Engineering of Domain Walls and Distortions to Create a Strong Multiferroic,” presented at the International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (WOE22) in Paris (2015).
D.G. Schlom, “Thin-Film Alchemy,” presented at NanoCity 2015 in Amersfoort, Netherlands (2015). (Keynote Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Wacky Oxides: Rich Properties in Search of Devices,” presented at the 73rd Device Research Conference in Columbus, Ohio (2015).
D.G. Schlom, “Thin-Film Alchemy: Creating Astonishing Properties in Oxide Nanosandwiches,” presented at the MESA+ Meeting in Enschede, Netherlands (2014). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “An Interface Engineering Approach to Room Temperature Magnetoelectric Multiferroics in Ferrite Superlattices,” presented at the Advances in Oxide Materials: Preparation, Properties, Performance workshop in Santa Barbara, California (2014).
D.G. Schlom, “Better Tunable Dielectrics through Defect Engineering,” at the Defects in Semiconductors: Power, Efficiency, and Functionality Gordon Research Conference in Waltham, Massachusetts (2014).
D.G. Schlom, “An Interface Engineering Approach to Room Temperature Magnetoelectric Multiferroics in Ferrite Superlattices,” presented at the International Workshop on Functionality of Oxide Interfaces at Monastery Irsee, Augsburg, Germany (2014).
C.H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, V. Goian, E. Rocas, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, L.F. Kourkoutis, Y. Nie, M.D. Biegalski, J. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom*, “Exploiting Dimensionality and Defect Mitigation to Create Tunable Microwave Dielectrics with Record Performance,” presented at the 41st Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (PCSI-41) in Santa Fe, New Mexico (2014).
C.H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, V. Goian, E. Rocas, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, L.F. Kourkoutis, Y. Nie, M.D. Biegalski, J.-S. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom*, “Exploiting Dimensionality and Defect Mitigation to Create Tunable Microwave Dielectrics with Record Performance,” presented at the 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2013) in Jeju, Korea (2013). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Enhancing Oxide Properties—The Approach of the Modern Alchemist,” presented at the Fall 2013 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2013).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide Film Growth—Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Pulsed Laser Deposition Face-off for Supremacy,” presented at the Fall 2013 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2013). (Tutorial)
D.G. Schlom, “Exploring the Limits of Epitaxy to further Materials by Design,” at the ICAM-I2CAM Digital Design of Materials: The way forward for materials science? in Boston, Massachusetts (2013).
C.H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, V. Goian, E. Rocas, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, L.F. Kourkoutis, Y. Nie, M.D. Biegalski, J.-S. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom*, “Exploiting Dimensionality and Defect Mitigation to Create Tunable Microwave Dielectrics with Record Performance,” presented at the 20th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics in Singapore (2013).
D.G. Schlom, “Enhancing Functional Materials—Tricks of the Modern Alchemist,” at the Indo‐US Symposium on Molecular Materials in Bangalore, India (2013).
D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of Wacky Oxides by MBE,” at the Thin Film & Crystal Growth Mechanisms Gordon Research Seminar in Biddeford, Maine (2013).
D.G. Schlom, “Tweaking the Band Structure of Complex Oxides with Strain and Dimensionality,” at the Symposium on Quantum Hall Effects and Related Topics in Stuttgart, Germany (2013).
D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis of Defect-Mitigating Tunable Dielectric Materials with Atomic-Layer Control,” at the 2013 North American Solid State Chemistry Conference in Corvallis, Oregon (2013).
C-H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T.Birol, Y. Zhu, V. Goian, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, Y. Nie, M.D. Biegalski, J. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, S. Kamba, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom*, “Exploiting Dimensionality and Defect Mitigation to Create Tunable Microwave Dielectrics with Record Performance,” at MAMA-Trend: Trends, Challenges and Emergent New Phenomena in Multi-Functional Materials in Sorrento, Italy (2013). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom* and K. Shen*, “A Modern Spectroscopic Search for New High Temperature Superconductors,” at Superconductivity 297K! Synthetic Highways To Room Temperature Superconductivity in Almaden, California (2012).
D.G. Schlom, “Why Ruin an MBE? Reflections on a Quarter Century of Oxide MBE,” presented at the 29th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference in Stone Mountain Park, Georgia (2012). (MBE Innovator Award Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Engineering of Magnetoelectric Multiferroics,” presented at Magnetoelectrics at the Mesoscale: Satellite Meeting of The Royal Society in Chicheley, England (2012).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxides for Photocatalysis—A Thin Film Approach,” presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Solid State Chemistry in New London, New Hampshire (2012).
D.G. Schlom, “Changing Dielectrics into Ferroelectrics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the Electroceramics XIII conference in Enschede, The Netherlands (2012). (Plenary Lecture)
A. Melville, T. Mairoser, A. Schmehl, D.E. Shai, J.A. Mundy, R.R.M. Held, E.J. Monkman, J.W. Harter, T. Heeg, B. Holländer, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, K.M. Shen, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom*, “Multifunctional Heterostructures Containing a Ferromagnetic Semiconductor with 96% Spin Polarization: EuO,” presented at the International Workshop on Novel Nanomagnetic & Multifunctional Materials 2012 (IW-NMM2012) in Seoul, Korea (2012).
D.G. Schlom, “Utilizing Oxide Interfaces to Getter Point Defects for Improved Tunable Microwave Dielectrics,” presented at the Workshop on Recent Progress in Oxide Interfaces at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing, China (2012).
C.‑H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, L.F. Kourkoutis, V. Goian, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, M.D. Biegalski, N. Benedek, M. Bernhagen, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, V. Gopalan, S. Kamba, X.X. Xi, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, and D.G. Schlom*, “Tailoring the Defect Structure of Epitaxial Tunable Microwave Dielectrics for Improved Performance,” presented at the 2012 Lawrence Symposium on Epitaxy in Scottsdale, Arizona (2012).
C.M. Brooks, R.F. Berger, D. Chvostova, V. Trepakov, N.J. Podraza, L.F. Kourkoutis, T. Heeg, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, A. Dejneka, C.J. Fennie, J.B. Neaton, and D.G. Schlom*, “Manipulating the Band Structure of SrTiO3 with Strain,” presented at the Telluride Workshop on Interfacial Phenomena in Nanostructured Materials and Devices in Telluride, Colorado (2012).
C.‑H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, L.F. Kourkoutis, V. Goian, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, M.D. Biegalski, N. Benedek, M. Bernhagen, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, V. Gopalan, S. Kamba, X.X. Xi, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, and D.G. Schlom*, “Synthesis of Defect-Mitigating Tunable Dielectric Materials with Atomic-Layer Control,” Workshop on Complex Oxide and Multiferroic Thin Film Materials Science, Technologies, and Applications in Tucson, Arizona (2012).
D.G. Schlom, “Changing Dielectrics into Multiferroics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the FIRST-QS2C Workshop on “Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials” in Okinawa, Japan (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide-Based Heterostructures,” presented at the 42nd IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference in Washington, D.C. (2011).
C.M. Brooks, R.F. Berger, D. Chvostova, V. Trepakov, N.J. Podraza, L.F. Kourkoutis, T. Heeg, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, A. Dejneka, C.J. Fennie, J.B. Neaton, and D.G. Schlom*, “Manipulating the Band Structure of SrTiO3 via Strain-Controlled Ferroelectric Phase Transitions,” presented at the Fall 2011 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “MBE + ARPES—A Powerful Combination for Creating and Revealing the Electronic Structure of Correlated Oxides,” presented at the International Workshop Functionality from Heterostructures in Obergurgl, Austria (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “Strain Engineering in Ferroelectrics,” presented at the International School of Oxide Electronics 2011 in Cargèse, Corsica, France (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide Growth Techniques,” presented at the International School of Oxide Electronics 2011 in Cargèse, Corsica, France (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “(BaTiO3)n / (SrTiO3)m Superlattices,” presented at The New Science of Oxide Interfaces: Scientific Discussion Meeting of The Royal Society in London, England (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy: An Introduction with Examples,” presented at the International Summer School on Surfaces and Interfaces in Correlated Oxides in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “Changing Dielectrics into Multiferroics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the INDO-US Meeting on New Functional Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Methods in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India (2011).
C.H. Lee, T. Birol, N.D. Orloff, Y. Zhu, L.F. Kourkoutis, V. Goian, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, M.D. Biegalski, N. Benedek, M. Bernhagen, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, V. Gopalan, S. Kamba, X.X. Xi, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, D.G. Schlom*, and C.J. Fennie, “Nanoscale-Engineered Tunable Microwave Dielectrics,” presented at the Spring 2011 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2011).
D.G. Schlom, “Changing Dielectrics into Multiferroics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the 2011 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Dallas, Texas (2011).
M.P. Warusawithana, C. Richter, L.F. Kourkoutis, J. Mundy, A.A. Pawlicki, S. Paetel, S. Thiel, M. Zheng, B. Mulcahy, C.S. Hellberg, T. Heeg, W. Zander, J. Schubert, J.N. Eckstein, D.A. Muller, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom*, “Effect of Stoichiometry on the Interface Conductivity of La1–xAl1+xO3 Samples Grown by MBE,” presented at the Fall 2010 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2010).
D.G. Schlom*, C.-H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, N. Benedek, L.F. Kourkoutis, H.Q. Wang, Y. Kim, N.J. Podraza, R.F. Berger, E. Vlahos, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, V. Gopalan, X.X. Xi, J.B. Neaton, J.D. Brock, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, I. Takeuchi, and J.C. Booth, “Strained Srn+1TinO3n+1 Phases as a Route to Tunable Dielectrics,” presented at the XIX International Materials Research Congress 2010 in Cancún, Mexico (2010).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxides beyond SiO2 for Microelectronics,” presented at the 16th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDiM 2010) in Bratislava, Slovakia (2010). (Plenary Lecture)
J.H. Lee, L. Fang, E. Vlahos, X. Ke, Y.W. Jung, L.F. Kourkoutis, J.W. Kim, P. Ryan, T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, V. Goian, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, P.C. Hammel, K.M. Rabe, S. Kamba, J. Schubert, J.W. Freeland, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, P. Schiffer, V. Gopalan, E. Johnston-Halperin, and D.G. Schlom*, “Creating a Strong Ferroelectric Ferromagnet via Spin-Phonon Coupling,” presented at the International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF 2010) in San Juan, Puerto Rico (2010).
D.G. Schlom*, C.-H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, L.F. Kourkoutis, H.Q. Wang, Y. Kim, N.J. Podraza, R.F. Berger, E. Vlahos, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, V. Gopalan, X.X. Xi, J.B. Neaton, J.D. Brock, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, I. Takeuchi, and J.C. Booth, “The Effect of Strain and Dimensionality on SrTiO3: The Emergence of Ferroelectricity in Strained Srn+1TinO3n+1,” presented at the Spring 2010 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2010).
D.G. Schlom, “Gate Oxides beyond SiO2 and the High K Materials Revolution,” presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) in Regensburg, Germany (2010).
J.H. Lee, L.F. Kourkoutis, T. Heeg, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom*, L. Fang, Y.W. Jung, C. Hammel, E. Johnston-Halperin, E. Vlahos, X. Ke, V. Gopalan, P. Schiffer, S. Kamba, V. Goian, D. Nuzhnyy, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, E. Šantavá, J. Petzelt, P. Ryan, J.W. Freeland, M. Orlita, M. Roeckerath, J. Schubert, M. Bernhagen, and R. Uecker, “Transforming Dielectrics into Multiferroics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the 16th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics in Tarragona, Spain (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Gate Oxides beyond SiO2 and the High K Materials Revolution,” presented at the XVIII International Materials Research Congress 2009 in Cancún, Mexico (2009). (Plenary Lecture)
J.H. Lee, L.F. Kourkoutis, T. Heeg, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom*, L. Fang, Y.W. Jung, C. Hammel, E. Johnston-Halperin, E. Vlahos, X. Ke, V. Gopalan, P. Schiffer, P. Ryan, J.W. Freeland, M. Roeckerath, J. Schubert, K.M. Rabe, M. Bernhagen, and R. Uecker, “Changing Dielectrics into Multiferroics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the XVIII International Materials Research Congress 2009 in Cancún, Mexico (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Growth of Multifunctional Oxides by MBE,” presented at the 26th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference in Princeton, New Jersey (2009). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Customizing the Layering of Oxides with Atomic-Scale Precision,” presented at the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Physics School on Nanoscaled Oxides—Big Opportunities in Small Structures in Bad Honnef, Germany (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Enhancing Ferroelectrics using Strain: Predictions, Preparation, and Properties,” presented at the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Physics School on Nanoscaled Oxides—Big Opportunities in Small Structures in Bad Honnef, Germany (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Changing Dielectrics into Multiferroics—Alchemy Enabled by Strain,” presented at the 69th Physical Electronics Conference in New Brunswick, New Jersey (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Growth of NanoFerroelectrics by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” presented at the Summer School/Workshop on Nanoferrolectrics in Hangzhou, China (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Enhancing Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics with Strain,” presented at the School on Superconductors and Functional Oxides in Palinuro, Italy (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Integration of Ferroelectric, Ferromagnets, and Multiferroics with Silicon,” presented at the 2009 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2009).
D.G. Schlom, “Gate Oxides beyond SiO2 and the High K Materials Revolution,” presented at the Fall 2008 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2008). Audio available on-line.
D.G. Schlom, “The Effect of Strain on Thin Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Layers,” presented at the International Workshop on Nanoferronics in Aachen, Germany (2008).
D.G. Schlom, “Ferroelectric, Ferromagnetic, and Multiferroic Oxide Thin Films: Basic Physics, Emerging Applications, and their Growth by MBE,” presented at the 6th International Workshop on LEEM-PEEM in Trieste, Italy (2008).
D.G. Schlom, “Preparation and Properties of Single-Phase Magnetic Ferroelectrics,” presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Nanostructures in Aussois, France (2008).
D.G. Schlom, “Gate Oxides beyond SiO2 and their Integration with Silicon,” presented at the 2008 International Symposium on Higher-k Dielectrics in Stanford, California (2008).
D.G. Schlom*, J.M. Panfile, T. Heeg, C. Adamo, M. Warusawithana, N. Goel, S. Koveshnikov, P. Majhi, W. Tsai, C.M. Garner, D.H. Choi, J.S. Harris, Y. Nishi, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, R. Kambhampati, S. Oktyabrsky, Y. Sun, P. Pianetta, H. Wen, C. Gaspe, J.C. Keay, M.B. Santos, L.V. Goncharova, E. Garfunkel, T. Gustafsson, “Gate Dielectrics with High K, High Eg, and Stability in Contact with III-V Semiconductors,” presented at the International Conference on Electronic Materials 2008 (IUMRS-ICEM 2008) in Sydney, Australia (2008).
D.G. Schlom, “A Thin Film Approach to Engineering Functionality into Oxides,” presented at the Workshop on Frontiers in Complex Oxides in Santa Barbara, California (2008).
D.G. Schlom*, J.F. Ihlefeld, J.H. Lee, W. Tian, T. Heeg, A. Kumar, N.J. Podraza, X. Ke, P. Schiffer, Z.K. Liu, V. Gopalan, L.W. Martin, R. Ramesh, C.J. Fennie, J.W. Freeland, V. Goian, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Veljko, P. Kuzel, V. Bovtun, E. Santava, M. Kempa, S. Kamba, D.Nuzhnyy, M.Orlita, J. Schubert, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.A. Muller, R.C. Rai, X. Xu, J.L. Musfeldt, J. Li, R.W. Collins, M. Bernhagen, B. Velickov, and R. Uecker, “Growth of BiFeO3, BiMnO3, and EuTiO3 by MBE,” presented at the 235th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition in New Orleans, Louisiana (2008).
D.G. Schlom*, J.M. Panfile, M. Warusawithana, C. Adamo, T. Heeg, N. Goel, S. Koveshnikov, P. Majhi, W. Tsai, C.M. Garner, D.H. Choi, J.S. Harris, Y. Nishi, Y. Sun, P. Pianetta, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, R. Kambhampati, S. Oktyabrsky, H. Wen, C. Gaspe, J.C. Keay, M.B. Santos, L.V. Goncharova, E. Garfunkel, and T. Gustafsson, “Gate Dielectrics with High K, High Optical Bandgap, and Stability in Contact with III-V Semiconductors,” presented at the Spring 2008 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2008).
D.G. Schlom*, M.D. Biegalski, A. Soukiassian, J.H. Haeni, J.H. Lee, R.W. Ulbricht, C.M. Brooks, Y. Jia, V. Vaithyanathan, W. Tian, X. Ke, D.A. Tenne, A.V. Rao, A. Kumar, L. Tian, A. Sharan, S. Choudhury, P. Schiffer, S. Trolier-McKinstry, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, K.J. Choi, D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, Y.B. Chen, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, D.D. Fong, M.A. Zurbuchen, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, S.K. Streiffer, P. Irvin, J. Levy, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cros, A. Cantarero, Y.L. Li, M.E. Hawley, Q.X. Jia, C.J. Fennie, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, A.K. Tagantsev, M. Bernhagen, B. Velickov, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Strain-Enhanced Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics grown by MBE,” presented at the AVS 54th International Symposium & Exhibition in Seattle, Washington (2007).
D.G. Schlom*, J.F. Ihlefeld, A. Soukiassian, M.D. Biegalski, J.H. Lee, M. Warusawithana, C.M. Brooks, R.W. Ulbricht, J.H. Haeni, V. Vaithyanathan, W. Tian, X. Ke, D.A. Tenne, A.V. Rao, A. Kumar, L. Tian, A. Sharan, S. Choudhury, P. Schiffer, S. Trolier-McKinstry, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, L.W. Martin, Y.H. Chu, J. Orenstein, R. Ramesh, C. Cen, C. Sleasman, P. Irvin, J. Levy, K.J. Choi, D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, C.J. Fennie, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, D.D. Fong, M.A. Zurbuchen, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, O.H. Auciello, S.K. Streiffer, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, M. Bernhagen, B. Velickov, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, V. Sherman, A.K. Tagantsev, Y.B. Chen, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cros, A. Cantarero, Y.L. Li, M.E. Hawley, Q.X. Jia, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.A. Muller, J. Klug, M.J. Bedzyk, J.C. Woicik, L.P. Wang, H. Li, P. Ryan, W. Chang, and S.W. Kirchoefer, “Synthesis of Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics by MBE,” presented at the International Workshop on Synthesis of Functional Oxide Materials in Santa Barbara, California (2007).
D.G. Schlom*, M.D. Biegalski, A. Soukiassian, J.H. Haeni, J.H. Lee, R.W. Ulbricht, C.M. Brooks, Y. Jia, V. Vaithyanathan, W. Tian, X. Ke, D.A. Tenne, A.V. Rao, A. Kumar, L. Tian, A. Sharan, S. Choudhury, Y.L. Li, P. Schiffer, S. Trolier-McKinstry, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, K.J. Choi, D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, Y.B. Chen, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, D.D. Fong, M.A. Zurbuchen, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, S.K. Streiffer, P. Irvin, J. Levy, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cros, A. Cantarero, M.E. Hawley, Q.X. Jia, C.J. Fennie, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, A.K. Tagantsev, M. Bernhagen, B. Velickov, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Enhancing Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics using Strain,” presented at the International Conference on Electroceramics (ICE 2007) in Arusha, Tanzania (2007).
D.G. Schlom*, M.D. Biegalski, A. Soukiassian, J.H. Haeni, J.H. Lee, R.W. Ulbricht, C.M. Brooks, Y. Jia, V. Vaithyanathan, W. Tian, X. Ke, D.A. Tenne, A.V. Rao, A. Kumar, L. Tian, A. Sharan, S. Choudhury, Y.L. Li, P. Schiffer, S. Trolier-McKinstry, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, K.J. Choi, D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, Y.B. Chen, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, D.D. Fong, M.A. Zurbuchen, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, S.K. Streiffer, P. Irvin, J. Levy, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cantarero, M.E. Hawley, Q.X. Jia, C.J. Fennie, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, A.K. Tagantsev, B. Velickov, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Enhancing Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics using Strain,” presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) in Regensburg, Germany (2007).
D.G. Schlom, “Ferroelectricity in (BaTiO3)n/(SrTiO3)m Superlattices Containing as Few as one BaTiO3 Layer (n=1),” presented at the 2007 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Denver, Colorado (2007).
D.G. Schlom*, D.A. Tenne, X.X. Xi, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti Kimura, A. Fainstein, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cantarero, A. Soukiassian, V. Vaithyanathan, J.H. Haeni, W. Tian, K.J. Choi, C.-B. Eom, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, Q.X. Jia, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, B. Velickov, and R. Uecker, “Ferroelectricity in (BaTiO3)n/(SrTiO3)m Superlattices Grown by MBE with n ≥ 1,” presented at the International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics 2006 (ISAF 2006) in Sunset Beach, North Carolina (2006).
D.G. Schlom*, A. Soukiassian, M.D. Biegalski, W. Tian, D.A. Tenne, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, X.X. Xi, N.D. Lanzillotti Kimura, A. Bruchhausen, A. Fainstein, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, K. Johnston, K. M. Rabe, A. Cross, A. Cantarero, R.S. Katiyar, M.E. Hawley, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Growth of Ferroelectric BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices by MBE,” presented at the Fall 2005 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2005).
D.G. Schlom*, M.D. Biegalski, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, A. Sharan, A.V. Rao, W. Tian, S. Choudhury, V. Vaithyanathan, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, M.A. Zurbuchen, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, P. Irvin, J. Levy, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, J. Schubert, M.E. Hawley, A.K. Tagantsev, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Enhancing Ferroelectrics using Strain,” presented at the 2005 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties in Les Diablerets, Switzerland (2005).
D.G. Schlom*, M.D. Biegalski, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, A. Sharan, A.V. Rao, W. Tian, S. Choudhury, V. Vaithyanathan, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, M.A. Zurbuchen, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, P. Irvin, J. Levy, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, J. Schubert, M.E. Hawley, A.K. Tagantsev, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Straining Ferroelectrics to New Limits,” presented at the International Conference on Perovskites—Properties and Potential Applications in Dübendorf, Switzerland (2005). (Keynote Lecture)
D.G. Schlom*, M.D. Biegalski, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, A. Sharan, A.V. Rao, W. Tian, S. Choudhury, V. Vaithyanathan, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, M.A. Zurbuchen, P. Irvin, J. Levy, X.Q. Pan, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, M.E. Hawley, A.K. Tagantsev, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Inducing Ferroelectricity in SrTiO3 using Strain,” presented at Optics & Photonics (SPIE’s 50th Annual Meeting) in San Diego, California (2005).
C.B. Eom and D.G. Schlom*, “Giant Enhancement of Ferroelectricity in Strained BaTiO3 Thin Films,” presented at Optics & Photonics (SPIE’s 50th Annual Meeting) in San Diego, California (2005).
D.G. Schlom*, W. Tian, M.D. Biegalski, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, V. Vaithyanathan, A. Sharan, A.V. Rao, S. Choudhury, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, A. Soukiassian, D.A. Tenne, E. Hutchinson, B.L. Sheu, M.M. Rosario, P. Schiffer, Y. Liu, X.X. Xi, D.D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, M.A. Zurbuchen, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, P. Irvin, J. Levy, W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, J. Schubert, A.K. Tagantsev, M.E. Hawley, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Customizing Perovskites Using Oxide MBE,” presented at the Spring 2005 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2005).
D.G. Schlom, “Enhancing Ferroelectrics using Strain,” presented at the 2005 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Los Angeles, California (2005).
D.G. Schlom, “The Epitaxial Integration of Functional Oxides with Semiconductors,” presented at the 2004 Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth (BACG) in Leeds, England (2004). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, “Suppression of Subcutaneous Oxidation during the Deposition of Amorphous LaAlO3 on Silicon,” presented at the 34th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference in Washington, D.C. (2003).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, L.F. Edge, Y. Jia, M.D. Biegalski, V. Vaithyanathan, S-G. Lim, S. Trolier‑McKinstry, T.N. Jackson, Y. Yang, S. Stemmer, O. Trithaveesak, J. Schubert, S.A. Chambers, H. Li, Y. Wei, and K. Eisenbeiser, J.L. Freeouf, C. Hinkle, G. Lucovsky, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Si-Compatible Alternative Gate Dielectrics with High and High Bandgap,” presented at the 10th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics in Augsburg, Germany (2003).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxides Beyond SiO2: Strategies to Integrate Oxides Epitaxially with Silicon,” presented at the 30th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2003) in San Diego, California (2003).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, M.D. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, S. Choudhury, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, P. Irvin, J. Levy, W. Chang, S. Kirchoefer, J.B. Neaton, C. Fennie, K.M. Rabe, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, M.E. Hawley, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Epitaxial Engineering of Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics,” presented at the International Conference on Electroceramics (ICE 2003) in Boston, Massachusetts (2003).
D.G. Schlom, “Engineering Ferroelectrics using Strain,” presented at the 15th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE‑15) in Keystone, Colorado (2003).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, M.D. Biegalski, S. Trolier-McKinstry, P. Irvin, J. Levy, W. Chang, S. Kirchoefer, O. Trithaveesak, J. Schubert, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, M.E. Hawley, B. Craigo, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Growth of Homogeneously Strained SrTiO3 by MBE for Tunable Dielectric Applications,” presented at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2003) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2003).
D.G. Schlom*, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, J.H. Haeni, B.T. Liu, K. Maki, Y. So, V. Nagarajan, R. Ramesh, S.K. Eah, J. Levy, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, D.M. Kim, S. Bu, C.B. Eom, J. Stephens, V. Sih, and D.D. Awschalom, “The Epitaxial Integration of Functional Oxides with Silicon Using MBE,” presented at the American Ceramic Society 105th Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee (2003).
D.G. Schlom, “Oxides on Silicon for Alternative Gate Dielectrics and Much More,” presented at the 15th Annual International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF) in Colorado Springs, Colorado (2003).
D.G. Schlom, “Bringing Oxides into the Silicon World: Strategies to Integrate Functional Oxides Epitaxially with Silicon,” presented at the 132nd TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition in San Diego, California (2003).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Alternative Gate Dielectrics (and More),” presented at the 30th Conference on The Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI-30) in Salt Lake City, Utah (2003).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, L.F. Edge, V. Vaithyanathan, Y. Yang, S. Stemmer, H. Li, Y. Wei, K. Eisenbeiser, S-G. Lim, T.N. Jackson, J.L. Freeouf, G. Lucovsky, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Si-Compatible Alternative Gate Dielectrics with High K and High Optical Bandgap,” presented at the Fall 2002 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2002).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon for Alternative Gate Dielectrics and More,” presented at the AVS 49th International Symposium in Denver, Colorado (2002).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Engineering of Ferroelectrics and Use of Diffraction Techniques to Assess the Structural Quality and Crystallographic Orientation of Ferroelectric Films,” presented at the Pan-American Advanced Study Institute (PASI) on Science and Technology of Ferroelectric Materials in Rosario, Argentina (2002).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, B.T. Liu, K. Maki, Y. So, V. Nagarajan, R. Ramesh, D.M. Kim, S.D. Bu, C.B. Eom, J.B. Neaton, C. Fennie, K.M. Rabe, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “The Nano-Engineering of Perovskite Oxides by MBE,” presented at the Fourteenth American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE‑14) in Seattle, Washington (2002).
D.G. Schlom, “The Why and How of Oxide MBE,” presented at the Fourteenth American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE‑14) in Seattle, Washington (2002). (Tutorial)
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, M.A. Zurbuchen, C.D. Theis, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, J.B. Neaton, C. Fennie, K.M. Rabe, A.M. Santos, and A.K. Cheetham, “Epitaxial Engineering of Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics,”presented at SPIE’s 47th Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington (2002).
D.G. Schlom, “MBE Growth of Epitaxial Oxides on Silicon,” presented at the 2002 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Indianapolis, Indiana (2002).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Engineering of Oxide Films, Superlattices, and New Compounds,” presented at the International Workshop on Oxidic Interfaces in Wittenberg, Germany (2002).
D.G. Schlom, “Si-Compatible Gate Dielectrics with High K, High Eg, and an MBE Approach to their Synthesis,” presented at SEMICON Southwest 2001 in Austin, Texas (2001).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Engineering of Ferroelectric and Dielectric Thin Films,” presented at the 13th International Conference on Crystal Growth in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy in Kyoto, Japan (2001).
D.G. Schlom, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, S-G. Lim, S. Trolier-McKinstry, T.N. Jackson, J.L. Freeouf, J.M. Finder, A.M. Balbashov, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, R.R.M. Held, S. Völk, and F. Lichtenberg, “Si‑Compatible Gate Dielectrics with High K, High Optical Bandgap, and their Epitaxy on Silicon,” presented at the 43rd Electronic Materials Conference in Notre Dame, Indiana (2001).
Z.K. Liu, D.G. Schlom*, Q. Li, and X.X. Xi, “Thermodynamics of the Mg-B System and its Implications for the in situ Deposition of MgB2 Thin Films,” presented at the Spring 2001 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2001).
D.G. Schlom, “Use of X‑Ray Diffraction to Assess the Quality and Crystallographic Orientation of Oxide Thin Films,” presented at the Spring 2001 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2001). (Tutorial)
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, S-G. Lim, K.J. Hubbard, S. Trolier-McKinstry, T.N. Jackson, J.L. Freeouf, C.A. Billman, A.M. Balbashov, R. Uecker, A.G. Petrosyan, R.R.M. Held, S. Völk, and F. Lichtenberg, “Si-Compatible Gate Oxides with High K, High Optical Bandgap, and their Epitaxy on Si (100),” presented at the 13th Annual International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF) in Colorado Springs, Colorado (2001).
D.G. Schlom, “Physical Vapor Deposition Techniques—Sputtering, PLD, and MBE,” presented at the 13th Annual International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF) in Colorado Springs, Colorado (2001). (Tutorial)
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, C.D. Theis, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, G.W. Brown and M.E. Hawley, “Oxide Nano-Engineering using MBE,” presented at the Lawrence Symposium on Critical Issues in Epitaxy in Scottsdale, Arizona (2001).
D.G. Schlom*, M.A. Zurbuchen, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, C.D. Theis, J. Yeh, A.H. Carim, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, G.W. Brown, and M.E. Hawley, “The Interrelationship between Interfaces and the Structural Customization on the Nanometer Scale of Oxide Films, Superlattices, and New Compounds,” presented at the Fall 2000 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (2000).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, C.D. Theis, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, G.W. Brown, and M.E. Hawley “The Importance of in situ Monitors in the Preparation of Layered Oxide Heterostructures by Reactive MBE,” presented at the Spring ‘00 Materials Research Society Meeting in San Francisco, California (2000).
D.G. Schlom, “Physical Deposition Methods: Sputtering, PLD, and MBE,” presented at the 12th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF 2000) in Aachen, Germany (2000). (Tutorial)
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, W. Tian, L‑N. Zou, M.A. Zurbuchen, Y. Jia, G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, A.H. Carim, Y. Liu, and X.Q. Pan, “Growth of Superconductor-Related Layered Ruthenates and Layered Titanates,” presented at the Fall ‘99 Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts (1999).
D.G. Schlom*, J. Lettieri, M.A. Zurbuchen, C.D. Theis, J.H. Haeni, Y. Jia, S. Wozniak, G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Substrates for Epitaxial Oxide Films—A Film Grower’s Perspective,” presented at the 11th American Conference on Crystal Growth & Epitaxy in Tucson, Arizona (1999).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, C.D. Theis, J. Lettieri, M.A. Zurbuchen, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, L‑N. Zou, G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, Y. Liu, and X.Q. Pan, “Nano-Engineering Perovskites: An Epitaxial Perspective (with examples),” presented at the 3rd STCS-CNRS Workshop in Evanston, Illinois (1999).
D.G. Schlom*, C.D. Theis, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, W. Si, X.X. Xi, G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, H. Li, R. Ramesh, O. Auciello, J. Im, A.R. Krauss, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Epitaxial Growth of Aurivillius Phases by MBE and PLD,” presented at the 11th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF ’99) in Colorado Springs, Colorado (1999).
D.G. Schlom*, C.A. Billman, P. Tan, and K.J. Hubbard, “High-K Candidates for use as the Gate Oxide in Silicon MOSFETs,” presented at the 5th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics in College Park, Maryland (1998).
D.G. Schlom*, C.D. Theis, J. Lettieri, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, G.W. Brown, and M.E. Hawley, “Adsorption-Controlled growth of Bismuth Titanate, Lead Titanate, and their Superlattices,” presented at the International Workshop on Chemical Designing and Processing of High‑Tc Superconductors IV (Chem-HTSC IV) in Tokyo, Japan (1998).
D.G. Schlom*, J.H. Haeni, C.D. Theis, J. Lettieri, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, L‑N. Zou, G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, Y. Liu, and X.Q. Pan, “The Emergence of Molecular Beam Epitaxy as a Means to Build Smart Oxide Heterostructures with Nanometer Precision,” presented at the 56th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1998).
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth and Properties of Perovskite Thin Films,” presented at The 12th International Conference on Crystal Growth in conjunction with The 10th International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy in Jerusalem, Israel (1998).
D.G. Schlom, Y. Jia, L.-N. Zou, J.H. Hanei, M.A. Zurbuchen, S. Briczinski, C.W. Leitz, S. Wozniak, Y. Liu, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, "Searching for Superconductivity in Epitaxial Films of Copper-Free Layered Oxides with the K2NiF4 Structure," presented at the 43rd SPIE Annual Meeting in San Diego, California (1998).
D.G. Schlom, C.D. Theis, J.H. Hanei, G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, J.C. Jiang, and X.Q. Pan, "The Growth of Titanate Perovskites with Unit Cell Precision by MBE," presented at the 40th Electronic Materials Conference in Charlottesville, Virginia (1998).
D.G. Schlom, C.D. Theis, J.P. Lettieri, and J.H. Hanei, "MBE Growth of Oxide Superconductor Films using Real-Time Atomic Absorption Composition Control," presented at the 215th Spring National American Chemical Society Meeting in Dallas, Texas (1998).
D.G. Schlom, C.D. Theis, J. Lettieri, B.J. Gibbons, and S. Trolier-McKinstry, "MBE Growth of Oxides using Real-Time AA and RHEED Control," presented at the Fall '97 Materials Research Society Meetingin Boston, Massachusetts (1997).
D.G. Schlom, S.B. Knapp, S. Wozniak, Ying Liu, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, "Growth of Epitaxial (Sr,Ba)n+1RunO3n+1 Films," presented at the3rd European Conference on Applied Superconductivity in Veldhoven, The Netherlands (1997).
D.G. Schlom, C.D. Theis, and M.E. Hawley, "The Controlled Growth of Perovskite Thin Films: Opportunities, Challenges, and Synthesis," presented at the American Ceramic Society 99th Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio (1997).
D.G. Schlom, C.D. Theis, and C.J. Kraisinger "MBE Growth of Perovskite Thin Films using Real-Time Atomic Absorption Composition Control," presented at The First Yamazaki International Symposium on Oxide Materials with Optoelectronic Functions and 3rd International Symposium on Oxide Electronics in Tokyo, Japan (1996).
D.G. Schlom, J. Mannhart, and J.G. Bednorz, "High-Tc Superconductor Field-Effect Microstructures: An Overview," presented at the SPIE OE/LASE '94 International Symposium in Los Angeles, California (1994).
D.G. Schlom, "Epitaxial Growth of Cuprate Superconductors from the Gas Phase," presented at the Ninth American Conference on Crystal Growth (ACCG-9) in Baltimore, Maryland (1993).
D.G. Schlom, "Epitaxial Growth of High Temperature Superconductors from the Gas Phase," presented at the International Workshop on Superconductivity Co-Sponsored by ISTEC and MRS: Controlled Growth of Single- and Poly-Crystals of High Temperature Superconductors in Honolulu, Hawaii (1992). (Plenary Lecture)
D.G. Schlom, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, R. Broom, A. Catana, T. Frey, Ch. Gerber, H.-J. Güntherodt, H.P. Lang, J. Mannhart, and K.A. Müller, "Towards the Growth Mechanism of Sputtered and Laser-Ablated YBa2Cu3O7-d Films and Implications for Josephson Electronic Components," presented at theInternational Workshop on Physics and Technology of HTS Artificial Structures for Josephson Electronics in Tokyo, Japan (1991).
D.G. Schlom, A.F. Marshall, J.S. Harris, Jr., I. Bozovic, and J.N. Eckstein, "Growth of Metastable Phases and Superlattice Structures of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Compounds by an Atomic Layering MBE Technique," presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Superconductivity in Sendai, Japan (1990).
D.G. Schlom, A.F. Marshall, J.S. Harris, Jr., I. Bozovic, and J.N. Eckstein, "Growth of Metastable Phases and Superlattice Structures of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Compounds by an Atomic Layering MBE Technique," presented at the Symposium of Superconductivity of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy in Kyoto, Japan (1990).
D.G. Schlom, J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, Z.J. Chen, A.F. Marshall, K.E. von Dessonneck, and J.S. Harris, Jr., "Molecular beam epitaxy-a path to novel high Tc superconductors?," presented at the joint SPIE session on Growth of Semiconductor Structures and High Tc Thin Films on Semiconductors and High Tc Superconductivity: Thin Films and Applications in San Diego, California (1990).
Journal Publications
A.J. Reese, S. Gelin, M. Maalouf, N. Wadehra, L. Zhang, G. Hautier, D.G. Schlom, I. Dabo, and J. Suntivich, “Tracking Water Dissociation on RuO2(110) Using Atomic Force Microscopy and First-Principles Simulations,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024) 32080–32087.
S. Lee, X. Zhang, P. Abdollahi, M.R. Barone, C. Dong, Y.J. Yoo, M-K. Song, D. Lee, J-E. Ryu, J-H. Choi, J-H. Lee, J.A. Robinson, D.G. Schlom, H.S. Kum, C.S. Chang, A. Seo, and J. Kim, “Route to Enhancing Remote Epitaxy of Perovskite Complex Oxide Thin Films,” ACS Nano 18 (2024) 31225−31233.
G.M. Ferguson, H.P. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, L. Miao, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and K.C. Nowack, “Local Magnetic Response of Superconducting Sr2RuO4 Thin Films,” Physical Review B 110 (2024) 144510-1 – 144510-8.
P. Dulal, E. Amonette, D. Sotir, M.R. Barone, B. Ramanujam, A. Shan, D.G. Schlom, and N.J. Podraza, “Near Infrared to Vacuum Ultraviolet Optical Properties of GdScO3,” Journal of Applied Physics 136 (2024) 135301-1 – 135301-8.
L.N. Majer, T. Acartürk, P.A. van Aken, W. Braun, L. Camuti, J. Eckl-Haese, J. Mannhart, T. Onuma, K.S. Rabinovich, D.G. Schlom, S. Smink, U. Starke, J. Steele, P. Vogt, H. Wang, and F.V.E. Hensling, “Adsorption-controlled Growth of Homoepitaxial c-Plane Sapphire Films,” APL Materials 12 (2024) 091112-1 – 091112-11.
P. Meisenheimer, M. Ramesh, S. Husain, I. Harris, H.W. Park, S. Zhou, H. Taghinejad, H. Zhang, L.W. Martin, J. Analytis, P. Stevenson, J. Íñiguez-González, S.K. Kim, D.G. Schlom, L. Caretta, Z. Yao, and R. Ramesh, “Designed Spin-Texture-Lattice to Control Anisotropic Magnon Transport in Antiferromagnets,” Advanced Materials 36 (2024) 2404639-1 – 2404639-8.
J.P. Ruf, H.M.L. Noad, R. Grasset, L. Miao, E. Zhakina, P.H. McGuinness, H.P. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, N. Kikugawa, D. Sokolov, M. Konczykowski, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and A.P. Mackenzie, “Controllable Suppression of the Unconventional Superconductivity in Bulk and Thin-Film Sr2RuO4 via High-Energy Electron Irradiation,” Physical Review Research 6 (2024) 033178-1 – 033178-17.
Q. Song, Z. He, B.D. Faeth, C.T. Parzyck, A. Scheid, C.J. Mowers, Y. Feng, Q. Xu, S. Hasko, J. Park, M.R. Barone, Y.E. Suyolcu, P.A. van Aken, B. Pamuk, C.J. Fennie, P.D.C. King, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Surface Reconstructions and Electronic Structure of Metallic Delafossite Thin Films,” APL Materials 12 (2024) 081117-1 – 081117-9.
S-L. Shang, S. Lin, M.C. Gao, D.G. Schlom, and Z.K. Liu, “Ellingham Diagrams of Binary Oxides,” APL Materials 12 (2024) 081110-1 – 081110-10.
O.Y. Gorobtsov, L. Miao, Z. Shao, Y. Tan, N.I. Schnitzer, B.H. Goodge, J. Ruf, D. Weinstock, M. Cherukara, M.V. Holt, H. Nair, L.Q. Chen, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and A. Singer, “Spontaneous Supercrystal Formation During a Strain-Engineered Metal-Insulator Transition,” Advanced Materials 36 (2024) 2403873-1 – 2403873-9.
D. Tian, L. Miao, L. Si, N.J. Schreiber, S. Shen, J. Zhang, X. Shu, X. Wang, H.P. Nair, J.P. Ruf, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and P. Yu, “Tuning the Electronic and Magnetic States of Ca2RuO4 with Proton Evolution,” Physical Review Materials 8 (2024) 074408-1 – 074408-10.
S. Husain, I. Harris, P. Meisenheimer, S. Mantri, X. Li, M. Ramesh, P. Behera, H. Taghinejad, J. Kim, P. Kavle, S. Zhou, T.Y. Kim, H. Zhang, P. Stephenson, J.G. Analytis, D.G. Schlom, S. Salahuddin, J. Iñiguez-González, B. Xu, L.W. Martin, L. Caretta, Y. Han, L. Bellaiche, Z. Yao, and R. Ramesh, “Non-Volatile Magnon Transport in a Single Domain Multiferroic,” Nature Communications 15 (2024) 5966.
X. Huang, X. Chen, Y. Li, J. Mangeri, H. Zhang, M. Ramesh, H. Taghinejad, P. Meisenheimer, L. Caretta, S. Susarla, R. Jain, C. Klewe, T. Wang, R. Chen, C-H. Hsu, I. Harris, S. Husain, H. Pan, J. Yin, P. Shafer, Z. Qiu, D.R. Rodrigues, O. Heinonen, D. Vasudevan, J. Iñiguez, D.G. Schlom, S. Salahuddin, L.W. Martin, J.G. Analytis, D.C. Ralph, R. Cheng, Z. Yao, and R. Ramesh, “Manipulating Chiral Spin Transport with Ferroelectric Polarization,” Nature Materials 23 (2024) 898–904.
K.A. Hunnestad, H. Das, C. Hatzoglou, M. Holtz, C.M. Brooks, A.T.J. van Helvoort, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, J.A. Mundy, and D. Meier, “3D Oxygen Vacancy Distribution and Defect-Property Relations in an oxide Heterostructure,” Nature Communications 15 (2024) 5400-1 – 5400-6.
Q. Wang, S. Mustafi, E. Fogh, N. Astrakhantsev, Z. He, I. Biało, Y. Chan, L. Martinelli, M. Horio, O. Ivashko, N.E. Shaik, K. von Arx, Y. Sassa, E. Paris, M.H. Fischer, Y. Tseng, N.B. Christensen, A. Galdi, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, T. Schmitt, H.M. Rønnow, and J. Chang, “Magnon Interactions in a Moderately Correlated Mott Insulator,” Nature Communications 15 (2024) 5348-1 – 5348-7.
N. Li, H.J. Lee, D.S. Gyan, Y. Ahn, E.C. Landahl, J. Carnis, J.Y. Lee, T.Y. Kim, S. Unithrattil, J.Y. Jo, S.H. Chun, S. Kim, S-Y. Park, I. Eom, C. Adamo, S.J. Li, J.Z. Kaaret, D.G. Schlom, H. Wen, N.A. Benedek, and P.G. Evans, “Ultrafast Optically Induced Perturbation of Oxygen Octahedral Rotations in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films,” Nano Letters 24 (2024) 6417−6424.
A. Verma, D. Golež, O.Y. Gorobtsov, K. Kaj, R. Russell, J.Z. Kaaret, E. Lamb, G. Khalsa, H.P. Nair, Y. Sun, R. Bouck, N. Schreiber, J.P. Ruf, V. Ramaprasad, Y. Kubota, T. Togashi, V.A. Stoica, H. Padmanabhan, J.W. Freeland, N.A. Benedek, O. Shpyrko, J.W. Harter, R.D. Averitt, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, A.J. Millis, and A. Singer, “Picosecond Volume Expansion Drives a Later-Time Insulator-Metal Transition in a Nano-Textured Mott Insulator,” Nature Physics 20 (2024) 807–814.
M. Goiriena, Z. Xiao, R. Steinhardt, V. Estrada, N. Tamura, R.V. Chopdekar, A.T. N’Diaye, A. Sepúlveda, D.G. Schlom, R.N. Candler, and J. Bokor, “Imaging of Voltage-Controlled Switching of Magnetization in Highly Magnetostrictive Epitaxial Fe-Ga Microstructures,” Nanoscale 16 (2024) 9021–9028.
F.V.E. Hensling, D. Dahliah, M.A. Smeaton, B. Shrestha, V. Show, C.T. Parzyck, C. Hennighausen, G.N. Kotsonis, G.-M. Rignanese, M.R. Barone, I. Subedi, A.S. Disa, K.M. Shen, B.D. Faeth, A.T. Bollinger, I. Božović, N.J. Podreza, L.F. Kourkoutis, G. Hautier, and D.G. Schlom, “Is Ba3In2O6 a High-Tc Superconductor?,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36 (2024) 315602-1 – 315602-14.
J. Steele, K. Azizie, N. Pieczulewski, Y. Kim, S. Mou, T.J. Asel, A.T. Neal, D. Jena, H.G. Xing, D.A. Muller, T. Onuma, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth of α-(AlxGa1–x)2O3 by Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy at 1 µm/h,” APL Materials 12 (2024) 041113-1 – 041113-12.
B. Cromer, D. Saraswat, N. Pieczulewski, W. Li, K. Nomoto, F.V.E. Hensling, K. Azizie, H.P. Nair, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Muller, D. Jena, and H.G. Xing, “Over 6 MV/cm Operation in β-Ga2O3 Schottky Barrier Diodes with IrO2 and RuO2 Anodes Deposited by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 42 (2024) 033206-1 – 033206-8.
C.T. Parzyck, N.K. Gupta, Y. Wu, V. Anil, L. Bhatt, M. Bouliane, R. Gong, B.Z. Gregory, A. Luo, R. Sutarto, F. He, Y.-D. Chuang, T. Zhou, G. Herranz, L.F. Kourkoutis, A. Singer, D.G. Schlom, D.G. Hawthorn, and K.M. Shen, “Absence of 3a0 Charge Density Wave Order in the Infinite-Layer Nickelate NdNiO2,” Nature Materials 23 (2024) 486–491.
V.J. Fratello, L.A. Boatner, H.A. Dabkowska, A. Dabkowski, T. Siegrist, K. Wei, C. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Brützam, D.G. Schlom, and S. Subramanian, “Solid Solution Perovskite Substrate Materials with Indifferent Points,” Journal of Crystal Growth 634 (2024) 127606-1 – 127606-14.
C.T. Parzyck, V. Anil, Y. Wu, B.H. Goodge, M. Roddy, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Synthesis of Thin Film Infinite-Layer Nickelates by Atomic Hydrogen Reduction: Clarifying the Role of the Capping Layer,” APL Materials 12 (2024) 031132-1 – 031132-12.
G. Stone, Y. Shi, M. Jerry, V. Stoica, H. Paik, Z. Cai, D.G. Schlom, R. Engel-Herbert, S. Datta, H. Wen, L.Q. Chen, and V. Gopalan, “In-Operando Spatiotemporal Imaging of Coupled Film-Substrate Elastodynamics During an Insulator-to-Metal Transition,” Advanced Materials 36 (2024) 2312673-1 – 2312673-10.
J.P. McCandless, C.A. Gorsak, V. Protasenko, D.G. Schlom, M.O. Thompson, H.G. Xing, D. Jena, and H.P. Nair, “Accumulation and Removal of Si Impurities on β-Ga2O3 Arising from Ambient Air Exposure,” Applied Physics Letters 124 (2024) 111601-1 – 111601-5.
Y. Hu, D.G. Schlom, S. Datta, and K. Cho, “Ab Initio Design of Pb2+-based Ternary Oxides for Phase Stable and Hole Dopable p-Type Oxides,” Chemistry of Materials 36 (2024) 742–751.
L.W. Martin, J-P. Maria, and D.G. Schlom, “Lifting the Fog in Ferroelectric Thin-Film Synthesis,” Nature Materials 23 (2024) 9–10.
Y-C. Luo, A. Khanna, B. Grisafe, J. Sun, S. Dutta, L.E. Noskin, C. Adamo, A.B. Mei, R.K. Ghosh, M. Colletta, M.E. Holtz, V. Gambin, L.F. Kourkoutis, S. Yu, D.G. Schlom, and S. Datta, “Correlated Oxide Selector for Cross-point Embedded Non-Volatile Memory,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 71 (2024) 916–921.
K.T. Smith, C.A. Gorsak, A. Kalra, B.J. Cromer, K. Azizie, D.M. Dryden, D.G. Schlom, D. Jena, H.P. Nair, and H.G. Xing, “Non-Alloyed Ohmic Contacts to (010) β-Ga2O3 with Low Contact Resistance,” Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 242101-1 – 242101-7.
S. Raghuvansy, J.P. McCandless, M. Schowalter, A. Karg, M. Alonso-Orts, M.S. Williams, C. Tessarek, S. Figge, K. Nomoto, H.G. Xing, D.G. Schlom, A. Rosenauer, D. Jena, M. Eickhoff, and P. Vogt, “Growth of β-Ga2O3 and ϵ/κ-Ga2O3 on AlN(0001) by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 11 (2023) 111113.
N.J. Schreiber, L. Miao, H.P. Nair, J.P. Ruf, L. Bhatt, Y.A. Birkholzer, G.N. Kotsonis, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Enhanced TC in SrRuO3/DyScO3(110) Thin Films with High Residual Resistivity Ratio,” APL Materials 11 (2023) 111101-1 – 111101-7.
C.T. Parzyck, C.A. Pennington, W.J.I. DeBenedetti, J. Balajka, E.M. Echeverria, H. Paik, L. Moreschini, B.D. Faeth, C. Hu, J.K. Nangoi, V. Anil, T.A. Arias, M.A. Hines, D.G. Schlom, A. Galdi, K.M. Shen, and J.M. Maxson, “Atomically Smooth Films of CsSb: A Chemically Robust Visible Light Photocathode,” APL Materials 11 (2023) 101125-1 – 101125-11.
C.S. Chang, K.S. Kim, B-I. Park, J. Choi, H. Kim, J. Jeong, M. Barone, N. Parker, S. Lee, X. Zhang, K. Lu, J.M. Suh, J. Kim, D. Lee, N.M. Han, M. Moon, Y.S. Lee, D-H. Kim, D.G. Schlom, Y.J. Hong, and J. Kim, “Remote Epitaxial Interaction through Graphene,” Science Advances 9 (2023) eadj5379.
R.S. Russell, H.P. Nair, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and J.W. Harter, “Electronic Nematic Order in the Normal State of Strontium Ruthenate,” Physical Review B 108 (2023) L081105-1 – L081105-7.
E. Amonette, P. Dulal, D. Sotir, M. Barone, D.G. Schlom, and N.J. Podraza, “Band Gap Energy and Near Infrared to Ultraviolet Complex Optical Properties of Single Crystal TbScO3,” Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 052103-1 – 052103-6.
Z. Shao, N. Schnitzer, J. Ruf, O.Y. Gorobtsov, C. Dai, B.H. Goodge, T. Yang, H. Nair, V.A. Stoica, J.W. Freeland, J.P. Ruff, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, L.F. Kourkoutis, and A. Singer, “Real-Space Imaging of Periodic Nanotextures in Thin Films via Phasing of Diffraction Data,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (2023) e2303312120-1 – e2303312120-7.
N.J. Schreiber, L. Miao, B.H. Goodge, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “A Model Heterostructure with Engineered Berry Curvature,” APL Materials 11 (2023) 061117-1 – 061117-7.
H. Huyan, Z. Wang, L. Li, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, C. Heikes, D.G. Schlom, R. Wu, and X.Q. Pan, “Dislocation-Assisted Quasi-Two-Dimensional Semiconducting Nanochannels Embedded in Perovskite Thin Films,” Nano Letters 23 (2023) 5409−5416.
P. Ngabonziza, J. Park, W. Sigle, P.A. van Aken, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Employing High-Temperature-Grown SrZrO3 Buffer to Enhance the Electron Mobility in La:BaSnO3-based Heterostructures,” Applied Physics Letters 122 (2023) 241902-1 – 241902-7.
T.J. Smart, F.V.E. Hensling, D.Y. Kim, L.N. Majer, Y.E. Suyolcu, D. Dereh, D.G. Schlom, D. Jena, J. Mannhart, and W. Braun, “Why Thermal Laser Epitaxy Aluminum Sources Yield Reproducible Fluxes in Oxidizing Environments,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 41 (2023) 042701-1 – 042701-6.
Y. Tarn, M. Sinha, C. Pasco, D.G. Schlom, T.M. McQueen, K.M. Shen, and B.D. Faeth, “An Algorithm for Subtraction of Doublet Emission Lines in Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy,” Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 265 (2023) 147323-1 – 147323-7.
J. Junquera, Y. Nahas, S. Prokhorenko, L. Bellaiche, J. Iñiguez, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, S. Salahuddin, D.A. Muller, L.W. Martin, and R. Ramesh, “Topological Phases in Polar Oxide Nanostructures,” Reviews of Modern Physics 95 (2023) 025001-1 – 025001-69.
K. Azizie, F.V.E. Hensling, C.A. Gorsak, Y. Kim, N.A. Pieczulewski, D.M. Dryden, M.K.I. Senevirathna, S. Coye, S-L. Shang, J. Steele, P. Vogt, N.A. Parker, Y.A. Birkhölzer, J.P. McCandless, D. Jena, H.G. Xing, Z.K. Liu, M.D. Williams, A.J. Green, K. Chabak, D.A. Muller, A.T. Neal, S. Mou, M.O. Thompson, H.P. Nair, and D.G. Schlom, “Silicon-Doped β-Ga2O3 Films Grown at 1 μm/h by Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 11 (2023) 041102-1 – 041102-12.
Y. Hu, D.G. Schlom, S. Datta, and K. Cho, “Ilmenite and Amorphous SnTiO3 as p-Type Oxide Semiconductors,” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (2023) 4830–4836.
J.P. Clancy, H. Gretarsson, A. Lupascu, J.A. Sears, Z. Nie, M.H. Upton, J. Kim, Z. Islam, M. Uchida, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and Y-J. Kim, “Magnetic Excitations in the Square-Lattice Iridate Ba2IrO4,” Physical Review B 107 (2023) 054423-1 – 054423-6.
L. Caretta, Y-T. Shao, J. Yu, A.B. Mei, B.F. Grosso, C. Dai, P. Behera, D. Lee, M. McCarter, E. Parsonnet, Harikrishnan K.P., F. Xue, X. Guo, E.S. Barnard, S. Ganschow, Z. Hong, A. Raja, L.W. Martin, L.Q. Chen, M. Feibig, K. Lai, N.A. Spaldin, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and R. Ramesh, “Non-Volatile Electric-Field Control of Inversion Symmetry,” Nature Materials 22 (2023) 207–215.
T. Schwaigert, S. Salmani-Rezaie, M.R. Barone, H. Paik, E. Ray, M.D. Williams, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and K. Ahadi, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of KTaO3,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 41 (2023) 022703-1 – 022703-6.
P. Abbasi, N. Shirato, R.E. Kumar, I.V. Albelo, M.R. Barone, D.N. Cakan, M. de la Paz Cruz-Jáuregui, S. Wieghold, D.G. Schlom, V. Rose, T.A. Pascal, and D.P. Fenning, “Nanoscale Surface Structure of Nanometer-Thick Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Films Revealed by Synchrotron X-ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Implications for Catalytic Adsorption Reactions,” ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (2023) 2162−2170.
E.E. Fleck, M.R. Barone, H.P. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, N.M. Dawley, D.G. Schlom, B.H. Goodge, and L.F. Kourkoutis, “Atomic-Scale Mapping and Quantification of Local Ruddlesden-Popper Phase Variations,” Nano Letters 22 (2022) 10095−10101.
M.R. Barone, C. Du, L. Radosavljevic, D. Werder, X.Q. Pan, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Synthesis of a Vertically Aligned Two-Dimensional van der Waals Crystal: (110)-Oriented SnO,” Crystal Growth & Design 22 (2022) 7248–7254.
B.Z. Gregory, J. Strempfer, D. Weinstock, J.P. Ruf, Y. Sun, H. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and A. Singer, “Strain-Induced Orbital-Energy Shift in Antiferromagnetic RuO2 revealed by Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering,” Physical Review B 106 (2022) 195135–1 – 195135-7.
F.V.E. Hensling, M.A. Smeaton, V. Show, K. Azizie, M.R. Barone, L.F. Kourkoutis, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth of the First Two Members of the Ban+1InnO2.5n+1 Ruddlesden-Popper Homologous Series,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 40 (2022) 062707–1 – 062707-8.
A. Luo, O.Y. Gorobtsov, J.N. Nelson, D-Y. Kuo, T. Zhou, Z. Shao, R. Bouck, M.J. Cherukara, M.V. Holt, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, J. Suntivich, and A. Singer, “X-ray Nano-Imaging of Defects in Thin Film Catalysts via Cluster Analysis,” Applied Physics Letters 121 (2022) 153904–1 – 153904-7.
Q. Song, J. Sun, C.T. Parzyck, L. Miao, Q. Xu, F.V.E. Hensling, M.R. Barone, C. Hu, J. Kim, B.D. Faeth, H. Paik, P.D.C. King, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of PdCoO2 Films with Controlled Termination by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy and Determination of their Electronic Structure by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy,” APL Materials 10 (2022) 091113-1 – 091113-9.
M.R. Barone, M. Jeong, N. Parker, J. Sun, D.A. Tenne, K. Lee, and D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis of Metastable Ruddlesden-Popper Titanates, (ATiO3)nAO, with n ≥ 20 by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 10 (2022) 091106-1 – 091106-12.
C.S. Chang, J. Sun, S. Khim, A.P. Mackenzie, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Visualization of Defects in Single-Crystal and Thin-Film PdCoO2 using Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy,” Physical Review Materials 6 (2022) 093401-1 – 093401-7.
M. Hepting, M. Bejas, A. Nag, H. Yamase, N. Coppola, D. Betto, C. Falter, M. Garcia-Fernandez, S. Agrestini, K.-J. Zhou, M. Minola, C. Sacco, L. Maritato, P. Orgiani, H.I. Wei, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, A. Galdi, A. Greco, and B. Keimer, “Gapped Collective Charge Excitations and Interlayer Hopping in Cuprate Superconductors,” Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 047001-1 – 047001-8.
Y. Hu, D.G. Schlom, S. Datta, and K. Cho, “Interlayer Engineering of Band Gap and Hole Mobility in p‑Type Oxide SnO,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (2022) 25670−25679.
H.J. Lee, Y. Ahn, S.D. Marks, D.S. Gyan, E.C. Landahl, J.Y. Lee, T.Y. Kim, S. Unithrattil, S.H. Chun, S. Kim, S-Y. Park, I. Eom, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, H. Wen, S. Lee, J.Y. Jo, and P.G. Evans, “Subpicosecond Optical Stress Generation in Multiferroic BiFeO3,” Nano Letters 22 (2022) 4294–4300.
P. Orgiani, A. Galdi, D.G. Schlom, and L. Maritato, “Normal-State Transport Properties of Infinite-Layer Sr1–xLaxCuO2 Electron-Doped Cuprates in Optimal- and Over-Doped Regimes,” Nanomaterials 12 (2022) 1709-1 – 1709-10.
A. Bose, N.J. Schreiber, R. Jain, D-F. Shao, H.P. Nair, J. Sun, X.S. Zhang, D.A. Muller, E.Y. Tsymbal, D.G. Schlom, and D.C. Ralph, “Tilted Spin Current Generated by the Collinear Antiferromagnet Ruthenium Dioxide,” Nature Electronics 5 (2022) 267–274.
P. Abbasi, M.R. Barone, M. de la Paz Cruz-Jáuregui, D. Valdespino-Padilla, H. Paik, T. Kim, L. Kornblum, D.G. Schlom, T.A. Pascal, and D.P. Fenning, “Ferroelectric Modulation of Surface Electronic States in BaTiO3 for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Activity,” Nano Letters 22 (2022) 4276–4284.
B.H. Goodge, H.P. Nair, D.J. Baek, N.J. Schreiber, L. Miao, J.P. Ruf, E.N. Waite, P.M. Carubia, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and L.F. Kourkoutis, “Disentangling Types of Lattice Disorder Impacting Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 by Quantitative Local Probes,” APL Materials 10 (2022) 041114-1 – 041114-11.
B.H. Goodge, I. El Baggari, S.S. Hong, Z. Wang, D.G. Schlom, H.Y. Hwang, and L.F. Kourkoutis, “Disentangling Coexisting Structural Order Through Phase Lock-In Analysis of Atomic-Resolution STEM Data,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (2022) 404–411.
S.K. Chaluvadi, Z. Wang, L.M. Carvalho de Araújo, P. Orgiani, V. Polewczyk, G. Vinai, O. Rousseau, V. Pierron, A. Pautrat, B. Domengès, D.G. Schlom, and L. Méchin, “Integration of Epitaxial La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Thin Films on Silicon-on-Sapphire Substrate for MEMS Applications,” Applied Surface Science 579 (2022) 152095-1 – 152095-6.
J. Sun, C.T. Parzyck, J.H. Lee, C.M. Brooks, L.F. Kourkoutis, X. Ke, R. Misra, J. Schubert, F.V. Hensling, M.R. Barone, Z. Wang, M.E. Holtz, N.J. Schreiber, Q. Song, H. Paik, T. Heeg, D.A. Muller, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Canonical Approach to Cation Flux Calibration in Oxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Physical Review Materials 6 (2022) 033802-1 – 033802-14.
C. Sacco, A. Galdi, F. Romeo, N. Coppola, P. Orgiani, H.I. Wei, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and L. Maritato, “Comparing Thickness and Doping-Induced Effects on the Normal States of Infinite-Layer Electron-Doped Cuprates: Is There Anything to Learn?,” Nanomaterials 12 (2022) 1092-1 – 1092-8.
C.T. Parzyck, A. Galdi, J.K. Nangoi, W.J.I. DeBenedetti, J. Balajka, B.D. Faeth, H. Paik, C. Hu, T.A. Arias, M.A. Hines, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and J.M. Maxson, “Single-Crystal Alkali Antimonide Photocathodes: High Efficiency in the Ultrathin Limit,” Physical Review Letters 128 (2022) 114801-1 – 114801-8.
C. Guguschev, C. Richter, M. Brützam, K. Dadzis, C. Hirschle, T.M. Gesing, M. Schulze, A. Kwasniewski, J. Schreuer, and D.G. Schlom, “Revisiting the Growth of Large (Mg,Zr):SrGa12O19 Single Crystals: Core Formation and Its Impact on Structural Homogeneity Revealed by Correlative X-Ray Imaging,” Crystal Growth & Design 22 (2022) 2557−2568.
P. Vogt, F.V.E. Hensling, K. Azizie, J.P. McCandless, J. Park, K. DeLello, D.A. Muller, H.G. Xing, D. Jena, and D.G. Schlom, “Extending the Kinetic and Thermodynamic Limits of Molecular-Beam Epitaxy utilizing Suboxide Sources or Metal-Oxide-Catalyzed Epitaxy,” Physical Review Applied 17 (2022) 034021-1 – 034021-12.
M. Barone, M. Foody, Y. Hu, J. Sun, B. Frye, S.S. Perera, B. Subedi, H. Paik, J. Hollin, M. Jeong, K. Lee, C.H. Winter, N.J. Podraza, K. Cho, A. Hock, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of Ta2SnO6, A Candidate Wide-Band-Gap p-Type Oxide,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022) 3764−3775.
K. Eom, H. Paik, J. Seo, N. Campbell, E.Y. Tsymbal, S.H. Oh, M.S. Rzchowski, D.G. Schlom, and C.B. Eom, “Oxide Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with High Mobility at Room-Temperature,” Advanced Science 9 (2022) 2105652-1 – 2105652-8.
J.N. Nelson, N.J. Schreiber, A.B. Georgescu, B.H. Goodge, B.D. Faeth, C.T. Parzyck, C. Zeledon, L.F. Kourkoutis, A.J. Millis, A. Georges, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Interfacial Charge Transfer and Persistent Metallicity of Ultrathin SrIrO3/SrRuO3 Heterostructures,” Science Advances 8 (2022) eabj0481-1 – eabj0481-7.
J.A. Mundy, B.F. Grosso, C.A. Heikes, D.F. Segedin, Z. Wang, Y-T. Shao, C. Dai, B.H. Goodge, Q.N. Meier, C.T. Nelson, B. Prasad, F. Xue, S. Ganschow, D.A. Muller, L.F. Kourkoutis, L.Q. Chen, W.D. Ratcliff, N.A. Spaldin, R. Ramesh, and D.G. Schlom, “Liberating a Hidden Antiferroelectric Phase with Interfacial Electrostatic Engineering,” Science Advances 8 (2022) eabg5860-1 – eabg5860-11.
C.N. Singh, L.F.J. Piper, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, and W-C. Lee, “Correlation-Induced Emergent Charge Order in Metallic Vanadium Dioxide,” Physical Review B 105 (2022) 035150-1 – 035150-6.
R. Held, J.A. Mundy, M.E. Holtz, D. Hodash, T. Mairoser, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Fabrication of Chemically and Structurally Abrupt Eu1–xLaxO/SrO/Si Interfaces and their Analysis by STEM-EELS,” Physical Review Materials 5 (2021) 124419.
J. Zhang, K. McNicholas, S. Balaz, Z.Q. Zeng, D. Schlom, and L.J. Brillson, “Deep Level Defect Spectroscopies of Complex Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 39 (2021) 063215-1 – 063215-12.
A. Brewer, S. Lindemann, B. Wang, W. Maeng, J. Frederick, F. Li, Y. Choi, P.J. Thompson, J. W. Kim, T. Mooney, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, M.S. Rzchowski, L.Q. Chen, P.J. Ryan, and C.B. Eom, “Microscopic Piezoelectric Behavior of Clamped and Membrane (001) PMN-30PT Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 119 (2021) 202903-1 – 202903-7.
H. Huyan, C. Addiego, X. Yan, C.A. Gadre, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Direct Observation of Polarization-Induced Two-Dimensional Hole/Electron Gases at Ferroelectric-Insulator Interface,” npj Quantum Materials 6 (2021) 88-1 – 88-6.
T.D. Frazer, Y. Zhu, Z. Cai, D.A. Walko, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, E.E. Fullerton, P.G. Evans, S.O. Hruszkewycz, Y. Cao, and H. Wen, “Optical Transient Grating Pumped X-ray Diffraction Microscopy for Studying Mesoscale Structural Dynamics,” Scientific Reports (2021) 193221 – 193221 -8.
D. Barbalas, S. Chatterjee, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and N.P. Armitage, “THz Electrodynamics of Mixed-Valence YbAl3 and LuAl3 Thin Films,” European Physical Journal B 94 (2021) 186-1 – 186-8.
D. Bugallo, E. Langenberg, E. Ferreiro-Vila, E.H. Smith, C. Stefani, X. Batlle, G. Catalan, N. Domingo, D.G. Schlom, and F. Rivadulla, “Deconvolution of Phonon Scattering by Ferroelectric Domain Walls and Point Defects in a PbTiO3 Thin Film Deposited in a Composition-Spread Geometry,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021) 45679−45685.
L.M. Garten, Z. Jiang, H. Paik, J.D. Perkins, A. Kakekhani, R. Fei, D.J. Werder, M.E. Holtz, D.S. Ginley, A.M. Rappe, D.G. Schlom, and M.L. Staruch, “Stromataxic Stabilization of a Metastable Layered ScFeO3 Polymorph,” Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021) 7423−7431.
C. Stefani, E. Langenberg, K. Cordero-Edwards, D.G. Schlom, G. Catalan, and N. Domingo, “Mechanical Reading of Ferroelectric Polarization,” Journal of Applied Physics 130 (2021) 074103-1 – 074103-8.
J.P. McCandless, C.S. Chang, K. Nomoto, J. Casamento, V. Protasenko, P. Vogt, D. Rowe, K. Gann, S.T. Ho, W. Li, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, A.J. Green, K.D. Chabak, D.G. Schlom, M.O. Thompson, D.A. Muller, H.G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Thermal Stability of Epitaxial a-Ga2O3 and (Al,Ga)2O3 Layers on m-Plane Sapphire,” Applied Physics Letters 119 (2021) 062102-1 – 062102-7.
Y. Fang, H.P. Nair, L. Miao, B. Goodge, N.J. Schreiber, J.P. Ruf, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and B.J. Ramshaw, “Quantum Oscillations and Quasiparticle Properties of Thin Film Sr2RuO4,” Physical Review B 104 (2021) 045152-1 – 045152-7.
S. Dutta, A. Khanna, A.S. Assoa, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, Z. Toroczkai, A. Raychowdhury, and S. Datta, “An Ising Hamiltonian Solver based on Coupled Stochastic Phase-Transition Nano-Oscillators,” Nature Electronics 4 (2021) 502–512.
B.D. Faeth, S. Xie, S. Yang, J.K. Kawasaki, J.N. Nelson, S. Zhang, C. Parzyck, P. Mishra, C. Li, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Interfacial Electron-Phonon Coupling Constants Extracted from Intrinsic Replica Bands in Monolayer FeSe/SrTiO3,” Physical Review Letters 127 (2021) 016803-1 – 016803-6.
H. Kim, K. Lu, Y. Liu, H.S. Kum, K.S. Kim, K. Qiao, S-H. Bae, S. Lee, Y. J. Ji, K.H. Kim, H. Paik, S. Xie, H. Shin, C. Choi, J.H. Lee, C. Dong, J.A. Robinson, J-H. Lee, J-H. Ahn, G.Y. Yeom, D.G. Schlom, and J. Kim, “Impact of 2D−3D Heterointerface on Remote Epitaxial Interaction through Graphene,” ACS Nano 15 (2021) 10587–10596.
B.D. Faeth, S.-L. Yang, J.K. Kawasaki, J.N. Nelson, P. Mishra, C.T. Parzyck, C. Li, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Incoherent Cooper Pairing and Pseudogap Behavior in Single-Layer FeSe/SrTiO3,” Physical Review X 11 (2021) 021054-1 – 021054-11.
W.R. Mondal, E. Evlyukhin, S.A. Howard, G.J. Paez, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, L.F.J. Piper, and W-C. Lee, “Role of V-V Dimers on Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Vibrational Properties of VO2 by First-Principles Simulations and Raman Spectroscopic Analysis,” Physical Review B 103 (2021) 214107-1 – 214107-13.
Y. Yang, R. Zeng, H. Paik, D-Y. Kuo, D.G. Schlom, F.J. DiSalvo, D.A. Muller, J. Suntivich, and H.D. Abruña, “Epitaxial Thin-Film Spinel Oxides as Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts in Alkaline Media,” Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021) 4006–4013.
Z. Chen, Y. Jiang, Y-T. Shao, M.E. Holtz, M. Odstrčil, M. Guizar-Sicairos, I. Hanke, S. Ganschow, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Electron Ptychography Achieves Atomic-Resolution Limits set by Lattice Vibrations,” Science 372 (2021) 826–831.
R.S. Winkler, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhu, M-G. Han, D.G. Schlom, and N. Valanoor, “Electromechanical Manipulation of Topological Defects to Yield Giant Piezoelectric Response in Epitaxial Lead Zirconate Titanate Bilayers on Silicon,” Advanced Electronic Materials 7 (2021) 2100195-1 – 2100195-10.
P.B. Meisenheimer, R.A. Steinhardt, S.H. Sung, L.D. Williams, S. Zhuang, M.E. Nowakowski, S. Novakov, M.M. Torunbalci, B. Prasad, C.J. Zollner, Z. Wang, N.M. Dawley, J. Schubert, A.H. Hunter, S. Manipatruni, D.E. Nikonov, I.A. Young, L.Q. Chen, J. Bokor, S.A. Bhave, R. Ramesh, J.-M. Hu, E. Kioupakis, R. Hovden, D.G. Schlom, and J.T. Heron, “Engineering New Limits to Magnetostriction through Metastability in Iron-Gallium Alloys,” Nature Communications 12 (2021) 2757-1 – 2757-8.
F.V.E. Hensling, D. Dahliah, P. Dulal, P. Singleton, J. Sun, J. Schubert, H. Paik, I. Subedi, B. Subedi, G-M. Rignanese, N.J. Podraza, G. Hautier, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Stannate Pyrochlore Thin Films: Limitations of Cation Stoichiometry and Electron Doping,” APL Materials 9 (2021) 051113-1 – 051113-13.
Y. Wang, H.P. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, J.P. Ruf, B. Cheng, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and N.P. Armitage, “Separated Transport Relaxation Scales and Interband Scatting in Thin Films of SrRuO3, CaRuO3, and Sr2RuO4,” Physical Review B 103 (2021) 205109-1 – 205109-14.
M.E. Holtz , E.S. Padgett , R. Steinhardt , C.M. Brooks, D. Meier, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Muller, and J.A. Mundy, “Dimensionality-Induced Change in Topological Order in Multiferroic Oxide Superlattices,” Physical Review Letters 126 (2021) 157601-1 – 157601-7.
R.A. Steinhardt, C.M. Brooks, G.C. Correa, M.E. Holtz, R. Ramesh, D.A. Muller, J.A. Mundy, and D.G. Schlom, “DyFe2O4: A New Trigonal Rare-Earth Ferrite Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 9 (2021) 041106-1 – 041106-7.
S.A. Howard, E. Evlyukhin, G. Páez Fajardo, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “Digital Tuning of the Transition Temperature of Epitaxial VO2 Thin Films on MgF2 Substrates by Strain Engineering,” Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2021) 2001790-1 – 2001790-6.
N.M. Dawley, E.K. Pek, C-H. Lee, E.J. Ragasa, X. Xiong, K. Lee, S.R. Phillpot, A.V. Chernatynskiy, D.G. Cahill, and D.G. Schlom, “Thermal Conductivity of the n = 1 – 5 and 10 Members of the (SrTiO3)nSrO Ruddlesden-Popper Superlattices,” Applied Physics Letters 118 (2021) 091904-1 – 091904-6.
P. Vogt, F.V.E. Hensling, K. Azizie, C.S. Chang, D. Turner, J. Park, J.P. McCandless, H. Paik, B.J. Bocklund, G. Hoffman, O. Bierwagen, D. Jena, H.G. Xing, S. Mou, D.A. Muller, S-L. Shang, Z.K. Liu, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of Ga2O3 by Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 9 (2021) 031101-1 – 031101-13.
X. Zheng, E. Gerber, J. Park, D. Werder, O. Kigner, E.-A. Kim, S. Xie, and D.G. Schlom, “Utilizing Complex Oxide Substrates to Control Carrier Concentration in Large-Area Monolayer MoS2 Films,” Applied Physics Letters 118 (2021) 093103-1 – 093103-6.
G.J. Páez Fajardo, S.A. Howard, E. Evlyukhin, M.J. Wahila, W. Raja Mondal, M. Zuba, J.E. Boschker, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, J.T. Sadowski, S.A. Tenney, B. Reinhart, W-C. Lee, and L.F.J. Piper, “Structural Phase Transitions of NbO2: Bulk versus Surface,” Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021) 1416–1425.
V.M. Nascimento, L. Méchin, S. Liu, A. Aryan, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and B. Guillet, “Electro-Thermal and Optical Characterization of an Uncooled Suspended Bolometer based on an Epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Film Grown on CaTiO3/Si,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (2021) 055301-1 – 055301-7.
Z. Zhang, S.-L. Hsu, V.A. Stoica, H. Paik, E. Parsonnet, A. Qualls J. Wang, L. Xie, M. Kumari, S. Das, Z. Leng, M. McBriarty, R. Proksch, A. Gruverman, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, S. Salahuddin, L.W. Martin, and R. Ramesh, “Epitaxial Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 with Metallic Pyrochlore Oxide Electrodes,” Advanced Materials 33 (2021) 2006089-1 – 2006089-10.
M.R. Barone, N.M. Dawley, H.P. Nair, B.H. Goodge, M.E. Holtz, A. Soukiassian, E.E. Fleck, K. Lee, Y. Jia, T. Heeg, R. Gatt, Y. Nie, D.A. Muller, L.F. Kourkoutis, and D.G. Schlom, “Improved Control of Atomic Layering in Perovskite-Related Homologous Series,” APL Materials 9 (2021) 021118-1 – 021118-10.
Y.E. Suyolcu, J. Sun, B.H. Goodge, J. Park, J. Schubert, L.F. Kourkoutis, and D.G. Schlom, “a-Axis YBa2Cu3O7–x/PrBa2Cu3O7–x/YBa2Cu3O7–x Trilayers with Subnanometer rms Roughness,” APL Materials 9 (2021) 021117-1 – 021117-8.
Y. Hu, X. Yao, D.G. Schlom, S. Datta, and K.J. Cho, “First Principles Design of High Hole Mobility p-type Sn–O–X Ternary Oxides: Valence Orbital Engineering of Sn2+ in Sn2+–O–X by Selection of Appropriate Elements X,” Chemistry of Materials 33(2021) 212–225.
R. Jinno, C.S. Chang, T. Onuma, Y. Cho, S-T. Ho, D. Rowe, M.C. Cao, K. Lee, V. Protasenko, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Muller, H.G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Crystal Orientation Dictated Epitaxy of Ultrawide-Bandgap 5.4- to 8.6-eV α-(AlGa)2O3 on m-Plane Sapphire,” Science Advances 7 (2021) eabd5891-1 – eabd5891-8.
G. Wan, J.W. Freeland, J. Kloppenburg, G. Petretto, J.N. Nelson, D-Y. Kuo, C-J. Sun, J. Wen, J.T. Diulus, G.S. Herman, Y. Dong, R. Kou, J. Sun, S. Chen, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, G-M. Rignanese, G. Hautier, D.D. Fong, Z. Feng, H. Zhou, and J. Suntivich, “Amorphization Mechanism of SrIrO3 Electrocatalyst: How Oxygen Redox Initiates Ionic Diffusion and Structural Reorganization,” Science Advances 7 (2021) eabc7323-1 – eabc7323-9.
X. Yan, C. Liu, C.A. Gadre, L. Gu, T. Aoki, T.C. Lovejoy, N. Dellby, O.L. Krivanek, D.G. Schlom, R. Wu, and X.Q. Pan, “Single-Defect Phonons Imaged by Electron Microscopy,” Nature 589 (2021) 65–69.
J.P. Ruf, H. Paik, N.J. Schreiber, H.P. Nair, L. Miao, J.K. Kawasaki, J.N. Nelson, B.D. Faeth, Y. Lee, B.H. Goodge, B. Pamuk, C.J. Fennie, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Strain-Stabilized Superconductivity,” Nature Communications 12 (2021) 59-1 – 59-8.
A. Bose, J.N. Nelson, X.S. Zhang, P. Jadaun, R. Jain, D.G. Schlom, D.C. Ralph, D.A. Muller, K.M. Shen, and R.A. Buhrman, “Effects of Anisotropic Strain on Spin-Orbit Torque Produced by the Dirac Nodal-Line Semimetal IrO2,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 55411−55416.
Y. Wang, G. Bossé, H.P. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, J.P. Ruf, B. Cheng, C. Adamo, D.E. Shai, Y. Lubashevsky, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and N.P. Armitage, “Subterahertz Momentum Drag and Violation of Matthiessen’s Rule in an Ultraclean Ferromagnetic SrRuO3 Metallic Thin Film,” Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 217401-1 – 217401-6.
S. Fan, H. Das, A.F. Rébola, K.A. Smith, J.A. Mundy, C. Brooks, M.E. Holtz, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, R. Ramesh, D.G. Schlom, S. McGill, and J.L. Musfeldt, “Site-Specific Spectroscopic Measurement of Spin and Charge in (LuFeO3)m/(LuFe2O4)1 Multiferroic Superlattices,” Nature Communications 11 (2020) 5582-1 – 5582-9.
A. Bhargava, R. Eppstein, J. Sun, M.A. Smeaton, H. Paik, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, M.C. Toroker, and R.D. Robinson, “Breakdown of the Small-Polaron Hopping Model in Higher-Order Spinels,” Advanced Materials 32 (2020) 2004490-1 – 2004490-12.
R. Held, T. Mairoser, A. Melville, J.A. Mundy, M.E. Holtz, D. Hodash, Z. Wang, J.T. Heron, S.T. Dacek, B. Holländer, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Exploring the Intrinsic Limit of the Charge-Carrier-Induced Increase of the Curie Temperature of Lu- and La-doped EuO Thin Films,” Physical Review Materials 4 (2020) 104412-1 – 104412-8.
G. Kim, K. Son, Y.E. Suyolcu, L. Miao, N.J. Schreiber, H.P. Nair, D. Putzky, M. Minola, G. Christiani, P.A. van Aken, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, G. Logvenov, and B. Keimer, “Inhomogeneous Ferromagnetism Mimics Signatures of the Topological Hall Effect in SrRuO3 Films,” Physical Review Materials 4 (2020) 104410-1 – 104410-8.
V. Goian, R. Held, E. Bousquet, Y. Yuan, A. Melville, H. Zhou, V. Gopalan, P. Ghosez, N.A. Spaldin, D.G. Schlom, and S. Kamba, “Making EuO Multiferroic by Epitaxial Strain Engineering,” Communications Materials 1 (2020) 74.
C. Stefani, L. Ponet, K. Shapovalov, P. Chen, E. Langenberg, D.G. Schlom, S. Artyurhin, M. Stengel, N. Domingo, and G. Catalan, “Mechanical Softness of Ferroelectric 180° Domain Walls,” Physical Review X 10 (2020) 041001-1 – 041001-12.
E. Evlyukhin, S.A. Howard, H. Paik, G.J. Paez, D.J. Gosztola, C.N. Singh, D.G. Schlom, W-C. Lee, and L.F.J. Piper, “Directly Measuring the Structural Transition Pathways of Strain-Engineered VO2 Thin Films,” Nanoscale 12 (2020) 18857–18863.
K.M. Adkison, S-L. Shang, B.J. Bocklund, D. Klimm, D.G. Schlom, and Z.K. Liu, “Suitability of Binary Oxides for Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Source Materials: A Comprehensive Thermodynamic Analysis,” APL Materials 8 (2020) 081110-1 – 081110-18.
N.M. Dawley, B.H. Goodge, W. Egger, M.R. Barone, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.J. Keeble, and D.G. Schlom, “Defect Accommodation in Off-Stoichiometric (SrTiO3)nSrO Ruddlesden‑Popper Superlattices studied with Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 117 (2020) 062901-1 – 062901-5.
L. Miao, N.J. Schreiber, H.P. Nair, B.H. Goodge, S. Jiang, J.P. Ruf, Y. Lee, M. Fu, B. Tsang, Y. Li, C. Zeledon, J. Shan, K.F. Mak, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Strain Relaxation Induced Transverse Resistivity Anomalies in SrRuO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review B 102 (2020) 064406-1 – 064406-6.
Y. Ma, A. Edgeton, H. Paik, B.D. Faeth, C.T. Parzyck, B. Pamuk, S-L. Shang, Z.K. Liu, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and C.B. Eom, “Realization of Epitaxial Thin Films of the Topological Crystalline Insulator Sr3SnO,” Advanced Materials 32 (2020) 2000809-1 – 2000809-6.
X. Li, J. Casamento, P. Dang, Z. Zhang, O. Afuye, A.B. Mei, A.B. Apsel, D.G. Schlom, D. Jena, D.C. Ralph, and H.G. Xing, “Spin-Orbit Torque Field-Effect Transistor (SOTFET): Proposal for a Magnetoelectric Memory,” Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 242405-1 – 242405-5.
E. Padgett, M.E. Holtz, P. Cueva, Y-T. Shao, E. Langenberg, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “The Exit-Wave Power-Cepstrum Transform for Scanning Nanobeam Electron Diffraction: Robust Strain Mapping at Subnanometer Resolution and Subpicometer Precision,” Ultramicroscopy 214 (2020) 112994-1 – 112994-14.
A.B. Mei, I. Gray, Y. Tang, J. Schubert, D. Werder, J. Bartell, D.C. Ralph, G.D. Fuchs, and D.G. Schlom, “Local Photothermal Control of Phase Transitions for On-Demand Room-Temperature Rewritable Magnetic Patterning,” Advanced Materials 32 (2020) 2001080-1 – 2001080-6.
P.J. Ryan, G.E. Sterbinsky, Y. Choi, J.C. Woicik, L. Zhu, J.S. Jiang, J-H. Lee, D.G. Schlom, T. Birol, S.D. Brown, P.B.J. Thompson, P.S. Normile, J. Lang, and J.-W. Kim, “Multiferroic Behavior in EuTiO3 Films Constrained by Symmetry,” Physical Review B 101 (2020) 180409-1 – 180409-6.
J.N. Nelson, C.T. Parzyck, B.D. Faeth, J.K. Kawasaki, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Mott Gap Collapse in Lightly Hole-Doped Sr2–xKxIrO4,” Nature Communications 11 (2020) 2597-1 – 2597-6.
J. Wu, H.P. Nair, A.T. Bollinger, X. He, I. Robinson, N.J. Schreiber, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and I. Božović, “Electronic Nematicity in Sr2RuO4,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (2020) 10654–10659.
G.J. Paez, C.N. Singh, M.J. Wahila, K.E. Tirpak, N.F. Quackenbush, S. Sallis, H. Paik, Y. Liang, D.G. Schlom, T-L. Lee, C. Schlueter, W-C. Lee, and L.F.J. Piper, “Simultaneous Structural and Electronic Transitions in Epitaxial VO2/TiO2(001),”Physical Review Letters 124 (2020) 196402-1 – 196402-6.
E. Langenberg, H. Paik, E.H. Smith, H.P. Nair, I. Hanke, S. Ganschow, G. Catalan, N. Domingo, and D.G. Schlom, “Strain-Engineered Ferroelastic Structures in PbTiO3 Films and Their Control by Electric Fields,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces12 (2020) 20691−20703.
P. Barrozo, D.R. Småbråten, Y-L. Tang, B. Prasad, S. Saremi, R. Ozgur, V. Thakare, R.A. Steinhardt, M.E. Holtz, V.A. Stoica, L.W. Martin, D.G. Schlom, S.M. Selbach, and R. Ramesh, “Defect-Enhanced Polarization Switching in the Improper Ferroelectric LuFeO3,” Advanced Materials 32 (2020) 2000508-1 – 2000508-8.
C. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Brützam, T.M. Gesing, M. Gogolin, H. Paik, T. Markurt, D.J. Kok, A. Kwasniewski, U. Jendritzki, and D.G. Schlom, “Czochralski Growth and Characterization of Perovskite-type (La,Nd)(Lu,Sc)O3 Single Crystals with a Pseudocubic Lattice Parameter of about 4.09 Å,” Journal of Crystal Growth 536 (2020) 125526-1 – 125526-10.
J.L. MacManus-Driscoll, M.P. Wells, C. Yun, J-W. Lee, C.B. Eom, and D.G. Schlom, “New Approaches for Achieving more Perfect Transition Metal Oxide Thin Films,” APL Materials 8 (2020) 040904-1 – 040904-13.
J. Casamento, M.E. Holtz, H. Paik, P. Dang, R. Steinhardt, H.G. Xing, D.G. Schlom, and D. Jena, “Multiferroic LuFeO3 on GaN by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 102901-1 – 102901-4.
D. Du, P.J. Strohbeen, H. Paik, C. Zhang, K. Genser, K.M. Rabe, P.M. Voyles, D.G. Schlom, and J.K. Kawasaki, “Control of Polymorphism during Epitaxial Growth of Hyperferroelectric Candidate LiZnSb on GaSb (111)B,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 38 (2020) 022208-1 – 022208-6.
B. Hu, D-Y. Kuo, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich, “Enthalpy and Entropy of Oxygen Electroadsorption on RuO2(110) in Alkaline Media,” Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (2020) 094704.
H.S. Kum, H. Lee, S. Kim, S. Lindemann, W. Kong, K. Qiao, P. Chen, J. Irwin, J.H. Lee, S. Xie, S. Subramanian, J. Shim, S-H. Bae, C. Choi, L. Ranno, S. Seo, S. Lee, J. Bauer, H. Li, K. Lee, J.A. Robinson, C.A. Ross, D.G. Schlom, M.S. Rzchowski, C.B. Eom, and J. Kim, “Heterogeneous Integration of Single-Crystalline Complex-Oxide Membranes,” Nature 578 (2020) 75–81.
N. Wolff, T. Schwaigert, D. Siche, D.G. Schlom, and D. Klimm, “Growth of CuFeO2 Single Crystals by the Optical Floating-Zone Technique,” Journal of Crystal Growth 532 (2020) 125426-1 – 125426-5.
N.M. Dawley, E.J. Marksz, A.M. Hagerstrom, G.H. Olsen, M.E. Holtz, V. Goian, C. Kadlec, J. Zhang, X. Lu, J.A. Drisko, R. Uecker, S. Ganschow, C.J. Long, J.C. Booth, S. Kamba, C.J. Fennie, D.A. Muller, N.D. Orloff, and D.G. Schlom, “Targeted Chemical Pressure Yields Tunable Millimetre-Wave Dielectric,” Nature Materials 19 (2020) 176–181.
J. Park, H. Paik, K. Nomoto, K. Lee, B-E. Park, B. Grisafe, L-C. Wang, S. Salahuddin, S. Datta, Y. Kim, D. Jena, H.G. Xing, and D.G. Schlom, “Fully Transparent Field-Effect Transistor with High Drain Current and On-Off Ratio,” APL Materials 8 (2020) 011110-1 – 011110-6.
B. Guzelturk, A.B. Mei, L. Zhang, L.Z. Tan, P. Donahue, A.G. Singh, D.G. Schlom, L.W. Martin, and A.M. Lindenberg, “Light-Induced Currents at Domain Walls in Multiferroic BiFeO3,” Nano Letters 20 (2020) 145–151.
J. Sun, M.R. Barone, C.S. Chang, M.E. Holtz, H. Paik, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of PdCoO2 by Ozone-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 7 (2019) 121112-1 – 121112-7.
P. Dang, Z. Zhang, J. Casamento, X. Li, J. Singhal, D.G. Schlom, D.C. Ralph, H.G. Xing, and D. Jena, “Materials Relevant to Realizing a Field-Effect Transistor Based on Spin-Orbit Torques,” IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits 5 (2019) 158–165.
H.J. Lee, Y. Ahn, S.D. Marks, E.C. Landahl, J.Y. Lee, T.Y. Kim, S. Unithrattil, J.Y. Jo, S.H. Chun, S. Kim, S-Y. Park, I. Eom, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, H. Wen, and P.G. Evans, “Non-Thermal Fluence Threshold for Femtosecond Pulsed X-Ray Radiation Damage in Perovskite Complex Oxide Epitaxial Heterostructures,” Applied Physics Letters 115 (2019) 252903-1 – 252903-5.
Y. Hu, J. Hwang, Y. Lee, P. Conlin, D.G. Schlom, S. Datta, and K. Cho, “First Principles Calculations of Intrinsic Mobilities in Tin-Based Oxide Semiconductors SnO, SnO2, and Ta2SnO6,” Journal of Applied Physics 126 (2019) 185701-1 – 185701-10.
I. Gray, G.M. Stiehl, J.T. Heron, A.B. Mei, D.G. Schlom, R. Ramesh, D.C. Ralph, and G.D. Fuchs, “Imaging Uncompensated Moments and Exchange-Biased Emergent Ferromagnetism in FeRh Thin Films,” Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 124407-1 – 124407-15.
J. Irwin, S. Lindemann, W. Maeng, J.J. Wang, V. Vaithyanathan, J.M. Hu, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, and M.S. Rzchowski, “Magnetoelectric Coupling by Piezoelectric Tensor Design,” Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 19158-1 – 19158-9.
C. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Brützam, T.M. Gesing. M. Gogolin, H. Paik, A. Dittmar, V.J. Fratello, and D.G. Schlom, “Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of Ba2ScNbO6—A Novel Substrate for BaSnO3 Films,”Journal of Crystal Growth 528 (2019) 125263-1 – 125263-6.
W. Gao, C. Addiego, H. Wang, X. Yan, Y. Hou, D. Ji, C. Heikes, Y. Zhang, L. Li, H. Huyan, T. Blum, T. Aoki, Y. Nie, D.G. Schlom, R. Wu, and X.Q. Pan, “Real-Space Charge-Density Imaging with Sub-Ångström Resolution by Four-Dimensional Electron Microscopy,” Nature 575 (2019) 480–484.
C. Sacco, A. Galdi, P. Orgiani, N. Coppola, H.I. Wei, R. Arpaia, S. Charpentier, F. Lombardi, B. Goodge, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, L. Maritato, “Low Temperature Hidden Fermi-Liquid Charge Transport in Under Doped LaxSr1-xCuO2 Infinite Layer Electron-Doped Thin Films,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (2019) 445601-1 – 445601-7.
A.B. Mei, S. Saremi, L. Miao, M. Barone, Y. Tang, C. Zeledon, J. Schubert, D.C. Ralph, L.W. Martin, and D.G. Schlom, “Ferroelectric Properties of Ion-irradiated Bismuth Ferrite Layers Grown via Molecular-beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 7 (2019) 111101-1 – 111101-6.
I. Gray, T. Moriyama, N. Sivadas, G.M. Stiehl, J.T. Heron, R. Need, B.J. Kirby, D.H. Low, K.C. Nowack, D.G. Schlom, D.C. Ralph, T. Ono, and G.D. Fuchs, “Spin Seebeck Imaging of Spin-Torque Switching in Antiferromagnetic Pt/NiO Heterostructures,” Physical Review X 9 (2019) 041016-1 – 041016-10.
A.B. Mei, L. Miao, M.J. Wahila, G. Khalsa, Z. Wang, M. Barone, N.J. Schreiber, L.E. Noskin, H. Paik, T.E. Tiwald, Q. Zheng, R.T. Haasch, D.G. Sangiovanni, L.F.J. Piper, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth and Properties of Epitaxial SnO Films,” Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 105202-1 – 105202-6.
E. Langenberg, D. Saha, M.E. Holtz, J-J. Wang, D. Bugallo, E. Ferreiro-Vila, H. Paik, I. Hanke, S. Ganschow, D.A. Muller, L-Q. Chen, G. Catalan, N. Domingo, J. Malen, D.G. Schlom, and F. Rivadulla, “Ferroelectric Domain Walls in PbTiO3 are Effective Regulators of Heat Flow at Room Temperature,” Nano Letters 19 (2019) 7901–7907.
L. Li, X. Cheng, T. Blum, H. Huyan, Y. Zhang, C. Heikes, X. Yan, C. Gadre, T. Aoki, M. Xu, L. Xie, Z. Hong, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, and X.Q. Pan, “Observation of Strong Polarization Enhancement in Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions,” Nano Letters 19 (2019) 6812–6818.
G. Kim, Y.E. Suyolcu, J. Herrero-Martin, D. Putzky, H.P. Nair, J.P. Ruf, N.J. Schreiber, C. Dietl, G. Christiani, G. Logvenov, M. Minola, P.A. van Aken, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and B. Keimer, “Electronic and Vibrational Signatures of Ruthenium Vacancies in Sr2RuO4 Thin Films,” Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 094802-1 – 094802-7.
D. Klimm, C. Guguschev, S. Ganschow, M. Bickermann, and D.G. Schlom, “REScO3 Substrates—Purveyors of Strain Engineering,” Crystal Research and Technology 2019 (2019) 1900111-1 – 1900111-5.
Y. Zhang, H. Lu, X. Yan, X. Cheng, L. Xie, T. Aoki, L. Li, C. Heikes, S.P. Lau, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, A. Gruverman, and X.Q. Pan, “Intrinsic Conductance of Domain Walls in BiFeO3,” Advanced Materials 31(2019) 1902099-1 – 1902099-7.
Z. Wang, B.H. Goodge, D.J. Baek, M.J. Zachman, X. Huang, X. Bai, C.M. Brooks, H. Paik, A.B. Mei, J.D. Brock, J.P. Maria, L.F. Kourkoutis, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial SrTiO3 Film on Silicon with Narrow Rocking Curve Despite Huge Defect Density,” Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 073403-1 – 073403-10.
M. Coll, J. Fontcuberta, M. Althammer, M. Bibes, H. Boschker, A. Calleja, G. Cheng, M. Cuoco, R. Dittmann, B. Dkhil, I. El Baggari, M. Fanciulli, I. Fina, E. Fortunato, C. Frontera, S. Fujita, V. Garcia, S.T.B. Goennenwein, C.G. Granqvist, J. Grollier, R. Gross, A. Hagfeldt, G. Herranz, K. Hono, E. Houwman, M. Huijben, A. Kalaboukhov, D.J. Keeble, G. Koster, L.F. Kourkoutis, J. Levy, M. Lira-Cantu, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll, J. Mannhart, R. Martins, S. Menzel, T. Mikolajick, M. Napari, M.D. Nguyen, G. Niklasson, C. Paillard, S. Panigrahi, G. Rijnders, F. Sánchez, P. Sanchis, S. Sanna, D.G. Schlom, U. Schroeder, K.M. Shen, A. Siemon, M. Spreitzer, H. Sukegawa, R. Tamayo, J. van den Brink, N. Pryds, and F.M. Granozio, “Towards Oxide Electronics: a Roadmap,” Applied Surface Science 482 (2019) 1–93.
A.B. Mei, Y. Tang, J. Schubert, D. Jena, H.G. Xing, D.C. Ralph, and D.G. Schlom, “Self-Assembly and Properties of Domain Walls in BiFeO3 Layers Grown via Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 7 (2019) 071101-1 – 071101-5.
A. Galdi, C.M. Pierce, L. Cultrera, G. Adhikari, W.A. Schroeder, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, J.K. Nangoi, T.A. Arias, E. Lochocki, C. Parzyck, K.M. Shen, J.M. Maxson, and I.V. Bazarov, “Low Energy Photoemission from (100) Ba1–xLaxSnO3Thin Films for Photocathode Applications,” The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228 (2019) 713–718.
J.N. Nelson, J.P. Ruf, Y. Lee, C. Zeledon, J.K. Kawasaki, S. Moser, C. Jozwiak, E. Rotenberg, A. Bostwick, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and L. Moreschini, “Dirac Nodal Lines Protected Against Spin-Orbit Interaction in IrO2,” Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 064205-1 – 064205-7.
S. Liu, B. Guillet, C. Adamo, V.M. Nascimento, S. Lebargy, G. Brasse, F. Lemarié, J. El Fallah, D.G. Schlom, and L. Méchin, “Free-Standing La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Suspended Micro-Bridges on Buffered Silicon Substrates Showing Undegraded Low Frequency Noise Properties,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 29 (2019) 065008-1 – 065008-9.
Y. Ou, Z. Wang, C.S. Chang, H.P. Nair, H. Paik, N. Reynolds, D.C. Ralph, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and R.A. Buhrman, “Exceptionally High, Strongly Temperature Dependent, Spin Hall Conductivity of SrRuO3,” Nano Letters 19 (2019) 3663–3670.
S. Das, Y.L. Tang, Z. Hong, M.A.P. Gonçalves, M.R. McCarter, C. Klewe, K.X. Nguyen, F. Gómez-Ortiz, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, V.A. Stoica, S.-L. Hsu, B. Wang, C. Ophus, J.F. Liu, C.T. Nelson, S. Saremi, B. Prasad, A.B. Mei, D.G. Schlom, J. Íñiguez, P. García-Fernández, D.A. Muller, L.Q. Chen, J. Junquera, L.W. Martin, and R. Ramesh, “Observation of Room-Temperature Polar Skyrmions,” Nature 568 (2019) 368–372.
J.J. de Pablo, N.E. Jackson, M.A. Webb, L.Q. Chen, J.E. Moore, D. Morgan, R. Jacobs, T. Pollock, D.G. Schlom, E.S. Toberer, J. Analytis, I. Dabo, D.M. DeLongchamp, G.A. Fiete, G.M. Grason, G. Hautier, Y. Mo, K. Rajan, E.J. Reed, E. Rodriguez, V. Stevanovic, J. Suntivich, K. Thornton, and J-C. Zhao, “New Frontiers for the Materials Genome Initiative,” npj Computational Materials 5 (2019) 41-1 – 41-23.
R. Ramesh and D.G. Schlom, “Creating Emergent Phenomena in Oxide Superlattices,” Nature Reviews Materials 4 (2019) 257–268.
W-C. Lee, M.J. Wahila, S. Mukherjee, C.N. Singh, T. Eustance, A. Regoutz, H. Paik, J.E. Boschker, F. Rodolakis, T-L. Lee, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “Cooperative Effects of Strain and Electron Correlation in Epitaxial VO2 and NbO2,” Journal of Applied Physics 125 (2019) 082539-1 – 082539-10.
H. Boschker, T. Harada, T. Asaba, R. Ashoori, A.V. Boris, H. Hilgenkamp, C.R. Hughes, M.E. Holtz, L. Li, D.A. Muller, H. Nair, P. Reith, X.R. Wang, D.G. Schlom, A. Soukiassian, J. Mannhart, “Ferromagnetism and Conductivity in Atomically Thin SrRuO3,” Physical Review X 9 (2019) 011027-1 – 011027-13.
C. Sacco, A. Galdi, F. Romeo, N. Coppola, P. Orgiani, H.I. Wei, B.H. Goodge, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and L. Maritato, “Carrier Confinement Effects Observed in the Normal-State Electrical Transport of Electron-Doped Cuprate Trilayers,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (2019) 135303-1 – 135303-9.
Z. Wang, H. Paik, Z. Chen, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Integration of High-Mobility La-doped BaSnO3 Thin Films with Silicon,” APL Materials 7 (2019) 022520-1 – 022520-7.
D-Y. Kuo, H. Paik, J.N. Nelson, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich, “Chlorine Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysis on RuO2(110) and IrO2(110) grown using Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (2019) 041726-1 – 041726-6.
D-Y. Kuo, H. Paik, J. Kloppenburg, B. Faeth, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, G. Hautier, and J. Suntivich, “Measurements of Oxygen Electroadsorption Energies and Oxygen Evolution Reaction on RuO2(110): A Discussion of the Sabatier Principle and its Role in Electrocatalysis,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (2018) 17597–17605.
Y. Zhang, H. Lu, L. Xie, X. Yan, T.R. Paudel, J. Kim, X. Cheng, H. Wang, C. Heikes, L. Li, M. Xu, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, R. Wu, E.Y. Tsymbal, A. Gruverman, and X.Q. Pan, “Anisotropic Polarization-Induced Conductance at a Ferroelectric-Insulator Interface,” Nature NanoTechnology 13 (2018) 1132–1136.
Y. Yuan, Y. Lu, G. Stone, K. Wang, C.M. Brooks, D.G. Schlom, S.B. Sinnott, H. Zhou, and V. Gopalan, “Three-Dimensional Atomic Scale Electron Density Reconstruction of Octahedral Tilt Epitaxy in Functional Perovskites,” Nature Communications 9 (2018) 5220-1 – 5220-11.
H.P. Nair, J.P. Ruf, N.J. Schreiber, L. Miao, M.L. Grandon, D.J. Baek, B.H. Goodge, J.P.C. Ruff, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Demystifying the Growth of Superconducting Sr2RuO4 Thin Films,” APL Materials 6 (2018) 101108-1 – 101108-6.
J.K. Kawasaki, C.H. Kim, J.N. Nelson, S. Crisp, C.J. Zollner, E. Bigenwald, J.T. Heron, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Engineering Carrier Effective Masses in Ultrathin Quantum Wells of IrO2,” Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 176802-1 – 176802-6.
A.E. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, B. Jusserand, A. Soukiassian, L. Xie, X.Q. Pan, T. Dekorsy, D.G. Schlom, and A. Fainstein, “Acoustic Confinement Phenomena in Oxide Multifunctional Nanophononic Devices,” Physical Review Materials 2 (2018) 106002-1 – 106002-12.
C.J. Eom, D-Y. Kuo, C. Adamo, E.J. Moon, S.J. May, E.J. Crumlin, D.G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich, “Tailoring Manganese Oxide with Atomic Precision to Increase Surface Site Availability for Oxygen Reduction Catalysis,” Nature Communications 9 (2018) 4034-1 – 4034-7.
L. Li, J.R. Jokisaari, Y. Zhang, X. Cheng, X. Yan, C. Heikes, Q. Lin, C. Gadre, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, and X.Q. Pan, “Control of Domain Structures in Multiferroic Thin Films through Defect Engineering,” Advanced Materials 30 (2018) 1802737-1 – 1802737-7.
A.B. Mei, Y. Tang, J.L. Grab, J. Schubert, D.C. Ralph, and D.G. Schlom, “Structural, Magnetic, and Transport Properties of Fe1–xRhx/MgO(001) Films grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 113 (2018) 082403-1 – 082403-4.
Z. Wang, H.P. Nair, G.C. Correa, J. Jeong, K. Lee, E.S. Kim, A. Seidner H., C.S. Lee, H.J. Lim, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Integration and Properties of SrRuO3 on Silicon,” APL Materials 6 (2018) 086101-1 – 086101-10.
Y. Li, C. Adamo, C.E. Rowland, R.D. Schaller, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Walko, “Nanoscale Excitonic Photovoltaic Mechanism in Ferroelectric BiFeO3 Thin Films,” APL Materials 6 (2018) 084905-1 – 084905-8.
A.M. Hagerstrom, X. Lu, N.M. Dawley, H.P. Nair, J. Mateu, R.D. Horansky, C.A.E. Little, J.C. Booth, C.J. Long, D.G. Schlom, and N.D. Orloff, “Sub-Nanosecond Tuning of Microwave Resonators Fabricated on Ruddlesden-Popper Dielectric Thin Films,” Advanced Materials Technologies 3 (2018) 1800090-1 – 1800090-6.
B.H. Savitzky, I. El Baggari, C.B. Clement, E. Waite, B.H. Goodge, D.J. Baek, J.P. Sheckelton, C. Pasco, H. Nair, N.J. Schreiber, J. Hoffman, A.S. Admasu, J. Kim, S-W. Cheong, A. Bhattacharya, D.G. Schlom, T.M. McQueen, R. Hovden, and L.F. Kourkoutis, “Image Registration of Low Signal-to-Noise Cryo-STEM Data,” Ultramicroscopy 191 (2018) 56–65.
H.Y. Sun, Z.W. Mao, T.W. Zhang, L. Han, T.T. Zhang, X.B. Cai, X. Guo, Y.F. Li, Y.P. Zang, W. Guo, J.H. Song, D.X. Ji, C.Y. Gu, C. Tang, Z.B. Gu, N. Wang, Y. Zhu, D.G. Schlom, Y.F. Nie, and X.Q. Pan, “Chemically Specific Termination Control of Oxide Interfaces via Layer-by-Layer Mean Inner Potential Engineering,” Nature Communications 9 (2018) 2965-1 – 2965-8.
Y. Liu, H.P. Nair, J.P. Ruf, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Revealing the Hidden Heavy Fermi Liquid in CaRuO3,” Physical Review B 98 (2018) 041110-1 – 041110-5.
E. Turgut, H. Paik, K. Nguyen, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and G.D. Fuchs, “Engineering Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in B20 Thin-Film Chiral Magnets,” Physical Review Materials 2 (2018) 074404.
J.K. Kawasaki, D. Baek, H. Paik, H.P. Nair, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Rutile IrO2/TiO2Superlattices: A Hyperconnected Analog to the Ruddelsden-Popper Structure,” Physical Review Materials 2 (2018) 054206-1 – 054206-7.
E.B. Lochocki, H. Paik, M. Uchida, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Controlling Surface Carrier Density by Illumination in the Transparent Conductor La-doped BaSnO3,” Applied Physics Letters 112 (2018) 181603-1 – 181603-5.
D.T. Harris, N. Campbell, R. Uecker, M. Brützam, D.G. Schlom, A. Levchenko, M.S. Rzchowski, and C.B. Eom, “Superconductivity-Localization Interplay and Fluctuation Magnetoresistance in Epitaxial BaPb1–xBixO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review Materials 2 (2018) 041801-1 – 041801-7.
H.P. Nair, Y. Liu, J.P. Ruf, N.J. Schreiber, S-L. Shang, D.J. Baek, B.H. Goodge, L.F. Kourkoutis, Z.K. Liu, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis Science of SrRuO3 and CaRuO3 Epitaxial Films with High Residual Resistivity Ratios,” APL Materials 6 (2018) 046101-1 – 046101-11.
L. Li, X. Cheng, J.R. Jokisaari, P. Gao, J. Britson, C. Adamo, C. Heikes, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, and X.Q. Pan, “Defect-Induced Hedgehog Polarization States in Multiferroics,” Physical Review Letters 120 (2018) 137602-1 – 137602-6.
A. Galdi, P. Orgiani, C. Sacco, B. Gobaut, P. Torelli, C. Aruta, N.B. Brookes, M. Minola, J.W. Harter, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and L. Maritato, “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Annealing Process on Sr1–xLaxCuO2 Electron-Doped Cuprate Thin Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018) 123901-1 – 123901-7.
D-Y. Kuo, C.J. Eom, J.K. Kawasaki, G. Petretto, J.N. Nelson, G. Hautier, E.J. Crumlin, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich, “Influence of Strain on the Surface-Oxygen Interaction and the Oxygen Evolution Reaction of SrIrO3,”Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018)4359−4364.
Z. Wang, Z. Chen, A.B. Mei, X. Bai, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of LaAlO3 on Silicon via an Ultrathin SrTiO3 Buffer Layer by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 36 (2018) 021507-1 – 021507-7.
R.H. Wakabayashi, H. Paik, M.J. Murphy, D.G. Schlom, M. Brützam, R. Uecker, R.B. van Dover, F.J. DiSalvo, and H.D. Abruña, “Rotating Disk Electrode Voltammetry of Thin Films of Novel Oxide Materials,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (2017) H1154–H1160.
H. Paik, Z. Chen, E. Lochocki, A. Seidner H., A. Verma, N. Tanen, J. Park, M. Uchida, S.L. Shang, B-C. Zhou, M. Brützam, R. Uecker, Z.K. Liu, D. Jena, K.M. Shen, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of La-doped BaSnO3 by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 5 (2017) 116107-1 – 116107-11.
J.D. Clarkson, I. Fina, Z.Q. Liu, Y. Lee, J. Kim, C. Frontera, K. Cordero, S. Wisotzki, F. Sanchez, J. Sort, S.L. Hsu, C. Ko, L. Aballe, M. Foerster, J. Wu, H.M. Christen, J.T. Heron, D.G. Schlom, S. Salahuddin, N. Kioussis, J. Fontcuberta, X. Marti, and R. Ramesh, “Hidden Magnetic States Emergent under Electric Field, in a Room Temperature Composite Magnetoelectric Multiferroic,” Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 15460-1 – 15460-7.
S. Chatterjee, J.P. Ruf, H.I. Wei, K.D. Finkelstein, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Lifshitz Transition from Valence Fluctuations in YbAl3,” Nature Communications 8 (2017) 852-1 – 852-6.
D. Li, A.A. Sharma, N. Shukla, H. Paik, J.M Goodwill, S. Datta, D.G Schlom, J.A Bain, and M. Skowronski, “ON-State Evolution in Lateral and Vertical VO2 Threshold Switching Devices,” Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 405201-1 – 405201-8.
C.G. Bischak, R.B. Wai, C. Cherqui, J.A. Busche, S.C. Quillin, C.L. Hetherington, Z. Wang, C.D. Aiello, D.G. Schlom, S. Aloni, D.F. Ogletree, D.J. Masiello, and N.S. Ginsberg, “Noninvasive Cathodoluminescence-Activated Nanoimaging of Dynamic Processes in Liquids,” ACS Nano 11 (2017) 10583-10590.
E.H. Smith, P.D.C. King, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Ast, and D.G. Schlom, “Hybrid Reflections from Multiple X-Ray Scattering in Epitaxial Oxide Films,” Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017) 131903-1 – 131903-5.
G. Dellea, M. Minola, A. Galdi, D. Di Castro, C. Aruta, N.B. Brookes, C.J. Jia, C. Mazzoli, M. Moretti Sala, B. Moritz, P. Orgiani, D.G. Schlom, A. Tebano, G. Balestrino, L. Braicovich, T.P. Deveraux, L. Maritato, and G. Ghiringhelli, “Spin and Charge Excitations in Artificial Hole- and Electron-Doped Infinite Layer Cuprate Superconductors,” Physical Review B 96 (2017) 115117-1 – 115117-8.
D. Chen, C.T. Nelson, X. Zhu, C.R. Serrao, J.D. Clarkson, Z. Wang, Y. Gao, S-L. Hsu, L.R. Dedon, Z. Chen, D. Yi, H-J. Liu, D. Zeng, Y-H. Chu, J. Liu, D.G. Schlom, and R. Ramesh, “A Strain-Driven Antiferroelectric-to-Ferroelectric Phase Transition in La-Doped BiFeO3 Thin Films on Si,” NanoLetters 17 (2017) 5823−5829.
L. Xie, L.Z. Li, C.A. Heikes, Y. Zhang, Z.J. Hong, P. Gao, C.T. Nelson, F. Xue, E. Kioupakis, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, P. Wang, and X.Q. Pan, “Giant Ferroelectric Polarization in Ultrathin Ferroelectrics via Boundary-Condition Engineering,” Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1701475-1 – 1701475-7.
N.F. Quackenbush, H. Paik, M.E. Holtz, M.J. Wahila, J.A. Moyer, S. Barthel, T.O. Wehling, D.A. Arena, J.C. Woicik, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “Reducing Orbital Occupancy in VO2 Suppresses Mott Physics while Peierls Distortions Persist,” Physical Review B 96 (2017) 081103-1 – 081103-5.
D. Klimm, C. Guguschev, D.J. Kok, M. Naumann, L. Ackermann, D. Rytz, M. Peltz, K. Dupré, M.D. Neumann, A. Kwasniewski, D.G. Schlom, and M. Bickermann, “Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Pyrochlore Tb2Ti2O7,” CrystEngComm 19 (2017) 3908–3914.
E.H. Smith, J.F. Ihlefeld, C.A. Heikes, H. Paik, Y. Nie, C. Adamo, T. Heeg, Z.K. Liu, and D.G. Schlom, “Exploiting Kinetics and Thermodynamics to Grow Phase-Pure Complex Oxides by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy under Continuous Codeposition,” Physical Review Materials 1 (2017) 023403-1 – 023403-8.
M.D. Nguyen, E. Houwman, M. Dekkers, D.G. Schlom, and G. Rijnders, “Research Update: Enhancement of Figure of Merit for Energy-Harvesters based on Free-Standing Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)0.99Nb0.01O3 Thin-Film Cantilevers,” APL Materials 5 (2017) 074201-1 – 074201-7.
V. Železný, O. Caha, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, and X.X. Xi, “Temperature-Dependent Far-Infrared Reflectance of an Epitaxial (BaTiO3)8/(SrTiO3)4 Superlattice,” Physical Review B 95 (2017) 214110-1 – 214110-10.
J.A. Mundy, J. Schaab, Y. Kumagai, A. Cano, M. Stengel, I.P. Krug, D.M. Gottlob, H. Doğanay, M.E. Holtz, R. Held, Z. Yan, E. Bourret, C.M. Schneider, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Muller, R. Ramesh, N.A. Spaldin, and D. Meier, “Functional Electronic Inversion Layers at Ferroelectric Domain Walls,” Nature Materials 16 (2017) 622–627.
W.J. Hardy, H. Ji, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, and D. Natelson, “Mesoscopic Quantum Effects in a Bad Metal, Hydrogen-Doped Vanadium Dioxide,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (2017) 185601-1 – 185601-10.
K.T. Faber, T. Asefa, M. Backhaus-Ricoult, R. Brow, J.Y. Chan, S. Dillon, W.G. Fahrenholtz, M.W. Finnis, J.E. Garay, R.E. García, Y. Gogotsi, S.M. Haile, J. Halloran, J. Hu, L. Huang, S.D. Jacobsen, E. Lara-Curzio, J. LeBeau, W.E. Lee, C.G. Levi, I. Levin, J.A. Lewis, D.M. Lipkin, K. Lu, J. Luo, J.-P. Maria, L.W. Martin, S. Martin, G. Messing, A. Navrotsky, N.P. Padture, C. Randall, G.S. Rohrer, A. Rosenflanz, T.A. Schaedler, D.G. Schlom, A. Sehirlioglu, A.J. Stevenson, T. Tani, V. Tikare, S. Trolier-McKinstry, H. Wang, and B. Yildiz, “The Role of Ceramic and Glass Science Research in Meeting Societal Challenges: Report from an NSF-Sponsored Workshop,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (2017) 1777–1803.
W. Wang, J.A. Mundy, C.M. Brooks, J.A. Moyer, M.E. Holtz, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and W. Wu, “Visualizing Weak Ferromagnetic Domains in Multiferroic Hexagonal Ferrite Thin Film,” Physical Review B 95 (2017) 134443-1 – 134443-7.
J.P. Ruf, P.D.C. King, V.B. Nascimento, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Surface Atomic Structure of Epitaxial LaNiO3 Thin Films Studied by in situ LEED-I(V),” Physical Review B 95 (2017) 115418-1 – 115418-6.
V.V. Laguta, S. Kamba, M. Maryško, B. Andrzejewski, M. Kachlík, K. Maca, J.H. Lee, and D.G. Schlom, “Magnetic Resonance Study of Bulk and Thin Film EuTiO3,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (2017) 105401-1 – 105401-9.
D-Y. Kuo, J.K. Kawasaki, J.N. Nelson, J. Kloppenburg, G. Hautier, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich, “Influence of Surface Adsorption on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction on IrO2(110),” Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (2017) 3473–3479.
M. Brahlek, L. Zhang, J. Lapano, H-T. Zhang, R. Engel-Herbert, N. Shukla, S. Datta, H. Paik, and D.G. Schlom, “Opportunities in Vanadium-Based Strongly Correlated Electron Systems,” MRS Communications 7 (2017) 27–52.
Copyright © 2017 by Materials Research Society.
Q. Lei, M. Golalikhani, B.A. Davidson, G. Liu, D.G. Schlom, Q. Qiao, Y. Zhu, R.U. Chandrasena, W. Yang, A.X. Gray, E. Arenholz, A.K. Farrar, D.A. Tenne, M. Hu, J. Guo, R.K. Singh, and X.X. Xi, “Constructing Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures by Atomic Layer-by-Layer Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” npj Quantum Materials 2 (2017) 10-1 – 10-7.
N. Reynolds, P. Jadaun, J.T. Heron, C.L. Jermain, J. Gibbons, R. Collette, R.A. Buhrman, D.G. Schlom, and D.C. Ralph, “Spin Hall Torques Generated by Rare-Earth Thin Films,” Physical Review B 95 (2017) 064412-1 – 064412-12.
S.M. Strutner, A. Garcia, S. Ula, C. Adamo, W.L. Richards, K. Wang, D.G. Schlom, and G.P. Carman, “Index of Refraction Changes under Magnetic Field Observed in La0.66Sr0.33MnO3 Correlated to the Magnetorefractive Effect,” Optical Materials Express 7 (2017) 468–476.
R. Uecker, R. Bertram, M. Brützam, Z. Galazka, T.M. Gesing, C. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Klupsch, A. Kwasniewski, and D.G. Schlom, “Large-Lattice-Parameter Perovskite Single-Crystal Substrates,” Journal of Crystal Growth 457 (2017) 137–142.
C.L. Jermain, H. Paik, S.V. Aradhya, R.A. Buhrman, D.G. Schlom, and D.C. Ralph, “Low-Damping Sub-10-nm Thin Films of Lutetium Iron Garnet Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 109 (2016) 192408-1 – 192408-5.
A. Barnes, H. Haneef, D.G. Schlom, and N.J. Podraza, “Optical Band Gap and Infrared Phonon Modes of (La0.29Sr0.71)(Al0.65Ta0.36)O3 (LSAT) Single Crystal from Infrared to Ultraviolet Range Spectroscopic Ellipsometry,” Optical Materials Express 6 (2016) 3210–3216.
D.E. Shai, M.H. Fischer, A.J. Melville, E.J. Monkman, J.W. Harter, D.W. Shen, D.G. Schlom, M.J. Lawler, E.-A. Kim, and K.M. Shen, “Observation of Semilocalized Dispersive States in the Strongly Correlated Electron-Doped Ferromagnet Eu1–xGdxO,” Physical Review B 94 (2016) 195102-1 – 195102-5.
H.I. Wei, C. Adamo, E.A. Nowadnick, E.B. Lochocki, S. Chatterjee, J.P. Ruf, M.R. Beasley, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Electron Doping of the Parent Cuprate La2CuO4 without Cation Substitution,” Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 147002-1 – 147002-7.
F. Xue, L. Li, J. Britson, Z. Hong, C.A. Heikes, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, X.Q. Pan, and L.Q. Chen, “Switching the Curl of Polarization Vectors by an Irrotational Electric Field,” Physical Review B 94 (2016) 100103-1 – 100103-5.
J.A. Mundy, C.M. Brooks, M.E. Holtz, J.A. Moyer, H. Das, A.F. Rébola, J.T. Heron, J.D. Clarkson, S.M. Disseler, Z. Liu, A. Farhan, R. Held, R. Hovden, E. Padgett, Q. Mao, H. Paik, R. Misra, L.F. Kourkoutis, E. Arenholz, A. Scholl, J.A. Borchers, W.D. Ratcliff, R. Ramesh, C.J. Fennie, P. Schiffer, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Atomically Engineered Ferroic Layers Yield a Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Multiferroic,” Nature 537 (2016) 523–527.
J.K. Kawasaki, M. Uchida, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Evolution of Electronic Correlations across the Rutile, Perovskite, and Ruddelsden-Popper Iridates with Octahedral Connectivity,” Physical Review B 94 (2016) 121104-1 – 121104-6.
H-T. Zhang, L. Guo, G. Stone, L. Zhang, Y-X. Zheng, E. Freeman, D.W. Keefer, S. Chaudhuri, H. Paik, J.A. Moyer, M. Barth, D.G. Schlom, J.V. Badding, S. Datta, V. Gopalan, and R. Engel-Herbert, “Imprinting of Local Metallic States into VO2 with Ultraviolet Light,” Advanced Functional Materials 26 (2016) 6612–6618.
G. Stone, C. Ophus, T. Birol, J. Ciston, C-H. Lee, K. Wang, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom, N. Alem, and V. Gopalan, “Atomic Scale Imaging of Competing Polar States in a Ruddlesden-Popper Layered Oxide,” Nature Communications 7 (2016) 12572-1 – 12572-6.
L. Li, J. Britson, J.R. Jokisaari, Y. Zhang, C. Adamo, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, and X.Q. Pan, “Giant Resistive Switching via Control of Ferroelectric Charged Domain Walls,” Advanced Materials 28 (2016) 6574–6580.
N.F. Quackenbush, H. Paik, M.J. Wahila, S. Sallis, M.E. Holtz, X. Huang, A. Ganose, B.J. Morgan, D.O. Scanlon, Y. Gu, F. Xue, L.Q. Chen, G.E. Sterbinsky, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, J.C. Woicik, J.-H. Guo, J.D. Brock, D.A. Muller, D.A. Arena, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “Stability of the M2 Phase of Vanadium Dioxide Induced by Coherent Epitaxial Strain,” Physical Review B 94 (2016) 085105-1 – 085105-6.
S. Chatterjee, S.H. Sung, D.J. Baek, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Properties of Mixed Valence YbAl3 Thin Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016) 035105-1 – 035105-5.
Y-T. Hsu, W. Cho, A.F. Rebola, B. Burganov, C. Adamo, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, C.J. Fennie, and E-A. Kim, “Manipulating Superconductivity in Ruthenates through Fermi Surface Engineering,” Physical Review B 94 (2016) 045118-1 – 045118-7.
M.J. Wahila, K.T. Butler, Z.W. Lebens-Higgins, C.H. Hendon, A.S. Nandur, R.E. Treharne, N.F. Quackenbush, S. Sallis, K. Mason, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, J.C. Woicik, J. Guo, D.A. Arena, B.E. White Jr., G.W. Watson, A. Walsh, and L.F.J. Piper, “Lone-pair Stabilization in Transparent Amorphous Tin Oxides: A Potential Route to p-Type Conduction Pathways,” Chemistry of Materials 28 (2016) 4706–4713.
M. Plaza, X. Huang, J.Y.P. Ko, M. Shen, B.H. Simpson, J. Rodríguez-López, N.L. Ritzert, K. Letchworth-Weaver, D. Gunceler, D.G. Schlom, T.A. Arias, J.D. Brock, and H.D. Abruña, “Structure of the Photo-Catalytically Active Surface of SrTiO3,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (2016) 7816–7819.
S. Mukherjee, N.F. Quackenbush, H. Paik, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, D.G. Schlom, L.F.J. Piper, and W-C. Lee, “Tuning a Strain-Induced Orbital Selective Mott Transition in Epitaxial VO2,” Physical Review B 93 (2016) 241110-1 – 241110-5.
R. Tang, Y. Nie, J.K. Kawasaki, D-Y. Kuo, G. Petretto, G. Hautier, G-M. Rignanese, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich, “Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysis on SrIrO3 Grown using Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (2016) 6831–6836.
D. Li, A.A. Sharma, D.K. Gala, N. Shukla, H. Paik, S. Datta, D.G. Schlom, J.A. Bain, and M. Skowronski, “Joule Heating-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Epitaxial VO2/TiO2 Devices,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (2016) 12908–12914.
B. Burganov, C. Adamo, A. Mulder, M. Uchida, P.D.C. King, J.W. Harter, D.E. Shai, A.S. Gibbs, A.P. Mackenzie, R. Uecker, M. Bruetzam, M.R. Beasley, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Strain Control of Fermiology and Many-Body Interactions in Two-Dimensional Ruthenates,” Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 197003-1 – 197003-6.
C. Barone, A. Galdi, C. Sacco, P. Orgiani, D.G. Schlom, S. Pagano, and L. Maritato, “Noise Spectroscopy Investigation of Interplay Between Quantum Interference Effects and Superconductivity in Infinite Layer Cuprates,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (2016) 7201204-1 – 7201204-4.
J.C. Frederick, T.H. Kim, W. Maeng, A.A. Brewer, J.P. Podkaminer, W. Saenrang, V. Vaithyanathan, F. Li, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, M.S. Rzchowski, and C.B. Eom, “Visualization of Dielectric Constant-Electric Field-Temperature Phase Maps for Imprinted Relaxor Ferroelectric Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 108 (2016) 132902-1 – 132902-5.
U.K. Bhaskar, N. Banerjee, A. Abdollahi, Z. Wang, D.G. Schlom, G. Rijnders, and G. Catalan, “A Flexoelectric Microelectromechanical System on Silicon,” Nature Nanotechnology 10 (2016) 263–266.
M.W. Tate, P. Purohit, D. Chamberlain, K.X. Nguyen, R.M. Hovden, C.S. Chang, P. Deb, E. Turgut, J.T. Heron, D.G. Schlom, D.C. Ralph, G.D. Fuchs, K.S. Shanks, H.T. Philipp, D.A. Muller, and S.M. Gruner, “High Dynamic Range Pixel Array Detector for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (2016) 237–249.
Z. Lebens-Higgins, D.O. Scanlon, H. Paik, S. Sallis, Y. Nie, M. Uchida, N.F. Quackenbush, M.J. Wahila, G.E. Sterbinsky, D.A. Arena, J.C. Woicik, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “Direct Observation of Electrostatically Driven Band Gap Renormalization in a Degenerate Perovskite Transparent Conducting Oxide,” Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 027602-1 – 027602-5.
W-I. Liang, C-Y. Peng, R. Huang, W-C. Kuo, Y-C. Huang, C. Adamo, Y-C. Chen, L. Chang, J-Y. Juang, D.G. Schlom, and Y-H. Chu, “Epitaxial Integration of a Nanoscale BiFeO3 Phase Boundary with Silicon,” Nanoscale 8 (2016) 1322–1326.
J.R. Jokisaari, D. Bayerl, K. Zhang, L. Xie, Y. Nie, D.G. Schlom, E. Kioupakis, G.W. Graham, and X.Q. Pan, “Polarization-Dependent Raman Spectroscopy of Epitaxial TiO2(B) Thin Films,” Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 7896−7902.
E.A. Nowadnick, J.P. Ruf, H. Park, P.D.C. King, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, and A.J. Millis, “Quantifying Electronic Correlation Strength in a Complex Oxide: A Combined DMFT and ARPES Study of LaNiO3,” Physical Review B 92 (2015) 245109-1 – 245109-7.
P. Orgiani, A. Galdi, C. Sacco, R. Arpaia, S. Charpentier, F. Lombardi, C. Barone, S. Pagano, D.G. Schlom, and L. Maritato, “The Role of Quantum Interference Effects in Normal-State Transport Properties of Electron-Doped Cuprates,” Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 28 (2015) 3481–3486.
Y. Li, C. Adamo, P. Chen, P.G. Evans, S.M. Nakhmanson, W. Parker, C.E. Rowland, R.D. Schaller, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Walko, H. Wen, and Q. Zhang, “Giant Optical Enhancement of Strain Gradient in Ferroelectric BiFeO3 Thin Films and its Physical Origin,” Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 16650-1 – 16650-7.
H. Paik, J.A. Moyer, T. Spila, J.W. Tashman, J.A. Mundy, E. Freeman, N. Shukla, J.M. Lapano, R. Engel-Herbert, W. Zander, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, S. Datta, P. Schiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “Transport Properties of Ultra-Thin VO2 Films on (001) TiO2 Grown by Reactive Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 163101-1 – 163101-5.
H. Wen, M. Sassi, Z. Luo, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Rosso, and X. Zhang, “Capturing Ultrafast Photoinduced Local Structural Distortions of BiFeO3,” Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 15098-1 – 15098-8.
H. Wen, M. Sassi, Z. Luo, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Rosso, and X. Zhang, “Capturing Ultrafast Photoinduced Local Structural Distortions of BiFeO3,” Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 15098-1 – 15098-8.
P.P. Wu, X.Q. Ma, Y.L. Li, C.B. Eom, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, and L.Q. Chen, “Influence of Interfacial Coherency on Ferroelectric Switching of Superlattice BaTiO3/SrTiO3,” Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 122906-1 – 122906-8.
D.G. Schlom and C.J. Fennie, “Ferroelectrics: The Positives of Going Negative,” Nature Materials 14 (2015) 969–970.
A. Rubano, G. De Luca, J. Schubert, Z. Wang, S. Zhu, D.G. Schlom, L. Marrucci, and D. Paparo, “Polar Asymmetry of La(1–d)Al(1+ d)O3/SrTiO3 Heterostructrues Probed by Optical Second Harmonic Generation,” Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 101603-1 – 101603-4.
Y.F. Nie, D. Di Sante, S. Chatterjee, P.D.C. King, M. Uchida, S. Ciuchi, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Formation and Observation of a Quasi-Two-Dimensional dxy Electron Liquid in Epitaxially Stabilized Sr2−xLaxTiO4 Thin Films,” Physical Review Letters 115 (2015) 096405-1 – 096405-6.
J. Park, Q. Zhang, P. Chen, M.P. Cosgriff, J.A. Tilka, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, H. Wen, Y. Zhu, and P.G. Evans, “Spatially Confined Low-Power Optically Pumped Ultrafast Synchrotron X-ray Nanodiffraction,” Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2015) 083904-1 – 083904-6.
N.F. Quackenbush, H. Paik, J.C. Woicik, D.A. Arena, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “X-ray Spectroscopy of Ultra-Thin Oxide/Oxide Heteroepitaxial Films: A Case Study of Single Nanometer VO2/TiO2,” Materials 8 (2015) 5452–5466.
N. Shukla, A.V. Thathachary, A. Agrawal, H. Paik, A. Aziz, D.G. Schlom, S.K. Gupta, R. Engel-Herbert, and S. Datta, “A Steep Slope Transistor based on Abrupt Electronic Phase Transition,” Nature Communications 6 (2015) 7812-1 – 7812-6.
C.M. Brooks, R.B. Wilson, A. Schäfer, J.A. Mundy, M.E. Holtz, D.A. Muller, J. Schubert, D.G. Cahill, and D.G. Schlom, “Tuning Thermal Conductivity in Homoepitaxial SrTiO3 Films via Defects,” Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 051902-1 – 051902-5.
J.W. Harter, L. Maritato, H.I. Wei, D.E. Shai, E.J. Monkman, Y. Nie, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Doping Evolution and Polar Surface Reconstruction of the Infinite-Layer Cuprate Sr1‑xLaxCuO2,” Physical Review B 92 (2015) 035149-1 – 217602-8.
T. Mairoser, J.A. Mundy, A. Melville, D. Hodash, P. Cueva, R. Held, A. Glavic, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and A. Schmehl, “High-Quality EuO Thin Films the Easy Way via Topotactic Transformation,” Nature Communications 6 (2015) 7716.
R. Guo, Z. Wang, S. Zeng, K. Han, L. Huang, D.G. Schlom, T. Venkatesan, Ariando, and J. Chen, “Functional Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions on Silicon,” Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 12576-1 – 12576-7.
C. Adamo, L. Méchin, T. Heeg, M. Katz, S. Mercone, B. Guillet, S. Wu, J.-M. Routoure, J. Schubert, W. Zander, R. Misra, P. Schiffer, X.Q. Pan, and D.G. Schlom, “Enhanced Electrical and Magnetic Properties in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films Deposited on CaTiO3-buffered Silicon Substrates,” APL Materials 3 (2015) 062504-1 – 062504-10.
D.G. Schlom, “Perspective: Oxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Rocks!,” APL Materials 3 (2015) 062403-1 – 062403-5.
S.M. Disseler, J.A. Borchers, C.M. Brooks, J.A. Mundy, J.A. Moyer, D.A. Hillsberry, E.L. Thies, D.A. Tenne, J. Heron, M.E. Holtz, J.D. Clarkson, G.M. Stiehl, P. Schiffer, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and W.D. Ratcliff, “Magnetic Structure and Ordering of Multiferroic Hexagonal LuFeO3,” Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 217602-1 – 217602-6.
S. Skiadopoulou, V. Goian, C. Kadlec, F. Kadlec, X.F. Bai, I.C. Infante, B. Dkhil, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and S. Kamba, “Spin and Lattice Excitations of a BiFeO3 Thin Film and Ceramics,” Physical Review B 91 (2015) 174108-1 – 174108-8.
C.G. Bischak, C.L. Hetherington, Z. Wang, J.T. Precht, D.M. Kaz, D.G. Schlom, and N.S. Ginsberg, “Cathodoluminescence-Activated Nanoimaging: Noninvasive Near-Field Optical Microscopy in an Electron Microscope,” Nano Letters 15 (2015) 3383−3390.
C. Weiland, G.E. Sterbinsky, A.K. Rumaiz, C.S. Hellberg, J.C. Woicik, S. Zhu, and D.G. Schlom, “Stoichiometry Dependence of Potential Screening at La(1–d)Al(1+d)O3/SrTiO3 Interfaces,” Physical Review B 91 (2015) 165103-1 – 165103-9.
M. Matsubara, A. Schroer, A. Schmehl, A. Melville, C. Becher, M.T. Martinez, D.G. Schlom, J. Mannhart, J. Kroha, and M. Fiebig, “Ultrafast Optical Tuning of Ferromagnetism via the Carrier Density,” Nature Communications 6 (2015) 6724-1 – 6724-7.
B.S. Holinsworth, D. Mazumdar, C.M. Brooks, J.A. Mundy, H. Das, J.G. Cherian, S.A. McGill, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Musfeldt, “Direct Band Gaps in Multiferroic h-LuFeO3,” Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015) 082902-1 – 082902-5.
Y.F. Nie, P.D.C. King, C.H. Kim, M. Uchida, H.I. Wei, B.D. Faeth, J.P. Ruf, J.P.C. Ruff, L. Xie, X.Q. Pan, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Interplay of Spin-Orbit Interactions, Dimensionality, and Octahedral Rotations in Semimetallic SrIrO3,” Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 016401-1 – 016401-6.
Y. Lee, Z.Q. Liu, J.T. Heron, J.D. Clarkson, J. Hong, C. Ko, M.D. Biegalski, U. Aschauer, S.L. Hsu, M.E. Nowakowski, J. Wu, H.M. Christen, S. Salahuddin, J.B. Bokor, N.A. Spaldin, D.G. Schlom, and R. Ramesh, “Large Resistivity Modulation in Mixed-Phase Metallic Systems,” Nature Communications 6 (2015) 5959-1 – 5959-7.
J.T. Heron, J.L. Bosse, Q. He, Y. Gao, M. Trassin, L. Ye, J.D. Clarkson, C. Wang, J. Liu, S. Salahuddin, D.C. Ralph, D.G. Schlom, J. Íñiguez, B.D. Huey, and R. Ramesh, “Deterministic Switching of Ferromagnetism at Room Temperature using an Electric Field,” Nature 516 (2014) 370-373.
L. Hong, P.P. Wu, Y.L. Li, V. Gopalan, C.B. Eom, D.G. Schlom, and L.Q. Chen, “Piezoelectric Enhancement of (PbTiO3)m/(BaTiO3)n Ferroelectric Superlattices through Domain Engineering,” Physical Review B 90 (2014) 174111-1 – 174111-6.
V. Goian, S. Kamba, N. Orloff, T. Birol, C.H. Lee, D. Nuzhnyy, J.C. Booth, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, and D.G. Schlom, “Influence of the Central Mode and Soft Phonon on the Microwave Dielectric Loss near the Strain-Induced Ferroelectric Phase Transitions in Srn+1TinO3n+1,” Physical Review B 90 (2014) 174105-1 – 174105-10.
M. Huefner, R.K. Ghosh, E. Freeman, N. Shukla, H. Paik, D.G. Schlom, and S. Datta, “Hubbard Gap Modulation in Vanadium Dioxide Nanoscale Tunnel Junctions,” Nano Letters 14 (2014) 6115-6120.
V. Železny, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, and D.G. Schlom, “Infrared Spectroscopy of Strained BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices on Scandate Substrates,” Phase Transitions 87 (2014) 929-937.
M. Uchida, Y.F. Nie, P.D.C. King, C.H. Kim, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Correlated versus Conventional Insulating behavior in the Jeff = 1/2 vs. 3/2 Bands in the Layered Iridate Ba2IrO4,” Physical Review B 90 (2014) 075142-1 – 075142-6.
Y.F. Nie, Y. Zhu, C.-H. Lee, L.F. Kourkoutis, J.A. Mundy, J. Junquera, P. Ghosez, D.J. Baek, S. Sung, X.X. Xi, K.M. Shen, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Atomically Precise Interfaces from Non-Stoichiometric Deposition,” Nature Communications 5 (2014) 4530-1 – 4530-8.
J.T. Heron, D.G. Schlom, and R. Ramesh, “Electric Field Control of Magnetism Using BiFeO3-Based Heterostructures,” Applied Physics Reviews 1 (2014) 021303-1 – 021303-18.
P.D.C. King, H.I. Wei, Y.F. Nie, M. Uchida, C. Adamo, S. Zhu, X. He, I. Božović, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Atomic-Scale Control of Competing Electronic Phases in Ultrathin LaNiO3,” Nature Nanotechnology 9 (2014) 443-447.
V. Železny, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, and X.X. Xi, “Infrared Spectroscopy of an Epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattice Grown on a (110) SmScO3 Substrate,” Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2014) 184102-1 – 184102-7.
N. Shukla, A. Parihar, E. Freeman, H. Paik, G. Stone, V. Narayanan, H. Wen, Z. Cai, V. Gopalan, R. Engel-Herbert, D.G. Schlom, A. Raychowdhury, and S. Datta, “Synchronized Charge Oscillations in Correlated Electron Systems” Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 4964-1 – 4964-6.
K. Zhang, S.J. Kim, Y. Zhang, T. Heeg, D.G. Schlom, W. Shen, and X.Q. Pan, “Epitaxial Growth of ZnO on (111) Si Free of an Amorphous Interlayer,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (2014) 105302-1 – 105302-6.
D. Schick, M. Herzog, H. Wen, P. Chen, C. Adamo, P. Gaal, D.G. Schlom, G.P. Evans, Y. Li, and M. Bargheer, “Localized Excited Charge Carriers Generate Ultrafast Inhomogeneous Strain in the Multiferroic BiFeO3,” Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 097602-1 – 097602-6.
J.A. Mundy, D. Hodash, A. Melville, R. Held, T. Mairoser, D.A. Muller, L.F. Kourkoutis, A. Schmehl, and D.G. Schlom, “Hetero-Epitaxial EuO Interfaces Studied by Analytic Electron Microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 091601-1 – 091601-5.
J.W. Tashman, J.H. Lee, H. Paik, J.A. Moyer, R. Misra, J.A. Mundy, T. Spila, T.A. Merz, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, P. Schiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth of VO2 by Periodic Annealing,” Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 063104-1 – 063104-5.
D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, C.J. Fennie, V. Gopalan, D.A. Muller, X.Q. Pan, R. Ramesh, and R. Uecker, “Elastic Strain Engineering of Ferroic Oxides,” MRS Bulletin 39 (2014) 118-130.
J. Ravichandran, A.K. Yadav, R. Cheaito, P.B. Rossen, A. Soukiassian, S.J. Suresha, J.C. Duda, B.M. Foley, C.H. Lee, Y. Zhu, A.W. Lichtenberger, J.E. Moore, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, P.E. Hopkins, A. Majumdar, R. Ramesh, and M.A. Zurbuchen, “Crossover from Incoherent to Coherent Phonon Scattering in Epitaxial Oxide Superlattices,” Nature Materials 13 (2014) 168-172.
J.A. Moyer, R. Misra, J.A. Mundy, C.M. Brooks, J.T. Heron, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and P. Schiffer, “Intrinsic Magnetic Properties of Hexagonal LuFeO3 and the Effects of Nonstoichiometry,” APL Materials 2 (2014) 012106-1 – 012106-8.
E. Freeman, G. Stone, N. Shukla, H. Paik, J.A. Moyer, Z. Cai, H. Wen, R. Engel-Herbert, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, and S. Datta, “Nanoscale Structural Evolution of Electrically Driven Insulator to Metal Transition in Vanadium Dioxide,” Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 263109-1 – 263109-4.
D.M. Kaz, C.G. Bischak, C.L. Hetherington, H.H. Howard, X. Marti, J.D. Clarkson, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, R. Ramesh, S. Aloni, D.F. Ogletree, and N.S. Ginsberg, “Bright Cathodoluminescent Thin Films for Scanning Nano-Optical Excitation and Imaging,” ACS Nano 7 (2013) 10397-10404.
A. Melville, T. Mairoser, A. Schmehl, M. Fischer, S. Gsell, M. Schreck, D.D. Awschalom, T. Heeg, B. Holländer, J. Schubert, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth of Europium Monoxide on Diamond,” Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 222402-1 – 222402-5.
G. Subramanyam, M.W. Cole, N.X. Sun, T.S. Kalkur, N.M. Sbrockey, G.S. Tompa, X. Guo, C.L. Chen, S.P. Alpay, G.A. Rossetti, Jr., K. Dayal, L.Q. Chen, and D.G. Schlom, “Challenges and Opportunities for Multi-Functional Oxide Thin films for Voltage Tunable Radio Frequency/Microwave Components,” Journal of Applied Physics 114 (2013) 191301.
L. Li, P. Gao, C.T. Nelson, J.R. Jokisaari, Y. Zhang, S-J. Kim, A. Melville, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Atomic Scale Structure Changes Induced by Charged Domain Walls in Ferroelectric Materials,” Nano Letters 13 (2013) 5218-5223.
Y. Yang, C.M. Schlepütz, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and R. Clarke, “Untilting BiFeO3: The Influence of Substrate Boundary Conditions in Ultra-Thin BiFeO3 on SrTiO3,” APL Materials 1 (2013) 052102-1 – 052102-6.
R.L. Johnson-Wilke, D. Marincel, S. Zhu, M.P. Warusawithana, A. Hatt, J. Sayre, K.T. Delaney, R. Engel-Herbert, C.M. Schlepütz, J.-W. Kim, V. Gopalan, N.A. Spaldin, D.G. Schlom, P.J. Ryan, and S. Trolier-McKinstry, “Quantification of Octahedral Rotations in Strained LaAlO3 Films via Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction,” Physical Review B 88 (2013) 174101-1 – 174101-8.
S. Liu, B. Guillet, A. Aryan, C. Adamo, C. Fur, J.-M. Routoure, F. Lemarié, D.G. Schlom, and L. Méchin, “La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Suspended Microbridges for Uncooled Bolometers made using Reactive Ion Etching of the Silicon Substrates,” Microelectronic Engineering 111 (2013) 101-104.
H. Wen, L. Guo, E. Barnes, J.H. Lee, D.A. Walko, R.D. Schaller, J.A. Moyer, R. Misra, Y. Li, E.M. Dufresne, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, and J.W. Freeland, “Structural and Electronic Recovery Pathways of a Photoexcited Ultrathin VO2 Film,” Physical Review B 88 (2013) 165424-1 – 165424-8.
C.H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, V. Goian, E. Rocas, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, L.F. Kourkoutis, Y. Nie, M.D. Biegalski, J. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom, “Exploiting Dimensionality and Defect Mitigation to Create Tunable Microwave Dielectrics,” Nature 502 (2013) 532-536.
N.F. Quackenbush, J.W. Tashman, J.A. Mundy, S. Sallis, H. Paik, R. Misra, J.A. Moyer, J.-H. Guo, D.A. Fischer, J.C. Woicik, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and L.F.J. Piper, “Nature of the Metal Insulator Transition in Ultrathin Epitaxial Vanadium Dioxide,” Nano Letters 13 (2013) 4857-4861.
S. Stoughton, M. Showak, Q. Mao, P. Koirala, D.A. Hillsberry, S. Sallis, L.F. Kourkoutis, K. Nguyen, L.F.J. Piper, D.A. Tenne, N.J. Podraza, D.A. Muller, C. Adamo, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of BiVO4 by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” APL Materials 1 (2013) 042112-1 – 042112-8.
Y. Zhu, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Muller, and C. Dwyer, “Towards Artifact-Free Atomic-Resolution Elemental Mapping with Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 141908-1 – 141908-3.
X. Ke, T. Birol, R. Misra, J.-H. Lee, B.J. Kirby, D.G. Schlom, C.J. Fennie, and J.W. Freeland, “Structural Control of Magnetic Anisotropy in a Strain-Driven Multiferroic EuTiO3 Thin Film,” Physical Review B 88 (2013) 094434-1 – 094434-3.
R. Uecker, D. Klimm, R. Bertram, M. Bernhagen, I. Schulze-Jonack, M. Brützam, A. Kwasniewski, T.M. Gesing, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth and Investigation of Nd1-xSmxScO3 and Sm1–xGdxScO3 Solid-Solution Single Crystals,” Acta Physica Polonica A 124 (2013) 295-300.
M.P. Warusawithana, C. Richter, J.A. Mundy, P. Roy, J. Ludwig, S. Paetel, T. Heeg, A.A. Pawlicki, L.F. Kourkoutis, M. Zheng, M. Lee, B. Mulcahy, W. Zander, Y. Zhu, J. Schubert, J.N. Eckstein, D.A. Muller, C.S. Hellberg, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “LaAlO3 Stoichiometry is Key to Electron Liquid Formation at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces,” Nature Communications 4 (2013) 2351-1 – 2351-9.
R.C. Haislmaier, N.J. Podraza, S. Denev, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Large Nonlinear Optical Coefficients in Pseudo-Tetragonal BiFeO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 031906-1 – 031906-4.
Y. Wang, C. Nelson, A. Melville, B. Winchester, S. Shang, Z.K. Liu, D.G. Schlom, X.Q. Pan, and L.Q. Chen, “BiFeO3 Domain Wall Energies and Structures: A Combined Experimental and Density Functional Theory + U Study,” Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 267601-1 – 267601-5.
L. Méchin, S. Wu, B. Guillet, P. Perna, C. Fur, S. Lebargy, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and J.M. Routoure, “Experimental Evidence of Correlation between 1/f Noise Level and Metal-to-Insulator Transition Temperature in Epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (2013) 202001-1 – 072106-6.
P.E. Hopkins, C. Adamo, L. Ye, B.D. Huey, S.R. Lee, D.G. Schlom, and J.F. Ihlefeld, “Effects of Coherent Ferroelastic Domain Walls on the Thermal Conductivity and Kapitza Conductance in Bismuth Ferrite,” Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 121903-1 – 121903-5.
C.H. Lee, N.J. Podraza, Y. Zhu, R.F. Berger, S. Shen, M. Sestak, R.W. Collins, L.F. Kourkoutis, J.A. Mundy, H.Q. Wang, Q. Mao, X.X. Xi, L.J. Brillson, J.B. Neaton, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Effect of Reduced Dimensionality on the Optical Band Gap of SrTiO3,” Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 122901-1 – 122901-5.
Y.N. Geng, J.H. Lee, D.G. Schlom, J.W. Freeland, W.D. Wu, “Magnetic Inhomogeneity in a Multiferroic EuTiO3 Thin Film,” Physical Review B 87 (2013) 121109-1 – 121109-4
C.H. Lee, V. Skoromets, M.D. Biegalski, S. Lei, R. Haislmaier, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, X. Martí, S. Kamba, P. Kužel, and D.G. Schlom, “Effect of Stoichiometry on the Dielectric Properties and Soft Mode Behavior of Strained Epitaxial SrTiO3 Thin Films on DyScO3 Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 082905-1 – 072106-5.
D.E. Shai, C. Adamo, D.W. Shen, C.M. Brooks, J.W. Harter, E.J. Monkman, B. Burganov, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Quasiparticle Mass Enhancement and Temperature Dependence of the Electronic Structure of Ferromagnetic SrRuO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 087004-1 – 087004-5.
A. Kar, N. Shukla, E. Freeman, H. Paik, H. Liu, R. Engel-Herbert, S.S.N. Bhardwaja, D.G. Schlom, and S. Datta, “Intrinsic Electronic Switching Time in Ultrathin Epitaxial Vanadium Dioxide Thin Film,” Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 072106-1 – 072106-5.
A. Melville, T. Mairoser, A. Schmehl, T. Birol, T. Heeg, B. Holländer, J. Schubert, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom, “Effect of Film Thickness and Biaxial Strain on the Curie Temperature of EuO,” Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 062404-1 – 062404-5.
L. Maritato, A. Galdi, P. Orgiani, J.W. Harter, J. Schubert, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “Layer-by-Layer Shuttered Molecular-Beam Epitaxial Growth of Superconducting Sr1‑xLaxCuO2 Thin Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 053911-1 – 053911-5.
S. Kamba, V. Goian, D. Nuzhnyy, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, J. Prokleška, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, and D.G. Schlom. “Polar Phonon Anomalies in Single-Crystalline TbScO3,” Phase Transitions 86 (2012) 206-216.
Y. Tian, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and K.S. Burch, “Optical Properties of SrTiO3 on Silicon(100),” Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 041906-1 – 041906-4.
H. Wen, P. Chen, M.P. Cosgriff, D.A. Walko, J.H. Lee, C. Adamo, R.D. Schaller, J.F. Ihlefeld, E.M. Dufresne, D.G. Schlom, P.G. Evans, J.W. Freeland, and Y. Li, “Electronic Origin of Ultrafast Photoinduced Strain in BiFeO3,” Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 037601-1 – 037601-5.
T. Mairoser, F. Loder, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, and A. Schmehl, “Influence of Chemical Doping on the Magnetic Properties of EuO,” Physical Review B 87 (2013) 014416-1 – 014416-5.
P.J. Ryan, J.-W. Kim, T. Birol, P. Thompson, J.-H. Lee, X. Ke, P.S. Normile, E. Karapetrova, P. Schiffer, S.D. Brown, C.J. Fennie, and D.G. Schlom “Reversible Control of Magnetic Interactions by Electric Field in a Single-Phase Material,” Nature Communications 4 (2013) 1334-1 – 1334-8.
J.W. Harter, L. Maritato, D.E. Shai, E.J. Monkman, Y. Nie, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Nodeless Superconducting Phase Arising from a Strong (π,π) Antiferromagnetic Phase in the Infinite-Layer Electron-Doped Sr1−xLaxCuO2 Compound,” Physical Review Letters 109 (2012) 267001-1 – 267001-5.
J.C. Yang, Q. He, S.J. Suresha, C.Y. Kuo, C.Y. Peng, R.C. Haislmaier, M.A. Motyka, G. Sheng, C. Adamo, H.J. Lin, Z. Hu, L. Chang, L.H. Tjeng, E. Arenholz, N.J. Podraza, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, C.T. Chen, R. Ramesh, and Y.H. Chu, “Orthorhombic BiFeO3,” Physical Review Letters 109 (2012) 247606-1 – 247606-5.
M. Matsubara, A. Schmehl, J. Mannhart, D.G. Schlom, and M. Fiebig, “Giant Third-Order Magneto-Optical Rotation in Ferromagnetic EuO,” Physical Review B 86 (2012) 195127-1 – 195127-6.
L.W. Martin and D.G. Schlom, “Advanced Synthesis Techniques and Routes to New Single-Phase Multiferroics,” Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 16 (2012) 199-215.
E.J. Monkman, C. Adamo, J.A. Mundy, D.E. Shai, J.W. Harter, D. Shen, B. Burganov, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Quantum Many-Body Interactions in Digital Oxide Superlattices,” Nature Materials 11 (2012) 855-859.
C.M. Brooks, R. Misra, J.A. Mundy, L.A. Zhang, B.S. Holinsworth, K.R. O’Neal, T. Heeg, W. Zander, J. Schubert, J.L. Musfeldt, Z.K. Liu, D.A. Muller, P. Schiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “The Adsorption-Controlled Growth of LuFe2O4 by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 132907-1 – 132907-4.
K. Kathan-Galipeau, P.P. Wu, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, A. Soukiassian, Y. Zhu, D.A. Muller, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Bonnell, “Direct Determination of the Effect of Strain on Domain Morphology in Ferroelectric Superlattices with Scanning Probe Microscopy,” Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2012) 052011-1 – 052011-7.
J.A. Mundy, Q.Y. Mao, C.M. Brooks, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Atomic-Resolution Chemical Imaging of Oxygen Local Bonding Environments by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 042907-1 – 042907-5.
K. Zhang, M.R. Hao, W. Guo, T. Heeg, D.G. Schlom, W.Z. Shen, and X.Q. Pan, “Low Temperature Electron Transport in Phosphorus-Doped ZnO Films Grown on Si Substrates,” Physica B 407 (2012) 2825-2828.
M.A. Zurbuchen, D.G. Cahill, J. Schubert, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Determination of the Thermal Conductivity Tensor of the n=7 Aurivillius Phase Sr4Bi4Ti7O24,” Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 021904-1 – 021904-4.
D.E. Shai, A.J. Melville, J.W. Harter, E.J. Monkman, D.W. Shen, A. Schmehl, D.G. Schlom, and K.M. Shen, “Temperature Dependence of the Electronic Structure and Fermi-Surface Reconstruction of Eu1−xGdxO through the Ferromagnetic Metal-Insulator Transition,” Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 267003-1 – 267003-5.
G. Lucovsky, L. Miotti, K.P. Bastos, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, “Spectroscopic Detection of Hopping Induced Mixed Valence for Ti and Sc in GdSc1-xTixO3 for x >0.165,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotecnology 12 (2012) 4749-4756.
L. Méchin, C. Adamo, S. Wu, B. Guillet, S. Lebargy, C. Fur, J.-M. Routoure, S. Mercone, M. Belmeguenai, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films Grown on SrTiO3 Buffered Silicon Substrates by Reactive Molecular-Beam-Epitaxy,” Physica Status Solidi (a) 209 (2012) 1090-1095.
A. Melville, T. Mairoser, A. Schmehl, D.E. Shai, E.J. Monkman, J.W. Harter, T. Heeg, B. Holländer, J. Schubert, K.M. Shen, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Lutetium-doped EuO Films Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters (2012) 222101-1 – 222101-4.
M.A. Zurbuchen, N.J. Podraza, J. Schubert, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis of the Superlattice Complex Oxide Sr5Bi4Ti8O27 and its Band Gap Behavior,” Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 223109-1 – 223109-4.
S. Kamba, V. Goian, M. Orlita, D. Nuzhnyy, J.H. Lee, D.G. Schlom, K.Z. Rushchanskii, M. Ležaić, T. Birol, C.J. Fennie, P. Gemeiner, B. Dkhil, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, J. Hlinka, and J. Petzelt, “Magnetodielectric Effect and Phonon Properties of Compressively Strained EuTiO3 Thin Films Deposited on (001)(LaAlO3)0.29-(SrAl1/2Ta1/2O3)0.71,” Physical Review B 85 (2012) 094435-1 – 094435-10.
A. Galdi, C. Aruta, P. Orgiani, C. Adamo, V. Bisogni, N.B. Brookes, G. Ghiringhelli, D.G. Schlom, P. Thakur, and L. Maritato, “Electronic Band Redistribution Probed by Oxygen Absorption Spectra of (SrMnO3)n(LaMnO3)2n Superlattices,” Physical Review B 85 (2012) 125129-1 – 125129-5.
V. Zelezny, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, J. Hlinka, C. Kadlec, and S.M. Nakhmanson, “Infrared Spectroscopy of Nanoscopic Epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices,” Integrated Ferroelectrics 134 (2012) 146-148.
P. Gao, C.T. Nelson, J.R. Jokisaari, S-H. Baek, C.W. Bark, Y. Zhang, E. Wang, D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, and X.Q. Pan, “Revealing the Role of Defects in Ferroelectric Switching with Atomic Resolution,” Nature Communications 2 (2011) 591-1 – 591-6.
S.H. Baek, J. Park, D.M. Kim, V.A. Aksyuk, R.R. Das, S.D. Bu, D.A. Felker, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, S.S.N. Bharadwaja, N. Bassiri-Gharb, Y.B. Chen, H.P. Sun, C.M. Folkman, H.W. Jang, D.J. Kreft, S.K. Streiffer, R. Ramesh, X.Q. Pan, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, M.S. Rzchowski, R.H. Blick, and C.B. Eom, “Giant Piezoelectricity on Si for Hyperactive MEMS,” Science 334 (2011) 958-961.
C.T. Nelson, P. Gao, J.R. Jokisaari, C. Heikes, C. Adamo, A. Melville, S-H. Baek, C.M. Folkman, B. Winchester, Y. Gu, Y. Liu, K. Zhang, E. Wang, J. Li, L.Q. Chen, C.B. Eom, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Domain Dynamics During Ferroelectric Switching,” Science 334 (2011) 968-971.
M.B. Katz, G.W. Graham, Y. Duan, H. Liu, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Self-Regeneration of Pd-LaFeO3 Catalysts: New Insight from Atomic-Resolution Electron Microscopy,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 18090-18093.
M. Belmeguenai, S. Mercone, C. Adamo, T. Chauveau, L. Méchin, P. Monod, P. Moch, and D.G. Schlom, “La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films on SrTiO3 and CaTiO3 Buffered Si Substrates: Structural, Static, and Dynamic Magnetic Properties,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13 (2011) 5669-5675.
H.J. Gardner, A. Kumar, L. Yu, P. Xiong, M.P. Warusawithana, L. Wang, O. Vafek, and D.G. Schlom, “Enhancement of Superconductivity by a Parallel Magnetic Field in Two-Dimensional Superconductors,” Nature Physics 7 (2011) 895-900.
J. Desmarais, J.F. Ihlefeld, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, D.G. Schlom, and B.D. Huey, “Mapping and Statistics of Ferroelectric Domain Boundary Angles and Types,” Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 162902-1 – 162902-3.
L.F. Kourkoutis, M.K. Parker, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Direct Measurement of Electron Channeling in a Crystal using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy,” Physical Review B 84 (2011) 075485-1 – 075485-7.
D-W. Oh, J. Ravichandran, C-W. Liang, W. Siemons, B. Jalan, C.M. Brooks, M. Huijben, D.G. Schlom, S. Stemmer, L.W. Martin, A. Majumdar, R. Ramesh, and D.G. Cahill, “Thermal Conductivity as a Metric for the Crystalline Quality of SrTiO3 Epitaxial Layers,” Applied Physics Letters 98 (2011) 221904-1 – 221904-3.
M. Belmeguenai, S. Mercone, C. Adamo, P. Moch, D.G. Schlom, and P. Monod, “Structural and Magnetic Properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films Integrated onto Si(100) Substrates with SrTiO3 as Buffer Layer,” Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 07C120-1 – 07C120-3.
M. Matsubara, C. Becher, A. Schmehl, J. Mannhart, D.G. Schlom, and M. Fiebig, “Optical Second- and Third-Harmonic Generation on the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Europium Oxide,” Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 07C309-1 – 07C309-3.
A. Schmehl, D.G. Schlom, and J. Mannhart, “Increasing Magnetoresistance Using Magnetic-Field-Tunable Interfaces,” Advanced Materials 23 (2011) 1242-1245.
T. Mairoser, A. Schmehl, A. Melville, T. Heeg, W. Zander, J. Schubert, D.E. Shai, E.J. Monkman, K.M. Shen, T.Z. Regier, D.G. Schlom, and J. Mannhart, “Influence of the Substrate Temperature on the Curie Temperature and Charge Carrier Density of Epitaxial Gd-Doped EuO Films,” Applied Physics Letters 98 (2011) 102110-1 – 102110-3.
D.G. Schlom and J. Mannhart, “Oxide Electronics: Interface Takes Charge over Si,” Nature Materials 10 (2011) 168-169.
D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, X. Martí, T. Čechal, C.M. Brooks, and D.G. Schlom, “Infrared Phonon Spectroscopy of a Compressively Strained (001) SrTiO3 Film Grown on a (110) NdGaO3 Substrate,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (2011) 045901-1 – 045901-8.
A. Bruchhausen, A. Fainstein, S. Tinte, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, and X.X. Xi, “Coupling between Light and Terahertz-Frequency Acoustic Phonons in Ferroelectric BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices,” Chinese Journal of Physics 49 (2011) 159-170.
K. Kathan-Galipeau, P.P. Wu, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Bonnell, “Quantification of Internal Electric Fields and Local Polarization in Ferroelectric Superlattices,” ACS Nano 5 (2011) 640-646.
V. Bovtun, V. Pashkov, M. Kempa, S. Kamba, A. Eremenko, V. Molchanov, Y. Poplavko, Y. Yakymenko, J.H. Lee, and D.G. Schlom, “An Electrode-Free Method of Characterizing the Microwave Dielectric Properties of High-Permittivity Thin Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 024106-1 – 024106-6.
G. Lucovsky, L. Miotti, K.P. Bastos, C. Adamo, and D.G. Schlom, “Spectroscopic Detection of Hopping Induced Mixed Valence for Ti and Sc in GdSc1−xTixO3 for x Greater than the Percolation Threshold of ~0.16,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29 (2011) 01AA02-1 – 01AA02-6.
B. Strukov, S. Davitadze, I. Shnaidshtein, V.V. Lemanov, S.G. Shulman, Y. Uesu, S. Asanuma, B. Noheda, A. Vlooswijk, D. Schlom, A.H.G. Soukiassian, and X.X. Xi, “Features of Phase Transitions in Nanostructured Ferroelectric Oxides Revealed from Calorimetric Data,” Ferroelectrics 414 (2011) 1-11.
T. Mairoser, A. Schmehl, A. Melville, T. Heeg, L. Canella, P. Böni, W. Zander, J. Schubert, D.E. Shai, E.J. Monkman, K.M. Shen, D.G. Schlom, and J. Mannhart, “Is there an Intrinsic Limit to the Charge-Carrier-Induced Increase of the Curie Temperature of EuO?,” Physical Review Letters 105 (2010) 257206-1 – 257206-4.
A. Perucchi, L. Baldassarre, A. Nucara, P. Calvani, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, P. Orgiani, L. Maritato, and S. Lupi, “Optical Properties of (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n Superlattices: An Insulator-to-Metal Transition Observed in the Absence of Disorder,” Nano Letters 10 (2010) 4819-4823.
J. Hlinka, V. Železny, S.M. Nakhmanson, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, and D.G. Schlom, “Soft-Mode Spectroscopy of Epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices,” Physical Review B 82 (2010) 224102-1 – 224102-5.
D.G. Schlom and L.N. Pfeiffer, “Oxide Electronics: Upward Mobility Rocks!,” Nature Materials 9 (2010) 881-883.
G. Sheng, Y.L. Li, J.X. Zhang, S. Choudhury, Q.X. Jia, V. Gopalan, D.G. Schlom, Z.K. Liu, and L.Q. Chen, “Phase Transitions and Domain Stabilities in Biaxially Strained (001) SrTiO3 Epitaxial Thin Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 084113-1 – 084113-6.
D.A. Tenne, A.K. Farrar, C.M. Brooks, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, H.W. Jang, C.W. Bark, C.M. Folkman, C.B. Eom, and D.G. Schlom, “Ferroelectricity in Nonstoichiometric SrTiO3 Films Studied by Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 97 (2010) 142901-1 – 142901-3.
C.J. Fennie and D.G. Schlom, “Transition-Metal Oxides: Resistance is not Futile,” Nature Materials 9 (2010) 787-788.
A. Kumar, S. Denev, R.J. Zeches, E. Vlahos, N.J. Podraza, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, R. Ramesh, and V. Gopalan, “Probing Mixed Tetragonal/Rhombohedral-Like Monoclinic Phases in Strained Bismuth Ferrite Films by Optical Second Harmonic Generation,” Applied Physics Letters 97 (2010) 112903-1 – 112903-3.
J.H. Lee, L. Fang, E. Vlahos, X. Ke, Y.W. Jung, L.F. Kourkoutis, J-W. Kim, P.J. Ryan, T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, V. Goian, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, P.C. Hammel, K.M. Rabe, S. Kamba, J. Schubert, J.W. Freeland, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, P. Schiffer, V. Gopalan, E. Johnston-Halperin, and D.G. Schlom, “A Strong Ferroelectric Ferromagnet Created by means of Spin-Lattice Coupling,” Nature 466 (2010) 954-958; J.H. Lee, L. Fang, E. Vlahos, X. Ke, Y.W. Jung, L.F. Kourkoutis, J.-W. Kim, P.J. Ruan, T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, V. Goian, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, P. C. Hammel, K.M. Rabe, S. Kamba, J. Schubert, J.W. Freeland, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, P. Schiffer, V. Gopalan, E. Johnston-Halperin, and D. Schlom, “A Strong Ferrolectric Ferromagnet Created by Means of Spin-Lattice Coupling,” Nature 476 (2011) 114-114.
S. Coh, T. Heeg, J.H. Haeni, M.D. Biegalski, J. Lettieri, L.F. Edge, K.E. O’Brien, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, R. Uecker, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, and D. Vanderbilt, “Si-Compatible Candidates for High- Dielectrics with the Pbnm Perovskite Structure,” Physical Review B 82 (2010) 064101-1 – 064101-16.
A.J. Millis and D.G. Schlom, “Electron-Hole Liquids in Transition-Metal Oxide Heterostructures,” Physical Review B 82 (2010) 073101-1 – 073101-4.
M. Matsubara, A. Schmehl, J. Mannhart, D.G. Schlom, and M. Fiebig, “Large Nonlinear Magneto-Optical Effect in the Centrosymmetric Ferromagnetic Semiconductor EuO,” Physical Review B 81 (2010) 214447-1 – 214447-6.
J.H. Lee, X. Ke, R. Misra, J.F. Ihlefeld, X.S. Xu, Z.G. Mei, T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, J. Schubert, Z.K. Liu, J.L. Musfeldt, P. Schiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of BiMnO3 Films by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 262905-1 – 262905-3.
X. Weng, W. Tian, D.G. Schlom, and E.C. Dickey, “Structure and Chemistry of the (111)Sc2O3/(0001) GaN Epitaxial Interface,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 241901-1 – 241901-3.
G. Sheng, Y.L. Li, J.X. Zhang, S. Choudhury, Q.X. Jia, V. Gopalan, D.G. Schlom, Z.K. Liu, and L.Q. Chen, “A Modified Landau–Devonshire Thermodynamic Potential for Strontium Titanate,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 232902-1 – 232902-3.
H.W. Jang, A. Kumar, S. Denev, M.D. Biegalski, P. Maksymovych, C.W. Bark, C.T. Nelson, C.M. Folkman, S.H. Baek, N. Balke, C.M. Brooks, D.A. Tenne, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, X.Q. Pan, S.V. Kalinin, V. Gopalan, and C.B. Eom, “Ferroelectricity in Strain-Free SrTiO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review Letters 104 (2010) 197601-1 – 197601-4.
X.S. Xu, J.F. Ihlefeld, J.H. Lee, O.K. Ezekoye, E. Vlahos, R. Ramesh, V. Gopalan, X.Q. Pan, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Musfeldt, “Tunable Band Gap in Bi(Fe1−xMnx)O3 Films,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 192901-1 – 192901-3.
N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, B. Perrin, B. Jusserand, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, and D.G. Schlom, “Enhancement and Inhibition of Coherent Phonon Emission of a Ni Film in a BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Cavity,” Physical Review Letters 104 (2010) 187402-1 – 187402-4.
P. Somers, A. Stesmans, V.V. Afanas’ev, W. Tian, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Comparative Electron Spin Resonance Study of epi-Lu2O3/(111)Si and a-Lu2O3/(100)Si Interfaces: Misfit Point Defects,” Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 094502-1 – 094502-12.
A. Ali, S. Koveshnikov, S. Oktyabrsky, R. Kambhampati, T. Heeg, D. Schlom, and S. Datta, “Small-Signal Response of Inversion Layers in High-Mobility In0.53Ga0.47As MOSFETs made with Thin High-k Dielectrics,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 57 (2010) 742-748.
P. Chen, N.J. Podraza, X.S. Xu, A. Melville, E. Vlahos, V. Gopalan, R. Ramesh, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Musfeldt, “Optical Properties of Quasi-Tetragonal BiFeO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 131907-1 – 131907-3.
J. Mannhart and D.G. Schlom, “Oxide Interfaces—An Opportunity for Electronics,” Science 327 (2010) 1607-1611.
D.G. Cahill, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, and M.A. Zurbuchen, “Low Thermal Conductivity of CsBiNb2O7 Epitaxial Layers,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 121903-1 – 121903-3.
X.H. Pan, W. Guo, W. Tian, H.P. He, Z.Z. Ye, X.Q. Gu, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Optical Properties of ZnO/Zn0.9Mg0.1O Multiple Quantum Wells Grown on (111) Si Using Buffer Assisted Pulsed-Laser Deposition,” Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 033102-1 – 033102-4.
M. Belmeguenai, S. Mercone, C. Adamo, L. Méchin, C. Fur, P. Monod, P. Moch, and D.G. Schlom, “Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 Thin Films on Silicon Substrates,” Physical Review B 81 (2010) 054410-1 – 054410-8.
X.H. Pan, W. Guo, Z.Z. Ye, B. Liu, Y. Che, C.T. Nelson, Y. Zhang, W. Tian, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Epitaxial Zn1–xMgxO Films Grown on (111) Si by Pulsed Laser Deposition,” Chemical Physics Letters 485 (2010) 363–366.
M.A. Zurbuchen, V.O. Sherman, A.K. Tagantsev, J. Schubert, M.E. Hawley, D.D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, Y. Jia, W. Tian, and D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis, Structure, and Electrical Behavior of Sr4Bi4Ti7O24,” Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 024106-1 – 024106-9.
M. Roeckerath, J.M.J. Lopes, E. Durğun Özben, C. Urban, J. Schubert, S. Mantl, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Investigation of Terbium Scandate as an Alternative Gate Dielectric in Fully Depleted Transistors,” Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 013513-1 – 013513-3.
L.F. Kourkoutis, H.L. Xin, T. Higuchi, Y. Hotta, J.H. Lee, Y. Hikita, D.G. Schlom, H.Y. Hwang, and D.A. Muller, “Atomic-Resolution Spectroscopic Imaging of Oxide Interfaces,” Philosophical Magazine 90 (2010) 4731-4749.
D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, P. Kužel, C. Kadlec, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, J. Schubert, C.M. Brooks, and D.G. Schlom, “Soft Mode Behavior in SrTiO3/DyScO3 Thin Films: Evidence of Ferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Phase Transitions,” Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 232902-1 – 232902-3.
A. Schmehl, V. Vaithyanathan, A. Herrnberger, S. Thiel, C. Richter, T. Heeg, M. Röckerath, L.F. Kourkoutis, S. Mühlbauer, P. Böni, D.A. Muller, Y. Barash, J. Schubert, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Comment on “Half-Metallicity in Europium Oxide Conductively Matched with Silicon,”” Physical Review B 80 (2009) 237301-1 – 237301-2.
G. Lucovsky, K-B. Chung, L. Miotti, K. Pas Bastos, C. Amado, and D.G. Schlom, “Comparisons between Intrinsic Bonding Defects in d0 Transition Metal Oxide such as HfO2, and Impurity Atom Defects in d0 Complex Oxides such as GdScO3,” Solid-State Electronics 53 (2009) 1273–1279.
R.J. Zeches, M.D. Rossell, J.X. Zhang, A.J. Hatt, Q. He, C.-H. Yang, A. Kumar, C.H. Wang, A. Melville, C. Adamo, G. Sheng, Y.-H. Chu, J.F. Ihlefeld, R. Erni, C. Ederer, V. Gopalan, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, N.A. Spaldin, L.W. Martin, and R. Ramesh, “A Strain-Driven Morphotropic Phase Boundary in BiFeO3,” Science 326 (2009) 977-980.
D.A. Tenne, P. Turner, J.D. Schmidt, M. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, A. Soukiassian, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, D.D. Fong, P.H. Fuoss, J.A. Eastman, G.B. Stephenson, C. Thompson, and S.K. Streiffer, “Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin BaTiO3 Films: Probing the Size Effect by Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy,” Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 177601-1 – 177601-4.
X.H. Pan, W. Guo, Z.Z. Ye, B. Liu, Y. Che, W. Tian, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Temperature-Dependent Hall and Photoluminescence Evidence for Conduction-Band Edge Shift Induced by Alloying ZnO with Magnesium,” Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 152105-1 – 152105-3.
C. Aruta, C. Adamo, A. Galdi, P. Orgiani, V. Bisogni, N.B. Brookes, J.C. Cezar, P. Thakur, C.A. Perroni, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, D.G. Schlom, L. Maritato, and G. Ghiringhelli, “Evolution of Magnetic Phases and Orbital Occupation in (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n Superlattices,” Physical Review B 80 (2009) 140405-1 – 140405-4.
C. Adamo, X. Ke, H.Q. Wang, H.L. Xin, T. Heeg, M.E. Hawley, W. Zander, J. Schubert, P. Schiffer, D.A. Muller, L. Maritato, and D.G. Schlom, “Effect of Biaxial Strain on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of (001) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 112504-1 – 112504-3.
S.Y. Yang, L.W. Martin, S.J. Byrnes, T.E. Conry, S.R. Basu, D. Paran, L. Reichertz, J. Ihlefeld, C. Adamo, A. Melville, Y.-H. Chu, C.-H. Yang, J.L. Musfeldt, D.G. Schlom, J.W. Ager III, and R. Ramesh, “Photovoltaic Effects in BiFeO3,” Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 062909-1 – 062909-3.
J.F. Ihlefeld, W. Tian, Z.K. Liu, W.A. Doolittle, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, R. Uecker, R. Ramesh, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of BiFeO3 by MBE and Integration with Wide Band Gap Semiconductors,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 56 (2009) 1528-1533.
J. Zhang, M. Rutkowski, L.W. Martin, T. Conry, R. Ramesh, J.F. Ihlefeld, A. Melville, D.G. Schlom, and L.J. Brillson, “Surface, Bulk, and Interface Electronic States of Epitaxial BiFeO3 Films,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 27 (2009) 2012-2014.
M.D. Biegalski, E. Vlahos, G. Sheng, Y.L. Li, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, R. Uecker, S.K. Streiffer, L.Q. Chen, V. Gopalan, D.G. Schlom, and S. Trolier-McKinstry, “Influence of Anisotropic Strain on the Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of SrTiO3 Thin Films on DyScO3 Substrates,” Physical Review B 79 (2009) 224117-1 – 224117-11.
M.O. Ramirez, A. Kumar, S.A. Denev, N.J. Podraza, X.S. Xu, R.C. Rai, Y.H. Chu, J. Seidel, L.W. Martin, S-Y. Yang, E. Saiz, J.F. Ihlefeld, S. Lee, J. Klug, S.W. Cheong, M.J. Bedzyk, O. Auciello, D.G. Schlom, R. Ramesh, J. Orenstein, J.L. Musfeldt, and V. Gopalan, “Magnon Sidebands and Spin-Charge Coupling in Bismuth Ferrite Probed by Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy,” Physical Review B 79 (2009) 224106-1 – 224106-9.
J.H. Lee, X. Ke, N.J. Podraza, L.F. Kourkoutis, T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, J.W. Freeland, C.J. Fennie, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, P. Schiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “Optical Band Gap and Magnetic Properties of Unstrained EuTiO3 Films,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 212509-1 – 212509-3.
C.M. Brooks, L.F. Kourkoutis, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, D.A. Muller, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of Homoepitaxial SrTiO3 Thin Films by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 162905-1 – 162905-3.
M.O. Ramirez, A. Kumar, S.A. Denev, Y.H. Chu, J. Seidel, L.W. Martin, S-Y. Yang, R.C. Rai, X.S. Xue, J.F. Ihlefeld, N.J. Podraza, E. Saiz, S. Lee, J. Klug, S.W. Cheong, M.J. Bedzyk, O. Auciello, D.G. Schlom, J. Orenstein, R. Ramesh, J.L. Musfeldt, A.P. Litvinchuk, and V. Gopalan, “Spin-Charge-Lattice Coupling through Resonant Multimagnon Excitations in Multiferroic BiFeO3,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 161905-1 – 161905-3.
M.P. Warusawithana, C. Cen, C.R. Sleasman, J.C. Woicik, Y.L. Li, L.F. Kourkoutis, J.A. Klug, H. Li, P. Ryan, L-P. Wang, M. Bedzyk, D.A. Muller, L.Q. Chen, J. Levy, and D.G. Schlom, “A Ferroelectric Oxide Made Directly on Silicon,” Science 324 (2009) 367-370.
X. Ke, C. Adamo, D.G. Schlom, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, and P. Schiffer, “Low Temperature Magnetism in the Perovskite Substrate DyScO3,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 152503-1 – 152503-3.
E. Arenholz, A. Schmehl, D.G. Schlom, and G. van der Laan, “Contribution of Eu 4f States to the Magnetic Anisotropy of EuO,” Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 07E101-1 – 07E101-3.
W. Guo, M.B. Katz, C.T. Nelson, T. Heeg, D.G. Schlom, B. Liu, Y. Che, and X.Q. Pan, “Epitaxial ZnO Films on (111) Si Substrates with Sc2O3 Buffer Layers,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 122107-1 – 122107-3.
N.D. Orloff, W. Tian, C.J. Fennie, C.H. Lee, D. Gu, J. Mateu, X.X. Xi, K.M. Rabe, D.G. Schlom, I. Takeuchi, and J.C. Booth, “Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy of Ruddlesden-Popper Srn+1TinO3n+1 (n = 1, 2, 3) Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 042908-1 – 042908-3.
S. Wang, A. Venimadhav, S.M. Guo, K. Chen, Q. Li, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, M.B. Katz, X.Q. Pan, W. Wong-Ng, M.D. Vaudin, and X.X. Xi, “Structural and Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy Thin Films on LaAlO3 (100) and Fused Silica Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 022110-1 – 022110-3.
H.Z. Ma, J. Levy, M.D. Biegalski, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Room-Temperature Electro-Optic Properties of Strained SrTiO3 Films Grown on DyScO3,” Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 014102-1 – 014102-6.
D.G. Schlom and C.H. Ahn, “Materials Science: Clear Leap for Superconductors,” Nature 456 (2008) 582-583.
M.D. Biegalski, D.D. Fong, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, S.K. Streiffer, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, W. Tian, C.T. Nelson, X.Q. Pan, M.E. Hawley, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, R. Uecker, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Critical Thickness of High Structural Quality SrTiO3 Films Grown on Orthorhombic (101) DyScO3,” Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 114109-1 – 114109-11.
Y.L. Li, S.Y. Hu, S. Choudhury, M.I. Baskes, A. Saxena, T. Lookman, Q.X. Jia, D.G. Schlom, and L.Q. Chen, “Influence of Interfacial Dislocations on Hysteresis Loops of Ferroelectric Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 1041101 – 1041101-6.
V.V. Afanas’ev, M. Badylevich, A. Stesmans, A. Laha, H.J. Osten, A. Fissel, W. Tian, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Band Offsets between Si and Epitaxial Rare Earth Sesquioxides (RE2O3, RE=La, Nd, Gd, Lu): Effect of 4f-Shell Occupancy,” Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 192105-1 – 192105-3.
A. Bruchhausen, A. Fainstein, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Ferroelectricity-Induced Coupling between Light and Terahertz-Frequency Acoustic Phonons in BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices,” Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 197402-1 – 197402-4.
R. Ramesh and D.G. Schlom, “Whither Oxide Electronics,” MRS Bulletin 33 (2008) 1006-1011.
D.G. Schlom, S. Guha, and S. Datta, “Gate Oxides Beyond SiO2,” MRS Bulletin 33 (2008) 1017-1025.
M.E. Zvanut, S. Jeddy, E. Towett, G.M. Janowski, C. Brooks, and D.G. Schlom, “An Annealing study of an Oxygen Vacancy Related Defect in SrTiO3 Substrates,” Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 064122-1 – 064122-5.
S.B. Mi, C.L. Jia, V. Vaithyanathan, L. Houben, J. Schubert, D.G. Schlom, and K. Urban, “Atomic Structure of the Interface between SrTiO3 Thin Films and Si(001) Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 101913-1 – 101913-3.
A. Stesmans, P. Somers, V.V. Afanas’ev, W. Tian, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Misfit Point Defects at the Epitaxial Lu2O3/(111)Si Interface Revealed by Electron Spin Resonance,” Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 103505-1 – 103505-3.
R.W. Ulbricht, A. Schmehl, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of EuO by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 102105-1 – 102105-3.
H.W. Jang, S.H. Baek, D. Ortiz, C.M. Folkman, R.R. Das, Y.H. Chu, P. Shafer, J.X. Zhang, S. Choudhury, V. Vaithyanathan, Y.B. Chen, D.A. Felker, M.D. Biegalski, M.S. Rzchowski, X.Q. Pan, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, R. Ramesh, and C.B. Eom, “Strain-Induced Polarization Rotation in Epitaxial (001) BiFeO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 107602-1 – 107602-4.
E. Durğun Özben, J.M.J. Lopes, M. Roeckerath, S. Lenk, B. Holländer, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, J. Schubert, and S. Mantl, “SmScO3 Thin Films as an Alternative Gate Dielectric,” Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 052902-1 – 052902-3.
D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, X.Q. Pan, A. Schmehl, and M.A. Zurbuchen, “A Thin Film Approach to Engineering Functionality into Oxides,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 (2008) 2429-2454.
S.F. Wang, K. Chen, C.-H. Lee, A. Soukiassian, D.R. Lamborn, R. DeFrain, J.M. Redwing, Q. Li, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, “High Quality MgB2 Thick Films and Large-Area Films Fabricated by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition with Pocket Heater,” Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (2008) 085019-1 – 085019-5.
S. Koveshnikov, C. Adamo, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, R. Kambhampati, M. Warusawithana, D.G. Schlom, W. Tsai, and S. Oktyabrsky, “Thermal Stability of Electrical and Structural Properties of GaAs-based Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors with an Amorphous LaAlO3 Gate Oxide,” Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 012903-1 – 012903-3.
J. Zhang, S. Walsh, C. Brooks, D.G. Schlom, and L.J. Brillson, “Depth-Resolved Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Study of Defects in SrTiO3,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 26 (2008) 1466-1471.
S. Denev, A. Kumar, M.D. Biegalski, H.W. Jang, C.M. Folkman, A. Vasudevarao, Y. Han, I.M. Reaney, S. Trolier-McKinstry, C.B. Eom, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, “Magnetic Color Symmetry of Lattice Rotations in Diamagnetic Material,” Physical Review Letters 100 (2008) 257601-1 – 257601-4.
A. Vasudevarao, S. Denev, M.D. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Polarization Rotation Transitions in Anisotropically Strained SrTiO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 192902-1 – 192902-3; A. Vasudevarao, S. Denev, M.D. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Erratum: ‘Polarization Rotation Transitions in Anisotropically Strained SrTiO3 Thin Films,’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 192902 (2008)],” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 109901-1.
R. Uecker, B. Velickov, D. Klimm, R. Bertram, M. Bernhagen, M. Rabe, M. Albrecht, R. Fornari, and D.G. Schlom, “Properties of Rare-Earth Scandate Single Crystals (Re = Nd—Dy),” Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 2649-2658.
A. Soukiassian, W. Tian, V. Vaithyanathan, J.H. Haeni, L.Q. Chen, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Tenne, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, Y.L. Li, Q.X. Jia, C. Constantin, R.M. Feenstra, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Growth of Nanoscale BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Materials Research 23 (2008) 1417-1432.
Y. Yacoby, C. Brooks, D.G. Schlom, J.O. Cross, D.A. Walko, C.N. Cionca, N.S. Husseini, A. Riposan, and R. Clarke, “Structural Changes Induced by Metal Electrode Layers on Ultrathin BaTiO3 Films,” Physical Review B 77 (2008) 195426-1 – 195426-7.
J.F. Ihlefeld, N.J. Podraza, Z.K. Liu, R.C. Rai, X. Xu, T. Heeg, Y.B. Chen, J. Li, R.W. Collins, J.L. Musfeldt, X.Q. Pan, J. Schubert, R. Ramesh, and D.G. Schlom, “Optical Band Gap of BiFeO3 Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 142908-1 – 142908-3.
C. Yu, M.J. Pechan, S. Srivastava, C.J. Palmstrøm, M.D. Biegalski, C. Brooks, and D.G. Schlom, “Ferromagnetic Resonance in Ferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Fe/BaTiO3/SrTiO3(001),” Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 07B108-1 – 07B108-3.
M. Hanna, S. Wang, A.D. Eck, R.H.T. Wilke, K. Chen, A. Soukiassian, C-H. Lee, W.Q. Dai, Q. Li, J.M. Redwing, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, and K. Salama, “Clean Epitaxial MgB2 Films Fabricated by the Ex Situ Annealing of Chemical Vaopur Deposition-Grown B Films in Mg Vapor,” Superconductor Science and Technology, 21 (2008) 045005-1 – 045005-4.
A. Kumar, R.C. Rai, N.J. Podraza, S. Denev, M. Ramirez, Y-H. Chu, L.W. Martin, J. Ihlefeld, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, D.G. Schlom, J. Orenstein, R. Ramesh, R.W. Collins, J.L. Musfeldt, and V. Gopalan, “Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of BiFeO3,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 121915-1 – 121915-3.
C. Adamo, X. Ke, P. Schiffer, A. Soukiassian, M. Warusawithana, L. Maritato, and D.G. Schlom, “Electrical and Magnetic Properties of (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n Superlattices,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 112508-1 – 112508-3.
K.A. Pestka II, J.D. Maynard, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, Y. Le Page, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Experimental Measurement of the Elastic Constants of GdScO3 via Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Utilizing Ab Initio Calculations,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 111915-1 – 111915-3.
S. Mühlbauer, P. Böni, R. Georgii, A. Schmehl, D.G. Schlom, and J. Mannhart, “Field and Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization in Ferromagnetic EuO Thin Films,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (2008) 104230-1 – 104230-4.
Y.H. Chu, Q. Zhan, C‑H. Yang, M.P. Cruz, L.W. Martin, T. Zhao, P. Yu, R. Ramesh, P.T. Joseph, I.N. Lin, W. Tian, and D.G. Schlom, “Low Voltage Performance of Epitaxial BiFeO3 Films on Si Substrates through Lanthanum Substitution,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 102909-1 – 102909-3.
J. Schubert, O. Trithaveesak, W. Zander, M. Roeckerath, T. Heeg, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Jia, P. Meuffels, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Characterization of Epitaxial Lanthanum Lutetium Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed-Laser Deposition,” Applied Physics A 90 (2008) 577-579.
W. Guo, A. Allenic, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, W. Tian, C. Adamo, and D.G. Schlom, “ZnO Epitaxy on (111) Si using Epitaxial Lu2O3 Buffer Layers,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 072101-1 – 072101-3.
G. van der Laan, E. Arenholz, A. Schmehl, and D.G. Schlom, “Weak Anisotropic X-Ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism at the Eu M4,5 Edges of Ferromagnetic EuO(001): Evidence for 4f-State Contributions,” Physical Review Letters 100 (2008) 067403-1 – 067403-4.
H.W. Jang, S.H. Baek, D. Ortiz, C.M. Folkman, C.B. Eom, Y.H. Chu, P. Shafer, R. Ramesh, V. Vaithyanathan, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial (001) BiFeO3 Membranes with Substantially Reduced Fatigue and Leakage,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 062910-1 – 062910-3.
L.F. Kourkoutis, C.S. Hellberg, V. Vaithyanathan, H. Li, M.K. Parker, K.E. Andersen, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Imaging the Phase Separation in Atomically Thin Buried SrTiO3 Layers by Electron Channeling,” Physical Review Letters 100 (2008) 036101-1 – 036101-4.
B. Strukov, S. Davitadze, V. Lemanov, S. Shulman, Y. Uesu, S. Asanuma, D. Schlom, and A. Soukiassian, “Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric Thin Films and Superlattices: Thermophysical Approach,” Ferroelectrics 370 (2008) 57-64.
Y.L. Li, S.Y. Hu, D. Tenne, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, X.X. Xi, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, A. Saxena, T. Lookman, and Q.X. Jia, “Interfacial Coherency and Ferroelectricity of BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattice Films,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 252904-1 – 252904-3.
A. Schmehl, V. Vaithyanathan, A. Herrnberger, S. Thiel, C. Richter, M. Liberati, T. Heeg, M. Röckerath, L.F. Kourkoutis, S. Mühlbauer, P. Böni, D.A. Muller, Y. Barash, J. Schubert, Y. Idzerda, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Integration of the Highly Spin-Polarized Ferromagnetic Semiconductor EuO with Silicon and GaN,” Nature Materials 6 (2007) 882-887.
L.W. Martin, Y.-H. Chu, Q. Zhan, R. Ramesh, S.-J. Han, S.X. Wang, M. Warusawithana, and D.G. Schlom, “Room Temperature Exchange Bias and Spin Valves Based on BiFeO3/SrRuO3/SrTiO3/Si (001) Heterostructures,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 172513-1 – 172513-3.
N. Goel, W. Tsai, C.M. Garner, Y. Sun, P. Pianetta, M. Warusawithana, D.G. Schlom, H. Wen, C. Gaspe, J.C. Keay, M.B. Santos, L.V. Goncharova, E. Garfunkel, and T. Gustafsson, “Band Offsets between Amorphous LaAlO3 and In0.53Ga0.47As,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 113515-1 – 113515-3.
Y.L. Li, S.Y. Hu, D. Tenne, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, A. Saxena, T. Lookman, Q.X. Jia, and L.Q. Chen, “Prediction of Ferroelectricity in BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices with Domains,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 112914-1 – 112914-3.
J.M.J. Lopes, M. Roeckerath, T. Heeg, U. Littmark, J. Schubert, S. Mantl, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “La-Based Ternary Rare-Earth Oxides as Alternative High-k Dielectrics,” Microelectronic Engineering 84 (2007) 1890-1893.
V.V. Afanas’ev, S. Shamuilia, M. Badylevich, A. Stesmans, L.F. Edge, W. Tian, D.G. Schlom, J.M.J. Lopes, M. Roeckerath, and J. Schubert, “Electronic Structure of Silicon Interfaces with Amorphous and Epitaxial Insulating Oxides: Sc2O3, Lu2O3, LaLuO3,” Microelectronic Engineering 84 (2007) 2278-2281.
N. Goel, P. Majhi, W. Tsai, M. Warusawithana, D.G. Schlom, M.B. Santos, J.S. Harris, and Y. Nishi, “High-Indium-Content InGaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor with Amorphous LaAlO3 Gate Dielectric,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 093509-1 – 093509-3.
J.F. Ihlefeld, A. Kumar, V. Gopalan, D.G. Schlom, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, X. Ke, P. Schiffer, J. Orenstein, L.W. Martin, Y.H. Chu, and R. Ramesh, “Adsorption-Controlled Molecular-Beam Epitaxial Growth of BiFeO3,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 071922-1 – 071922-3.
S. Gsell, M. Fischer, R. Brescia, M. Schreck, P. Huber, F. Bayer, B. Stritzker, and D.G. Schlom, “Reduction of Mosaic Spread using Iridium Interlayers: A Route to Improved Oxide Heteroepitaxy on Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 061501-1 – 061501-3.
K. Clémer, A. Stesmans, V.V. Afanas’ev, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Paramagnetic Point Defects in (100) Si/LaAlO3 Structures: Nature and Stability of the Interface,” Journal of Applied Physics 102 (2007) 034516-1 – 034516-7.
W. Cai, S.E. Stone, J.P. Pelz, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Conduction Band Energies and Hot-Electron Transport Characteristics of Epitaxial Sc2O3/Si (111) Studied by Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy and Internal Photoemission,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 042901-1 – 042901-3.
M.A. Zurbuchen, R.S. Freitas, M.J. Wilson, P. Schiffer, M. Roeckerath, J. Schubert, M.D. Biegalski, G.H. Mehta, D.J. Comstock, J.H. Lee, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis and Characterization of an n = 6 Aurivillius Phase Incorporating Magnetically Active Manganese, Bi7(Mn,Ti)6O21,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 033113-1 – 033113-3.
S.Y. Yang, Q. Zhan, P.L. Yang, M.P. Cruz, Y.H. Chu, R. Ramesh, Y.R. Wu, J. Singh, W. Tian, and D.G. Schlom, “Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of BiFeO3/SrTiO3/GaN Heteroepitaxial Structures,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 022909-1 – 022909-3.
K. Clémer, A. Stesmans, V.V. Afanas’ev, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Analysis of the (100)Si/LaAlO3 Structure by Electron Spin Resonance: Nature of the Interface,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 18 (2007) 735-741.
P. Orgiani, C. Adamo, C. Barone, A. Galdi, A.Y. Petrov, D.G. Schlom, and L. Maritato, “Influence of a Single Disorder Parameter on the Conduction Mechanisms in Manganite Thin Films,” Physical Review B 76 (2007) 012404-1 – 012404-3.
D.A. Tenne, I.E. Gonenli, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, and X.X. Xi, “Raman Study of Oxygen Reduced and Re-Oxidized Strontium Titanate,” Physical Review B 76 (2007) 024303-1 – 024303-7.
D.H. Choi, J.S. Harris, M. Warusawithana, and D.G. Schlom, “Annealing Condition Optimization and Electrical Characterization of Amorphous LaAlO3/GaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 243505-1 – 243505-3.
A.V. Pogrebnyakov, E. Maertz, R.H.T. Wilke, Q. Li, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, J.M. Redwing, A. Findikoglu, and X.X. Xi, “Polycrystalline MgB2 Films on Flexible YSZ Substrates Grown by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17 (2007) 2854-2857.
M.A. Zurbuchen, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, M.E. Hawley, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, G. Asayama, S.J. Fulk, D.J. Comstock, S. Knapp, A.H. Carim, and D.G. Schlom, “Morphology, Structure, and Nucleation of Out-of-Phase Boundaries (OPBs) in Epitaxial Films of Layered Oxides,” Journal of Materials Research 22 (2007) 1439-1471.
X.X. Xi, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, S.Y. Xu, K. Chen, Y. Cui, E.C. Maertz, C.G. Zhuang, Q. Li, D.R. Lamborn, J.M. Redwing, Z.K. Liu, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, X.J. Weng, E.C. Dickey, Y.B. Chen, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, S.A. Cybart, and R.C. Dynes, “MgB2 Thin Films by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Physica C 456 (2007) 22-37.
T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, J. Schubert, W. Zander, C. Buchal, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Jia, Y. Jia, C. Adamo, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxially Stabilized Growth of Orthorhombic LuScO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 192901-1 – 192901-3.
W. Tian, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, Q. Zhan, S.Y. Yang, Y.H. Chu, and R. Ramesh, “Epitaxial Integration of (0001) BiFeO3 with (0001) GaN,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 172908-1 – 172908-3.
M. Wang, W. He, T.P. Ma, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy Study of Amorphous Films of the Gate Dielectric Candidates LaAlO3 and LaScO3,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 053502-1 – 053502-3.
J.X. Zhang, Y.L. Li, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, F. Zavaliche, R. Ramesh, and Q.X. Jia, “Phase-field Model for Epitaxial Ferroelectric and Magnetic Nanocomposite Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 052909-1 – 052909-3.
A. Soukiassian, W. Tian, D.A. Tenne, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Bruchhausen, A. Fainstein, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, A. Cros, and A. Cantarero, “Acoustic Bragg Mirrors and Cavities Made using Piezoelectric Oxides,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 042909-1 – 042909-3.
W. Tian, J.H. Haeni, D.G. Schlom, E. Hutchinson, B.L. Sheu, M.M. Rosario, P. Schiffer, Y. Liu, M.A. Zurbuchen, and X.Q. Pan, “Epitaxial Growth and Magnetic Properties of the First Five Members of the Layered Srn+1RunO3n+1 Oxide Series,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 022507-1 – 022507-3.
D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, C.B. Eom, K.M. Rabe, S.K. Streiffer, and J.-M. Triscone, “Strain Tuning of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” Annual Review of Materials Research 37 (2007) 589-626.
A. Vasudevarao, A. Kumar, L. Tian, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, C.J. Eklund, Q.X. Jia, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, K.M. Rabe, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Multiferroic Domain Dynamics in Strained Strontium Titanate,” Physical Review Letters 97 (2006) 257602-1 – 257604-2.
P. Sivasubramani, T.H. Lee, M.J. Kim, J. Kim, B.E. Gnade, R.M. Wallace, L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, F.A. Stevie, R. Garcia, Z. Zhu, and D.P. Griffis, “Thermal Stability of Lanthanum Scandate Dielectrics on Si(100),” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 242907-1 – 242907-3.
J.M.J. Lopes, M. Roeckerath, T. Heeg, E. Rije, J. Schubert, S. Mantl, V.V. Afanas’ev, S. Shamuilia, A. Stesmans, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Amorphous Lanthanum Lutetium Oxide Thin Films as an Alternative High-k Gate Dielectric,” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 222902-1 – 222902-3.
L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, S. Stemmer, G. Lucovsky, and J. Luning, “Detection of Nanocrystallinity by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Thin Film Transition Metal/Rare-Earth Atom, Elemental and Complex Oxides,” Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 (2006) 1608–1612.
R. Uecker, H. Wilke, D.G. Schlom, B. Velickov, P. Reiche, A. Polity, M. Bernhagen, and M. Rossberg, “Spiral Formation during Czochralski Growth of Rare-Earth Scandates,” Journal of Crystal Growth 295 (2006) 84-91.
D.A. Tenne, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cantarero, A. Soukiassian, V. Vaithyanathan, J.H. Haeni, W. Tian, D.G. Schlom, K.J. Choi, D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, Q.X. Jia, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, and X.X. Xi, “Probing Nanoscale Ferroelectricity by Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy,” Science 313 (2006) 1614-1616.
A. Stesmans, K. Clémer, V.V. Afanas’ev, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Nature and Stability of the (100)Si/LaAlO3 Interface Probed by Paramagnetic Defects,” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 112121-1 – 112121-3.
Y.-H. Chu, Q. Zhan, L.W. Martin, M.P. Cruz, P.-L. Yang, G.W. Pabst, F. Zavaliche, S.-Y. Yang, J.-X. Zhang, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, I.-N. Lin, T.-B. Wu, and R. Ramesh, “Nanoscale Domain Control in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films,” Advanced Materials 18 (2006) 2307-2311.
V.V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, R. Droopad, M. Passlack, L.F. Edge, and D.G. Schlom, “Electron Energy Barriers at Interfaces of GaAs(100) with LaAlO3 and Gd2O3,” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 092103-1 – 092103-3.
W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, J.B. Neaton, K.M. Rabe, and Q.X. Jia, “Structural Evidence for Enhanced Polarization in a Commensurate Short-Period BaTiO3 / SrTiO3 Superlattice,” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 092905-1 – 092905-3.
L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, S. Rivillon, Y.J. Chabal, M.P. Agustin, S. Stemmer, T. Lee, M.J. Kim, H.S. Craft, J.-P. Maria, M.E. Hawley, B. Holländer, J. Schubert, and K. Eisenbeiser, “Thermal Stability of Amorphous LaScO3 Films on Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 062902-1 – 062902-3.
V. Vaithyanathan, J. Lettieri, W. Tian, A. Kochhar, H. Ma, A. Sharan, A. Vasudevarao, V. Gopalan, Y. Li, L.Q. Chen, P. Zschack, J.C. Woicik, J. Levy, and D.G. Schlom, “c-Axis Oriented Epitaxial BaTiO3 Films on (001) Si,” Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 024108-1 – 024108-9.
A. Petraru, V. Nagarajan, H. Kohlstedt, R. Ramesh, D.G. Schlom, and R. Waser, “Simultaneous Measurement of the Piezoelectric and Dielectric Response of Nanoscale Ferroelectric Capacitors by an Atomic Force Microscopy Based Approach,” Applied Physics A 84 (2006) 67-71.
L.V. Goncharova, D.G. Starodub, E. Garfunkel, T. Gustafsson, V. Vaithyanathan, J. Lettieri, and D.G. Schlom, “Interface Structure and Thermal Stability of Epitaxial SrTiO3 Thin Films on Si (001),” Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 014912-1 – 014912-6.
H.M. Christen, G.E. Jellison, Jr., I. Ohkubo, S. Huang, M.E. Reeves, E. Cicerrella, J.L. Freeouf, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Dielectric and Optical Properties of Epitaxial Rare-Earth Scandate Films and their Crystallization Behavior,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 262906-1 – 262906-3.
E.M. Campo, S. Nakahara, T. Hierl, J.C.M. Hwang, Y.P. Chen, G. Brill, N.K. Dhar, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, X.-M. Fang, and J.M. Fastenau, “Epitaxial Growth of CdTe on Si through Perovskite Oxide Buffers,” Journal of Electronic Materials 35 (2006) 1219-1223.
M.D. Biegalski, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, S.K. Streiffer, V. Sherman, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Relaxor Ferroelectricity in Strained Epitaxial SrTiO3 Thin Films on DyScO3 Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 192907-1 – 192907-3.
Y.L. Li, S. Choudhury, J.H. Haeni, M.D. Biegalski, A. Vasudevarao, A. Sharan, H.Z. Ma, J. Levy, V. Gopalan, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, Q.X. Jia, and L.Q. Chen, “Phase Transitions and Domain Structures in Strained Pseudocubic (100) SrTiO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review B 73 (2006) 184112-1 – 184112-13.
D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, V. Nagarajan, J. Ouyang, R. Ramesh, V. Vaithyanathan, and D.G. Schlom, “Thickness Dependence of Structural and Piezoelectric Properties of Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Films on Si and SrTiO3 Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 142904-1 – 142904-3.
T. Heeg, J. Schubert, C. Buchal, E. Cicerrella, J.L. Freeouf, W. Tian, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth and Properties of Epitaxial Rare-Earth Scandate Thin Films,” Applied Physics A 83 (2006) 103-106.
L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, P. Sivasubramani, R.M. Wallace, B. Holländer, and J. Schubert, “Electrical Characterization of Amorphous Lanthanum Aluminate Thin Films Grown by Molecular-Beam Deposition on Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 112907-1 – 112907-3.
P. Irvin, J. Levy, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Localized Microwave Resonances in Strained SrTiO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 042902-1 – 042902-3.
V.V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, T. Heeg, and J. Schubert, “Band Alignment between (100) Si and Amorphous LaAlO3, LaScO3, and Sc2O3: Atomically Abrupt versus Interlayer-Containing Interfaces,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 032104-1 – 032104-3.
E. Cicerrella, J.L. Freeouf, L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, and S.A. Chambers, “Optical Properties of La-Based High-K Dielectric Films,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 23 (2005) 1676-1680.
O. Guise, J.T. Yates, Jr., J. Levy, J. Ahner, V. Vaithyanathan, and D.G. Schlom, “Patterning of Sub-10-nm Ge Islands on Si(100) by Directed Self-Assembly,” Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 171902-1 – 171902-3.
A. Venimadhav, A. Soukiassian, D.A. Tenne, Q. Li, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, R. Arroyave, Z.K. Liu, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, M.Y. Lee, and N.P. Ong, “Structural and Transport Properties of Epitaxial NaxCoO2 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 172104-1 – 172104-3.
S.Y. Yang, F. Zavaliche, L. Mohaddes-Ardabili, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, Y.J. Lee, Y.H. Chu, M.P. Cruz, Q. Zhan, T. Zhao, and R. Ramesh, “Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Lead-Free Ferroelectric BiFeO3 Films for Memory Applications,” Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 102903-1 – 102903-3.
F. Zavaliche, H. Zheng, L. Mohaddes-Ardabili, S.Y. Yang, Q. Zhan, P. Shafer, E. Reilly, R. Chopdekar, Y. Jia, P. Wright, D.G. Schlom, Y. Suzuki, and R. Ramesh, “Electric Field-Induced Magnetization Switching in Epitaxial Columnar Nanostructures,” Nano Letters 5 (2005) 1793-1796.
G. Lucovsky, C.C. Fulton, Y. Zhang, J. Luning, L.F. Edge, J.L. Whitten, R.J. Nemanich, D.G. Schlom, and V.V. Afanas’ev, “Conduction Band-Edge d-State in High-k Dielectrics due to Jahn–Teller Term Splittings,” Thin Solid Films 486 (2005) 129-135.
Z. Ma, F. Zavaliche, L. Chen, J. Ouyang, J. Melngailis, A.L. Roytburd, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, T. Zhao, and R. Ramesh, “Effect of 90° Domain Movement on the Piezoelectric Response of Patterned PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3/SrTiO3/Si Heterostructures,” Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 072907-1 – 072907-3.
W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, J.A. Bellotti, S.B. Qadri, J.M. Pond, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “In-Plane Anisotropy in the Microwave Dielectric Properties of SrTiO3 Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 98 (2005) 024107-1 – 024107-7.
J. Mannhart and D.G. Schlom, “Oxide—Tausendsassa für die Elektronik,” Physik Journal 4 (2005) 45-51.
P. Orgiani, Y. Cui, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, J.M. Redwing, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, and X.X. Xi, “Investigations of MgB2 / MgO and MgB2 / AlN Heterostructures for Josephson Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 15 (2005) 228-231.
B.T. Liu, X.X. Xi, V. Vaithyanathan, and D.G. Schlom, “MgB2 Thin Films Grown at Different Temperatures by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 15 (2005) 3249-3252.
A.V. Pogrebnyakov, J.M. Redwing, J.E. Giencke, C.B. Eom, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, A. Soukiassian, S.B. Mi, C.L. Jia, J. Chen, Y.F. Hu, Y. Cui, Q. Li, and X.X. Xi, “Carbon-Doped MgB2 Thin Films Grown by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 15 (2005) 3321-3324.
P. Sivasubramani, M.J. Kim, B.E. Gnade, R.M. Wallace, L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, H.S. Craft, and J.-P. Maria, “Outdiffusion of La and Al from Amorphous LaAlO3 in Direct Contact with Si (001),” Applied Physics Letters 86 (2005) 201901-1 – 201901-3.
J.Q. He, C.L. Jia, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, J. Schubert, A. Gerber, H.H. Kohlstedt, and R.H. Wang, “Interfacial Reaction in the Growth of Epitaxial SrTiO3 Thin Films on (001) Si Substrates,” Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 104921-1 – 104921-6.
G. Lucovsky, J.G. Hong, C.C. Fulton, N.A. Stoute, Y. Zou, R.J. Nemanich, D.E. Aspnes, H. Ade, and D.G. Schlom, “Conduction Band States of Transition Metal (TM) High-k Gate Dielectrics as Determined from X-ray Absorption Spectra,” Microelectronics Reliability 45 (2005) 827–830.
M.D. Biegalski, J.H. Haeni, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, C.D. Brandle, and A.J. Ven Graitis, “Thermal Expansion of the New Perovskite Substrates DyScO3 and GdScO3,” Journal of Materials Research 20 (2005) 952-958.
C. Zhao, T. Witters, B. Brijs, H. Bender, O. Richard, M. Caymax, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, V.V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, and D.G. Schlom, “Ternary Rare-Earth Metal Oxide High-k Layers on Silicon Oxide,” Applied Physics Letters 86 (2005) 132903-1 – 132903-3.
T. Bauer, S. Gsell, M. Schreck, J. Goldfuß, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, and B. Stritzker, “Growth of Epitaxial Diamond on Silicon via Iridium/SrTiO3 Buffer Layers,” Diamond & Related Materials 14 (2005) 314-317.
G. Lucovsky, C.C. Fulton, Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, J. Luning, L.F. Edge, J.L. Whitten, R.J. Nemanich, H. Ade, D.G. Schlom, V.V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, S. Zollner, D. Triyoso, and B.R. Rogers, “Conduction Band-Edge States Associated With the Removal of d-State Degeneracies by the Jahn–Teller Effect,” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 5 (2005) 65-83.
P.J. Hansen, V. Vaithyanathan, Y. Wu, T. Mates, S. Heikman, U.K. Mishra, R.A. York, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Speck, “Rutile Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on GaN and AlGaN/GaN,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 23 (2005) 499-506.
D.O. Klenov, L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, and S. Stemmer, “Extended Defects in Epitaxial Sc2O3 Films Grown on (111) Si,” Applied Physics Letters 86 (2005) 051901-1 – 051901-3.
D.O. Klenov, D.G. Schlom, H. Li, and S. Stemmer, “The Interface between Single Crystalline (001) LaAlO3 and (001) Silicon,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 (2005) L617-L619.
G. Lucovsky, Y. Zhang, J.L. Whitten, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Freeouf, “Near Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach for Determining Conduction Band Edge States in Transition Metal Oxide Gate Dielectrics,” Physica Scripta 2005 (2005) 335-338.
J.C. Woicik, F.S. Aguirre-Tostada, A. Herrera-Gomez, R. Droopad, Z. Yu, D.G. Schlom, E. Karapetrova, P. Zschack, and P. Pianetta, “X-Ray Absorption Fine-Structure Determination of Interfacial Polarization in SrTiO3 Thin Films Grown on Si(001),” Physica Scripta 2005 (2005) 620-622.
V.V. Afanas’ev, A. Stesmans, C. Zhao, M. Caymax, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, and G. Lucovsky, “Band Alignment between (100)Si and Complex Rare Earth/Transition Metal Oxides,” Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 5917-5919.
W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, J.M. Pond, J.A. Bellotti, S.B. Qadri, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Room-Temperature Tunable Microwave Properties of Strained SrTiO3 Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 96 (2004) 6629-6633.
K.J. Choi, M.D. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, A. Sharan, J. Schubert, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, V. Gopalan, L.-Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, and C.B. Eom, “Enhancement of Ferroelectricity in Strained BaTiO3 Thin Films,” Science 306 (2004) 1005-1009.
F.S. Aguirre-Tostado, A. Herrera-Gómez, J.C. Woicik, R. Droopad, Z. Yu, D.G. Schlom, P. Zschack, E. Karapetrova, P. Pianetta, and C.S. Hellberg, “Elastic Anomaly for SrTiO3 Thin Films Grown on Si(001),” Physical Review B 70 (2004) 201403-1 – 201403-4.
A.V. Pogrebnyakov, J.M. Redwing, S. Raghavan, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, S.Y. Xu, Q. Li, D.A. Tenne, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, M.D. Johannes, D. Kasinathan, W.E. Pickett, J.S. Wu, and J.C.H. Spence, “Enhancement of Superconducting Transition Temperature of MgB2 by a Strain-Induced Bond-Stretching Mode Softening,” Physical Review Letters 93 (2004) 147006-1 – 147006-4.
H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Structural Evolution of Dislocation Half-Loops in Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films during High-Temperature Annealing,” Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 1967-1969.
A.V. Pogrebnyakov, X.X. Xi, J.M. Redwing, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, A. Soukiassian, S.B. Mi, C.L. Jia, J.E. Giencke, C.B. Eom, J. Chen, Y.F. Hu, Y. Cui, and Q. Li, “Properties of MgB2 Thin Films with Carbon Doping,” Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 2017-2019; A.V. Pogrebnyakov, X.X. Xi, J.M. Redwing, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, A. Soukiassian, S.B. Mi, C.L. Jia, J.E. Giencke, C.B. Eom, J. Chen, Y.F. Hu, Y. Cui, and Q. Li, “Erratum: ‘Properties of MgB2 Thin Films with Carbon Doping,’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 2017 (2004)],” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 209903-1.
H. Zheng, J. Wang, L. Mohaddes-Ardabili, M. Wuttig, L. Salamanca-Riba, D.G. Schlom, and R. Ramesh, “Three-Dimensional Heteroepitaxy in Self-Assembled BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Nanostructures,” Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 2035-2037.
J.H. Haeni, P. Irvin, W. Chang, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, Y.L. Li, S. Choudhury, W. Tian, M.E. Hawley, B. Craigo, A.K. Tagantsev, X.Q. Pan, S.K. Streiffer, L.Q. Chen, S.W. Kirchoefer, J. Levy, and D.G. Schlom, “Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity in Strained SrTiO3,” Nature 430 (2004) 758-761.
J. Mannhart and D.G. Schlom, “Semiconductor Physics: The Value of Seeing Nothing,” Nature 430 (2004) 620-621.
L. Mohaddes-Ardabili, H. Zeng, S.B. Ogale, B. Hannoyer, W. Tian, J. Wang, S.E. Lofland, S.R. Shinde, T. Zhao, Y. Jia, L. Salamanca-Riba, D.G. Schlom, M. Wuttig, and R. Ramesh, “Self-Assembled Single-Crystal Ferromagnetic Iron Nanowires formed by Decomposition,” Nature Materials 3 (2004) 533-538.
F.S. Aguirre-Tostado, A. Herrera-Gómez, J.C. Woicik, R. Droopad, Z. Yu, D.G. Schlom, J. Karapetrova, P. Zschack, and P. Pianetta, “Displacive Phase Transition in SrTiO3 Thin Films Grown on Si(001),” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 22 (2004) 1356-1360.
D.M. Schaadt, E.T. Yu, V. Vaithyanathan, and D.G. Schlom, “Nanoscale Current Transport in Epitaxial SrTiO3 on n+‑Si investigated with Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 22 (2004) 2030-2034.
G. Lucovsky, J.G. Hong, C.C. Fulton, Y. Zou, R.J. Nemanich, H. Ade, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Freeouf, “Spectroscopic Studies of Metal High-k Dielectrics: Transition Metal Oxides and Silicates, and Complex Rare Earth/Transition Metal Oxides,” Physica Status Solidi (b) 241 (2004) 2221-2235.
L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, R.T. Brewer, Y.J. Chabal, J.R. Williams, S.A. Chambers, C. Hinkle, G. Lucovsky, Y. Yang, S. Stemmer, M. Copel, B. Holländer, and J. Schubert, “Suppression of Subcutaneous Oxidation during the Deposition of Amorphous Lanthanum Aluminate on Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 4629-4631.
C.M. Osburn, A. Kingon, G. Lucovsky, J.P. Maria, V. Misra, G. Parsons, S.A. Campbell, E. Eisenbraun, E. Garfunkel, T. Gustaffson, D.L. Kwong, J. Lee, T.P. Ma, D. Schlom, and S. Stemmer, “Materials and Processes for High‑K Gate Stacks,” Semiconductor Fabtech 22 (2004) 1-4.
Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, G. Asayama, D.G. Schlom, M.A. Zurbuchen, and S.K. Streiffer, “Ferroelectric Domain Structures in SrBi2Nb2O9 Epitaxial Thin Films: Electron Microscopy and Phase-Field Simulations,” Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 6332-6340.
A. Sharan, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Bismuth Manganite: A Multiferroic with a Large Nonlinear Optical Response,” Physical Review B 69 (2004) 214109-1-214109-7.
D.A. Tenne, X.X. Xi, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, A. Soukiassian, M.H. Zhu, A.R. James, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, and X.Q. Pan, “Absence of Low-Temperature Phase Transitions in Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review B 69 (2004) 174101-1 – 174101-5.
H.P. Sun, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Evolution of Dislocation Arrays in Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films Grown on (100) SrTiO3,” Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 3298-3300.
G. Lucovsky, Y. Zhang, J.L. Whitten, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Freeouf, “Separate and Independent Control of Interfacial Band Alignments and Dielectric Constants in Transition Metal Rare Earth Complex Oxides,” Microelectronic Engineering 72 (2004) 288-293.
G. Lucovsky, Y. Zhang, J.L. Whitten, D.G. Schlom, and J.L. Freeouf, “Spectroscopic Studies of the Electrical Structure of Transition Metal and Rare Earth Complex Oxides,” Physica E 21 (2004) 712-716.
L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, S.A. Chambers, E. Cicerrella, J.L. Freeouf, B. Holländer, and J. Schubert, “Measurement of the Band Offsets between Amorphous LaAlO3 and Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 726-728.
H. Zheng, J. Wang, S.E. Lofland, Z. Ma, L. Mohaddes-Ardabili, T. Zhao, L. Salamanca-Riba, S.R. Shinde, S.B. Ogale, F. Bai, D. Viehland, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, M. Wuttig, A. Roytburd, and R. Ramesh, “Multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Nanostructures,” Science 303 (2004) 661-663.
W. Chang, S.W. Kirchoefer, J.A. Bellotti, J.M. Pond, D.G. Schlom, and J.H. Haeni, “(Ba,Sr)TiO3 Ferroelectric Thin Films for Tunable Microwave Applications,” Revista Mexicana de Física 50 (2004) 501-505.
A.F. Moreira dos Santos, A.K. Cheetham, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, Y. Jia, N.J. Murphy, J. Lettieri, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth and Properties of Metastable BiMnO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 91-93.
A. Sharan, I. An, C. Chen, R.W. Collins, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Large Optical Nonlinearities in BiMnO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 5169-5171.
M.A. Zurbuchen, Y. Jia, S. Knapp, A.H. Carim, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Defect Generation by Preferred Nucleation in Epitaxial Sr2RuO4 / LaAlO3,” Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 3891-3893.
X.X. Xi, X.H. Zeng, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, A. Soukiassian, S.Y. Xu, Y.F. Hu, E. Wertz, Q. Li, Y. Zhong, C.O. Brubaker, Z.K. Liu. E.M. Lysczek, J.M. Redwing, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, H.P. Sun, and X.Q. Pan, “Deposition and Properties of Superconducting MgB2 Thin Films,” Journal of Superconductivity 16 (2003) 801-806.
X.Q. Pan, J.C. Jiang, C.D. Theis, and D.G. Schlom, “Domain Structure of Epitaxial Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films Grown on (001) SrTiO3 Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 2315-2317.
J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, S.K. Eah, J. Stephens, V. Sih, D.D. Awschalom, J. Levy, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth and Magnetic Properties of EuO on (001) Si by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 975-977.
M.A. Zurbuchen, J. Lettieri, S.J. Fulk, Y. Jia, A.H. Carim, D.G. Schlom, and S.K. Streiffer, “Bismuth Volatility Effects on the Perfection of SrBi2Nb2O9 and SrBi2Ta2O9 Films,” Applied Physics Letters 82 (2003) 4711-4713.
A.V. Pogrebnyakov, J.M. Redwing, J.E. Jones, X.X. Xi, S.Y. Xu, Q. Li, V. Vaithyanathan, and D.G. Schlom, “Thickness Dependence of the Properties of Epitaxial MgB2 Thin Films Grown by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Applied Physics Letters 82 (2003) 4319-4321.
X.X. Xi, X.H. Zeng, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, S.Y. Xu, Q. Li, Y. Zhong, C.O. Brubaker, Z.K. Liu, E.M. Lysczek, J.M. Redwing, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, and X.Q. Pan, “In Situ Growth of MgB2 Thin Film by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 13 (2003) 3233-3237.
J. Schubert, O. Trithaveesak, A. Petraru, C.L. Jia, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, and D.G. Schlom, “Structural and Optical Properties of Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films Grown on GdScO3(110),” Applied Physics Letters 82 (2003) 3460-3462.
A. Schmehl, F. Lichtenberg, H. Bielefeldt, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Transport Properties of LaTiO3+x Films and Heterostructures,” Applied Physics Letters 82 (2003) 3077-3079.
X.H. Zeng, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, M.H. Zhu, J.E. Jones, X.X. Xi, S.Y. Xu, E. Wertz, Q. Li, J.M. Redwing, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, Z.K. Liu, O. Trithaveesak, and J. Schubert, “Superconducting MgB2 Thin Films on Silicon Carbide Substrates by Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Applied Physics Letters 82 (2003) 2097-2099.
J. Wang, J.B. Neaton, H. Zheng, V. Nagarajan, S.B. Ogale, B. Liu, D. Viehland, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, U.V. Waghmare, N.A. Spaldin, K.M. Rabe, M. Wuttig, and R. Ramesh, “Epitaxial BiFeO3 Multiferroic Thin Film Heterostructures,” Science 299 (2003) 1719-1722; J. Wang, A. Scholl, H. Zheng, S.B. Ogale, D. Viehland, D.G. Schlom, N.A. Spaldin, K.M. Rabe. M. Wuttig, L. Mohaddes, J. Neaton, U. Waghmare, T. Zhao, and R. Ramesh, “Response to comment on ‘Epitaxial BiFeO3 multiferroic thin film heterostructures,” Science 307 (2005) 1203b-1 – 1203b-2.
S.D. Bu, D.M. Kim, J.H. Choi, J. Giencke, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, S. Patnaik, L. Cooley, C.B. Eom, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, and X.Q. Pan, “Synthesis and Properties of c‑axis Oriented Epitaxial MgB2 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 81 (2002) 1851-1853.
X.H. Zeng, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, A. Kotcharov, J.E. Jones, X.X. Xi, E.M. Lysczek, J.M. Redwing, S.Y. Xu, Q. Li, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, and Z.K. Liu, “In Situ Epitaxial MgB2 Thin Films for Superconducting Electronics,” Nature Materials 1 (2002) 35-38.
J. Lettieri, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Critical Issues in the Heteroepitaxial Growth of Alkaline-Earth Oxides on Silicon,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 20 (2002) 1332-1340.
B.T. Liu, K. Maki, Y. So, V. Nagarajan, R. Ramesh, J. Lettieri, J.H. Haeni, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, F.J. Walker, and R.A. McKee, “Epitaxial La‑doped SrTiO3 on Silicon: A Conductive Template for Epitaxial Ferroelectrics on Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 80 (2002) 4801-4803.
R. Ramesh and D.G. Schlom, “Materials Science: Orienting Ferroelectric Films,” Science 296 (2002) 1975-1976.
G. Asayama, J. Lettieri, M.A. Zurbuchen, Y. Jia, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, S.K. Streiffer, J-P. Maria, S.D. Bu, and C.B. Eom, “Growth of (103) Fiber-Textured SrBi2Nb2O9 Films on Pt-Coated Silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 80 (2002) 2371-2373.
S-G. Lim, S. Kriventsov, T.N. Jackson, J.H. Haeni, D.G. Schlom, A.M. Balbashov, R. Uecker, P. Reiche, J.L. Freeouf, and G. Lucovsky, “Dielectric Functions and Optical Bandgaps of High‑K Dielectrics for Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors by Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Ellipsometry,” Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 4500-4505.
B.J. Gibbons, C.B. Eom, R.A. Rao, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Oxidation of c‑axis-Oriented Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7– Thin Films in Ozone-Containing Atmospheres,” Journal of Materials Research 17 (2002) 884-889.
M.A. Zurbuchen, G. Asayama, D.G. Schlom, and S.K. Streiffer, “Ferroelectric Domain Structure of SrBi2Nb2O9 Epitaxial Thin Films,” Physical Review Letters 88 (2002) 107601-1 – 107601-4.
D.G. Schlom and J.H. Haeni, “A Thermodynamic Approach to Selecting Alternative Gate Dielectrics,” MRS Bulletin 27 (2002) 198-204.
X.X. Xi, X.H. Zeng, A. Soukiassian, J. Jones, J. Hotchkiss, Y. Zhong, C.O. Brubaker, Z.K. Liu, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, Y.F. Hu, E. Wertz, Q. Li, W. Tian, H.P. Sun, and X.Q. Pan, “Thermodynamics and Thin Film Deposition of MgB2 Superconductors,” Superconductor Science and Technology 15 (2002) 451-457.
D.G. Schlom, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, C.D. Theis, W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, and X.Q. Pan, “Oxide Nano-Engineering using MBE,” Materials Science & Engineering B 87 (2001) 282-291.
Y. Barad, J. Lettieri, C.D. Theis, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Domain Rearrangement in Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films Studied by in situ Optical Second Harmonic Generation,” Journal of Applied Physics 90 (2001) 3497-3503.
X.H. Zeng, A. Sukiasyan, X.X. Xi, Y.F. Hu, E. Wertz, Q. Li, W. Tian, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, J. Lettieri, D.G. Schlom, C.O. Brubaker, Z.K. Liu, and Q. Li, “Superconducting Properties of Nanocrystalline MgB2 Thin films Made by an in situ Annealing Process,” Applied Physics Letters 79 (2001) 1840-1842.
M.A. Zurbuchen, D.G. Schlom, and S.K. Streiffer, “Comment on ‘High-resolution electron microscopy investigations on stacking faults in SrBi2Ta2O9 ferroelectric thin films’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 973 (2001)],” Applied Physics Letters 79 (2001) 887-888.
W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of n = 1-5 Srn+1TinO3n+1 Epitaxial Thin Films,” Journal of Materials Research 16 (2001) 2013-2026.
Z.K. Liu, D.G. Schlom, Q. Li, and X.X. Xi, “Thermodynamics of the Mg‑B System: Implications for the Deposition of MgB2 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 3678-3680.
Z.K. Liu, Y. Zhong, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, and Q. Li, “Computational Thermodynamic Modeling of the Mg-B System,” Calphad 25 (2001) 299-303.
S. Patnaik, L.D. Cooley, A. Gurevich, A.A. Polyanskii, J. Jiang, X.Y. Cai, A.A. Squitieri, M.T. Naus, M.K. Lee, J.H. Choi, L. Belenky, S.D. Bu, J. Lettieri, X. Song, D.G. Schlom, S.E. Babcock, C.B. Eom, E.E. Hellstrom, and D.C. Larbalestier, “Electronic Anisotropy, Magnetic Field-Temperature Phase Diagram and their Dependence on Resistivity in c‑Axis Oriented MgB2 Thin Films,” Superconductor Science and Technology 14 (2001) 315-319.
J.H. Haeni, C.D. Theis, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, H. Chang, I. Takeuchi, and X.‑D. Xiang, “Epitaxial Growth of the First Five Members of the Srn+1TinO3n+1 Ruddlesden-Popper Homologous Series,” Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 3292-3294.
M.A. Zurbuchen, Y. Jia, S. Knapp, A.H. Carim, D.G. Schlom, L.‑N. Zou, and Y. Liu, “Suppression of Superconductivity by Crystallographic Defects in Epitaxial Sr2RuO4 Films,” Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 2351-2353.
B.J. Gibbons, M.E. Hawley, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Real-Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry as a Characterization Tool for Oxide Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 19 (2001) 584-590.
M.A. Zurbuchen, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, S.K. Streiffer, and M.E. Hawley, “Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of (103)-Oriented Epitaxial SrBi2Nb2O9 Films Grown on (111) SrTiO3 and (111) SrRuO3 / (111) SrTiO3,” Journal of Materials Research 16 (2001) 489-502.
M.K. Lee, C.B. Eom, J. Lettieri, I.W. Scrymgeour, D.G. Schlom, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, P.A. Ryan, and F. Tsui, “Epitaxial Thin Films of Hexagonal BaRuO3 on (001) SrTiO3,” Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 329-331.
Y. Barad, J. Lettieri, C.D. Theis, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, J.C. Jiang, and X.Q. Pan, “Probing Domain Microstructure in Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films by Optical Second Harmonic Generation,” Journal of Applied Physics 89 (2001) 1387-1392; Y. Barad, J. Lettieri, C.D. Theis, D.G. Schlom, V. Gopalan, J.C. Jiang, and X.Q. Pan, “Erratum: ‘Probing Domain Microstructure in Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films by Optical Second Harmonic Generation,’ [J. Appl. Phys. 89, 1387 (2001)],” Journal of Applied Physics 89 (2001) 5230.
Lettieri, Y. Jia, S.J. Fulk, D.G. Schlom, M.E. Hawley, and G.W. Brown, “Optimization of the Growth of Epitaxial SrBi2Ta2O9 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition,” Thin Solid Films 379 (2000) 64-71.
J. Lettieri, M.A. Zurbuchen, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, S.K. Streiffer, and M.E. Hawley, “Epitaxial Growth of SrBi2Nb2O9 on (110) SrTiO3 and the Establishment of a Lower Bound on the Spontaneous Polarization of SrBi2Nb2O9,” Applied Physics Letters 77 (2000) 3090-3092.
J. Lettieri, I.W. Scrymgeour, D.G. Schlom, M.K. Lee, and C.B. Eom, “Comment on ‘Lattice Deformation and Magnetic Properties in Epitaxial Thin Films of Sr1‑xBaxRuO3’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 1200 (1999)],” Applied Physics Letters 77 (2000) 600-601.
G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, C.D. Theis, J. Yeh, and D.G. Schlom, “Atomic Force Microscopy Examination of the Evolution of the Surface Morphology of Bi4Ti3O12 grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Electroceramics 4 (2000) 351-356.
J.H. Haeni, C.D. Theis, and D.G. Schlom, “RHEED Intensity Oscillations for the Stoichiometric Growth of SrTiO3 Thin Films by Reactive Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Electroceramics 4 (2000) 385-391.
J. J. Lettieri, M.A. Zurbuchen, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, S.K. Streiffer, and M.E. Hawley, “Epitaxial Growth of non‑c‑oriented SrBi2Nb2O9 on (111) SrTiO3,” Applied Physics Letters 76 (2000) 2937-2939.
H.S. Wang, E. Wertz, Y.F. Hu, Q. Li, and D.G. Schlom, “Role of Strain in Magnetotransport Properties of Pr0.67Sr0.33MnO3 Thin Films,” Journal of Applied Physics 87 (2000) 7409-7414.
A.H. Carim, P. Dera, L.W. Finger, B. Mysen, C.T. Prewitt, and D.G. Schlom, “Crystal Structure and Compressibility of Ba4Ru3O10,” Journal of Solid State Chemistry 149 (2000) 137-142.
D.L. Kaiser, M.D. Vaudin, L.D. Rotter, J.E. Bonevich, I. Levin, J.T. Armstrong, A.L. Roytburd, and D.G. Schlom, “Effect of Film Composition on the Orientation of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Grains in (Ba,Sr)yTiO2+y Thin Films,” Journal of Materials Research 14 (1999) 4657-4666.
G.W. Brown, M.E. Hawley, C.D. Theis, J. Yeh, and D.G. Schlom, “Atomic Force Microscopy Examination of the Evolution of Surface Morphology of Bi4Ti3O12 grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Thin Solid Films 357 (1999) 13-17.
Y. Jia, M.A. Zurbuchen, S. Wozniak, A.H. Carim, D.G. Schlom, L‑N. Zou, S. Briczinski, and Y. Liu, “Epitaxial Growth of Metastable Ba2RuO4 Films with the K2NiF4 Structure,” Applied Physics Letters 74 (1999) 3830-3832.
D.J. Gundlach, T.N. Jackson, D.G. Schlom, and S.F. Nelson, “Solvent-Induced Phase Transition in Thermally Evaporated Pentacene Films,” Applied Physics Letters 74 (1999) 3302-3304.
J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, W. Tian, C.D. Theis, and D.G. Schlom, “Abrupt PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices Grown by Reactive Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 74 (1999) 2851-2853.
R. Jin, Yu. Zadorozhny, Y. Liu, D.G. Schlom, Y. Mori, and Y. Maeno, “Observation of Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Critical Current in Pb/Sr2RuO4/Pb Junctions,” Physical Review B 59 (1999) 4433-4438.
J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, M. Urbanik, C.I. Weber, J-P. Maria, D.G. Schlom, H. Li, R. Ramesh, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Epitaxial Growth of (001)-Oriented and (110)-Oriented SrBi2Ta2O9 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 73 (1998) 2923-2925.
C.D. Theis, J. Yeh, D.G. Schlom, M.E. Hawley, and G.W. Brown “The Influence of Vicinal SrTiO3 Surfaces on the Growth and Ferroelectric Properties of Epitaxial Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films,” Materials Science & Engineering B 56 (1998) 228-233.
J. Lettieri, C.I. Weber, and D.G. Schlom, “Comment on ‘Control of epitaxial growth for SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 665 (1998)],” Applied Physics Letters 73 (1998) 2057-2058.
R. Jin, Yu. Zadorozhny, Y. Liu, D.G. Schlom, F. Lichtenberg, and J.G. Bednorz, “Normal-State Magnetoresistance of Sr2RuO4 Single Crystals,” Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59 (1998) 2215-2217.
C.D. Theis, J. Yeh, D.G. Schlom, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, J.C. Jiang, and X.Q. Pan, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of Bi4Ti3O12 by Reactive MBE,” Applied Physics Letters 72 (1998) 2817-2819.
J‑P. Maria, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, M.E. Hawley, and G.W. Brown, “The Influence of Energetic Bombardment on the Structure and Properties of Epitaxial SrRuO3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition,” Journal of Applied Physics 83 (1998) 4373-4379.
B.C. Chakoumakos, D.G. Schlom, M. Urbanik, and J. Luine, “Thermal Expansion of LaAlO3 and (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3, Substrate Materials for Superconducting Thin-Film Device Applications,” Journal of Applied Physics 83 (1998) 1979-1982.
K. Wasa, Y. Haneda, T. Satoh, H. Adachi, I. Kanno, K Setsune, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and C-B. Eom, “Continuous Single Crystal PbTiO3 Thin Films Epitaxially Grown on Miscut (001)SrTiO3,” Journal of the Korean Physical Society 32 (1998) S1344-S1348.
D.G. Schlom, “Visualizing the Anisotropy of Crystals: Nye plus 3‑D Graphics,” Journal of Materials Education 20 (1998) 77-90.
D.J. Gundlach, Y.‑Y. Lin, T.N. Jackson, and D.G. Schlom, “Oligophenyl-Based Organic Thin Film Transistors,” Applied Physics Letters 71 (1997) 3853-3855.
D.G. Schlom, S.B. Knapp, S. Wozniak, L-N. Zou, J. Park, Y. Liu, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Growth of Epitaxial (Sr,Ba)n+1RunO3n+1 Films,” Superconductor Science and Technology 10 (1997) 891-895.
S. Madhavan, Y. Liu, D.G. Schlom, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, Y. Suzuki, I. Takeuchi, Z. Trajanovic, and R.P. Sharma, “Epitaxial Sr2RuO4 Heterostructures,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 7 (1997) 2063-2066.
J.C. Clark, J.P. Maria, K.J. Hubbard, and D.G. Schlom, “An Oxygen-Compatible Radiant Substrate Heater for Thin-Film Growth at Substrate Temperatures up to 1050 °C,” Review of Scientific Instruments 68 (1997) 2538-2541.
C.D. Theis and D.G. Schlom, “Domain Structure of Epitaxial PbTiO3 Films Grown on Vicinal (001) SrTiO3,” Journal of Materials Research 12 (1997) 1297-1305.
S. Madhavan, J.A. Mitchell, T. Nemoto, S. Wozniak, Ying Liu, D.G. Schlom, A. Dabkowski, and H.A. Dabkowska, “Growth of Epitaxial Sr2RuO4 Films and YBa2Cu3O7‑ / Sr2RuO4 Heterostructures,” Journal of Crystal Growth 174 (1997) 417-423.
C.D. Theis and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Lead Titanate Grown by MBE,” Journal of Crystal Growth 174 (1997) 473-479.
D.J. Gundlach, Y.Y. Lin, T.N. Jackson, S.F. Nelson, and D.G. Schlom, “Pentacene Organic Thin-Film Transistors—Molecular Ordering and Mobility,” IEEE Electron Device Letters 18 (1997) 87-89.
D.G. Schlom, “Visualizing the Physics of Materials—Part II,” Journal of Materials Education 19 (1997) 77-85.
K.J. Hubbard and D.G. Schlom, “Thermodynamic Stability of Binary Oxides in Contact with Silicon,” Journal of Materials Research 11 (1996) 2757-2776.
C.D. Theis and D.G. Schlom, “Cheap and Stable Titanium Source for Use in Oxide Molecular Beam Epitaxy Systems,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 14 (1996) 2677-2679.
D.G. Schlom, E.S. Hellman, E.H. Hartford, Jr., C.B. Eom, J.C. Clark, and J. Mannhart, “Origin of the ø ~ ±9° Peaks in YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films Grown on Cubic Zirconia Substrates,” Journal of Materials Research 11 (1996) 1336-1348.
S. Madhavan, D.G. Schlom, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, and Y. Liu, “Growth of Epitaxial a‑axis and c‑axis Oriented Sr2RuO4 Films,” Applied Physics Letters 68 (1996) 559-561.
Y. Liu, J.A. Mitchell, S. Madhavan, D.G. Schlom, A. Dabkowski, and H.A. Dabkowska, “Electrical Transport Studies of Epitaxial Sr2RuO4 Films,” Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (supplement, part S2) (1996) 1113-1114.
D.G. Schlom, “Visualizing the Physics of Materials,” Journal of Materials Education 18 (1996) 77-95.
N. Chandrasekhar and D.G. Schlom, “Evidence for Surface Melting During the Growth of High Tc Thin Films,” Physica C 235‑240 (1994) 697-698.
D.G. Schlom, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, Ch. Gerber, and J. Mannhart, “Epitaxial Growth of Cuprate Superconductors from the Gas Phase,” Journal of Crystal Growth 137 (1994) 259-267.
J. Mannhart, J.G. Bednorz, Ch. Gerber, D.G. Schlom, and J. Ströbel, “Electric Field Effects in YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Physica B 194‑196 (1994) 1353-1354.
G.L. Catchen, T.M. Rearick, and D.G. Schlom, “High-Temperature Phase Transitions and Low-Temperature Magnetic Ordering in SrRuO3 and CaRuO3 Ceramics Studied Using Perturbed-Angular-Correlation Spectroscopy,” Physical Review B 49 (1994) 318-326.
A. Catana, J.G. Bednorz, Ch. Gerber, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Surface Outgrowths on Sputtered YBa2Cu3O7‑x Films: A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study,” Applied Physics Letters 63 (1993) 553-555.
J. Mannhart, J.G. Bednorz, K.A. Müller, D.G. Schlom, and J. Ströbel, “Electric Field Effect in High-Tc Superconductors,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 195 (1993) 519-526.
A. Catana, D.G. Schlom, J. Mannhart, and J.G. Bednorz, “a/c YBa2Cu3O7 Boundaries: Preferential Sites for the Nucleation of Epitaxial Y2O3 Precipitates,” Applied Physics Letters 61 (1992) 720-722.
F. Lichtenberg, A. Catana, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Sr2RuO4: A Metallic Substrate for the Epitaxial Growth of YBa2Cu3O7‑,” Applied Physics Letters 60 (1992) 1138-1140.
A. Catana, R.F. Broom, J.G. Bednorz, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Identification of Epitaxial Y2O3 Inclusions in Sputtered YBa2Cu3O7 Films: Impact on Film Growth,” Applied Physics Letters 60 (1992) 1016-1018.
D.G. Schlom, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, R. Broom, A. Catana, T. Frey, Ch. Gerber, H.-J. Güntherodt, H.P. Lang, and J. Mannhart, “Screw Dislocation Mediated Growth of Sputtered and Laser-Ablated YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Zeitschrift für Physik B 86 (1992) 163-175.
J. Mannhart, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, A. Catana, Ch. Gerber, K.A. Müller, and D.G. Schlom, “Correlation Between Jc and Screw Dislocation Density in Sputtered YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Zeitschrift für Physik B 86 (1992) 177-181.
J. Mannhart, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, Ch. Gerber, K.A. Müller, and D.G. Schlom, “Pinning Centers in YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Superconductor Science and Technology 5 (1992) S125-S128.
J. Mannhart, D.G. Schlom, J.G. Bednorz, and K.A. Müller, “Electric Field Effect on Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Physica C 185-189 (1991) 1745-1746.
D.G. Schlom, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, Ch. Gerber, J. Mannhart, and K.A. Müller, “Observation of Screw Dislocations in Sputtered YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Physica C 185-189 (1991) 2007-2008.
J.G. Bednorz, J. Mannhart, C.A. Müller, and D.G. Schlom, “Superconducting Device with Enhanced Sensitivity,” IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin 34 (1991) 13-14.
J. Mannhart, D.G. Schlom, J.G. Bednorz, and K.A. Müller, “Influence of Electric Fields on Pinning in YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Physical Review Letters 67 (1991) 2099-2101.
W.S. Lee, G.W. Yoffe, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Accurate Measurement of MBE Substrate Temperature,” Journal of Crystal Growth 111 (1991) 131-135.
J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Growth of Superconducting Bi2Sr2Can‑1CunOx Thin Films by Atomically Layered Epitaxy,” Journal of Crystal Growth 111 (1991) 973-977.
C. Gerber, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, J. Mannhart, and D.G. Schlom, “Screw Dislocations in High-Tc Films,” Nature 350 (1991) 279-280.
J. Mannhart, J.G. Bednorz, K.A. Müller, and D.G. Schlom, “Electric Field Effect on Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Zeitschrift für Physik B 83 (1991) 307-311.
J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Growth of Untwinned Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Thin Films by Atomically Layered Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 57 (1990) 1049-1051.
K. Kojima, D.G. Schlom, K. Kuroda, M. Tanioku, K. Hamanaka, J.N. Eckstein, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Superstructure in Thin Films of Bi-Based Compounds on MgO,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 29 (1990) L1638-L1641.
J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, K.E. von Dessonneck, D.G. Schlom, J.S. Harris, Jr., and S.M. Baumann, “Atomically Layered Heteroepitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Films of Superconducting Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox,” Applied Physics Letters 57 (1990) 931-933.
D.G. Schlom, A.F. Marshall, J.T. Sizemore, Z.J. Chen, J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, K.E. von Dessonneck, J.S. Harris, Jr., and J.C. Bravman, “Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Layered Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Compounds,” Journal of Crystal Growth 102 (1990) 361-375.
E.S. Hellman, D.G. Schlom, A.F. Marshall, S.K. Streiffer, J.S. Harris, Jr., M.R. Beasley, J.C. Bravman, T.H. Geballe, J.N. Eckstein, and C. Webb, “Phase Characterization of Dysprosium Barium Copper Oxide Thin Films Grown on Strontium Titanate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Materials Research 4 (1989) 476-495.
D.G. Schlom, W.S. Lee, T. Ma, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Reduction of Gallium–Related Oval Defects,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 7 (1989) 296-298.
J.N. Eckstein, D.G. Schlom, E.S. Hellman, K.E. von Dessonneck, Z.J. Chen, C. Webb, F. Turner, J.S. Harris, Jr., M.R. Beasley, and T.H. Geballe, “Epitaxial Growth of High-Temperature Superconducting Thin Films,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 7 (1989) 319-323.
J.S. Harris, Jr., J.N. Eckstein, E.S. Hellman, and D.G. Schlom, “MBE Growth of High Critical Temperature Superconductors,” Journal of Crystal Growth 95 (1989) 607-616.
D.G. Schlom, J.N. Eckstein, E.S. Hellman, S.K. Streiffer, J.S. Harris, Jr., M.R. Beasley, J.C. Bravman, T.H. Geballe, C. Webb, K.E. von Dessonneck, and F. Turner, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Layered Dy-Ba-Cu-O Compounds,” Applied Physics Letters 53 (1988) 1660-1662.
P.R. de la Houssaye, D.R. Allee, Y.-C. Pao, D.G. Schlom, J.S. Harris, Jr., and R.F.W. Pease, “Electron Saturation Velocity Variation in InGaAs and GaAs Channel MODFETs for Gate Lengths to 550 Å,” IEEE Electron Device Letters 9 (1988) 148-150.
E.S. Hellman, D.G. Schlom, N. Missert, K. Char, J.S. Harris, Jr., M.R. Beasley, A. Kapitulnik, T.H. Geballe, J.N. Eckstein, S.-L. Weng, and C. Webb, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Deposition of High-Tc Superconductors,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 6 (1988) 799-803.
D.R. Allee, P.R. de la Houssaye, D.G. Schlom, J.S. Harris, Jr., and R.F.W. Pease, “Sub-100 nm Gate Length GaAs Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors and Modulation-Doped Field-Effect Transistors Fabricated by a Combination of Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Electron Beam Lithography,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 6 (1988) 328-332.
G.W. Yoffe, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Modulation of Light by an Electrically Tunable Multilayer Interference Filter,” Applied Physics Letters 51 (1987) 1876-1878.
G.W. Yoffe, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, “Light-Modulation by Tunable Interference Filter,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 34 (1987) 2363-2363.
C. Webb, S.-L. Weng, J.N. Eckstein, N. Missert, K. Char, D.G. Schlom, E.S. Hellman, M.R. Beasley, A. Kapitulnik, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Growth of High Tc Superconducting Thin Films Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy Techniques,” Applied Physics Letters 51 (1987) 1191-1193.
E.C. Larkins, E.S. Hellman, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr. “GaAs with Very Low Acceptor Impurity Background Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Crystal Growth 81 (1987) 344-348.
E.C. Larkins, E.S. Hellman, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Reduction of the Acceptor Impurity Background in GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 49 (1986) 391-393.
D.G. Schlom and P.J. Shlichta, “Comparison of Theory with Experiment in Convectionless Growth of Crystals from Solution,” Journal of Crystal Growth 71 (1985) 791-794.
D. Schlom, M. Rahman, K. Kuhn, and J. Heron, “Semiconductor Circuits and Devices Based on Low-Energy Consumption Semiconductor Structures Exhibiting Multi-Valued Magnetoelectric Spin Hall Effect,” US Patent #11,996,129 B2, granted May 28, 2024.
D. Schlom, R. Steinhardt, and M. Holtz, “Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Material Structures,” U.S. Patent #11,678,587 B2, granted June 13, 2023.
C. Guguschev, M. Brutzam, D. Schlom, and H. Paik, “Method and Setup for Growing Bulk Single Crystals,” U.S. Patent #11,591,712 B2, granted February 28, 2023.
P. Vogt, D.G. Schlom, F.V.E. Hensling, K. Azizie, Z-K. Liu, B.J. Bocklund, and S-L. Shang, “Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy and Related Structures,” U.S. Patent #11,462,402 B2, granted October 4, 2022.
J.T. Heron, P.B. Meisenheimer, D.G. Schlom, and R. Steinhardt, “Multiferroic Heterostructures,” U.S. Patent #11,276,728 B2, granted March 15, 2022.
K. Lee, W. Lee, M. Jeong, Y. Kim, E. Kim, H. Mun, J. Lee, C. Lee, K. Cho, D.G. Schlom, C.J. Fennie, N.M. Dawley, G.H. Olsen, and Z. Wang, “Thin-Film Structure and Method of Manufacturing the Same,” U.S. Patent #11,133,179 B2, granted September 28, 2021.
C-B. Eom, K-J. Choi, D.G. Schlom, and L-Q. Chen, “Strain-Engineered Ferroelectric Thin Films,” U.S. Patent #7,449,738 B2, granted November 11, 2008.
X. Zeng, A. Pogrebnyakov, X.X. Xi, J.M. Redwing, Z.K. Liu, and D.G. Schlom, “Method for Producing Boride Thin Films,” U.S. Patent #6,797,341 B2, granted September 28, 2004.
R. Ramesh and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Template and Barrier for the Integration of Functional Thin Film Metal Oxide Heterostructures on Silicon,” U.S. Patent #6,642,539 B2, granted November 4, 2003.
J.G. Bednorz, J.D. Mannhart, C.A. Müller, and D.G. Schlom, “Method for Manufacturing Lattice-Matched Substrates for High‑Tc Superconductor Films,” U.S. Patent #5,602,080, granted February 11, 1997.
J.G. Bednorz, J.D. Mannhart, C.A. Müller, and D.G. Schlom, “Superconductive-Channel Electric Field-Effect Drive,” U.S. Patent #5,528,052, granted June 18, 1996.
F. Lichtenberg, J. Mannhart, and D. Schlom, “Method for Manufacturing High Tc Superconducting Circuit Elements with Metallic Substrate,” U.S. Patent #5,310,706, granted May 10, 1994.
F. Lichtenberg, J. Mannhart, and D. Schlom, “Superconducting Circuit Elements with Metallic Substrate and Method for Manufacturing the Same,” U.S. Patent #5,266,558, granted November 30, 1993.
J.G. Bednorz, J.D. Mannhart, C.A. Müller, and D. Schlom, “Enhanced Superconducting Field-Effect Transistor,” U.S. Patent #5,240,906, granted August 31, 1993.
Conference Proceedings
Harikrishnan K.P., Y.E. Li, Y-T. Shao, Z. Chen, J. Yan, C. Guguschev, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Polar Nano-Domains in Barium Hexaferrite Revealed with Multislice Electron Ptychography,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (Supplement 1) (2022) 476–478.
E. Padgett, P. Cueva, M.E. Holtz, E. Langenberg, D. Ren, H.D. Abruña, D.G. Schlom, and David A. Muller, “Grains and Strains from Cepstral Analysis of 4D-STEM Nano-Diffraction Datasets,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (Supplement 1) (2018) 546–547.
L-Z. Li, J. Jokisaari, Y. Zhang, X-X. Cheng, L.Q. Chen, C. Heikes, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Defect-Assisted Reorganization of Ferroelectric Domain Walls Revealed by Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (Supplement 1) (2018) 104–105.
L.E. Noskin, A. Seidner H., and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of NbO2 by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy and Characterization of its Metal-Insulator Transition,” MRS Advances 2 (2017) 3031–3036.
Copyright © 2017 by Materials Research Society.
M.E. Holtz, J.A. Mundy, C.S. Chang, J.A. Moyer, C.M. Brooks, H. Das, A.F. Rebola, R. Hovden, E. Padgett, C.J. Fennie, P. Schiffer, D. Meier, D.G. Schlom, and D.A. Muller, “Imaging Local Polarization and Domain Boundaries with Picometer-Precision Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (Supplement 3) (2016) 898–899.
C. Adamo, R. Misra, S.A. Denev, A. SenGupta, J.A. Mundy, J.H. Lee, D.A. Muller, V. Gopalan, P. Schiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “Effect of Strain and Dimensionality on the Properties of Manganites,” ECS Transactions 41 (2011) 283-292.
A. Venimadhav, D.A. Tenne, M.J. Wilson, P. Schiffer, Q. Li, J.H. Lee, D.G. Schlom, and X.X. Xi, “Growth and Magnetic Properties of La2NiMnO6 Epitaxial Thin Films,” AIP Conference Proceedings 1347 (2011) 53-56.
B. Guillet, S. Liu, C. Fur, S. Wu, J.-M. Routoure, C. Adamo, F. Lemarie, D. Schlom, and L. Méchin, “Uncooled Suspended Bolometers based on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films,” 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010) (IEEE, Rome, 2010). DOI: 10.1109/ICIMW.2010.5612391
S. Mookerjea, D. Mohata, R. Krishnan, J. Singh, A. Vallett, A. Ali, T. Mayer, V. Narayanan, D. Schlom, A. Liu, and S. Datta, “Experimental Demonstration of 100nm Channel Length In0.53Ga0.47As-based Vertical Inter-band Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (TFETs) for Ultra Low-Power Logic and SRAM Applications,” 2009 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEEE, Piscataway, 2009) 13.7.1-13.7.3.
M.A. Zurbuchen and D.G. Schlom, “Topotactic Anion Exchange – A Route to Epitaxial Oxide Integration,” Theory and Applications of Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Materials, Vol. 1110E (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2009) pp. C10-9.1 – C10-9.6.
H.W. Jang, S.H. Baek, D. Ortiz, C.M. Folkman, R.R. Das, Y.H. Chu, J.X. Zhang, V. Vaithyanathan, S. Choudhury, Y.B. Chen, X.Q. Pan, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, R. Ramesh, and C.B. Eom, “Strain Tunability of Spontaneous Polarization and Enhanced Ferroelectric Properties in Epitaxial (001) BiFeO3 Thin Films,” 2008 17th IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (IEEE, Piscataway, 2008) 298-300.
L.F. Edge, W. Tian, V. Vaithyanathan, T. Heeg, D.G. Schlom, D.O. Klenov, S. Stemmer, J.G. Wang, and M.J. Kim, “Growth and Characterization of Alternative Gate Dielectrics by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” ECS Transactions 16 (2008) 213-227.
A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, A. Soukiassian, D.A. Tenne, D. Schlom, X.X. Xi, and A. Cantarero, “Acoustic Properties of Nanoscale Oxide Hterostructures Probed by UV Raman Spectroscopy,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 92 (2007) 012160-1 – 012160-4.
D.H. Choi, M. Warusawithana, C.O. Chui, J. Chen, W. Tsai, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, “The Electrical Characterization of Molecular-Beam-Deposited LaAlO3 on GaAs and its Annealing Effects,” Characterization of Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces for CMOS Technologies edited by Y. Chabal, A. Esteve, N. Richard, and G. Wilk, Vol. 996 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2007) pp. 0996-H05-31-1 – 0996-H05-31-6.
J.M.J. Lopes, M. Roeckerath, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, U. Litmark, S. Mantl, A. Besmehn, P. Myllymäki, L. Niinistö, C. Adamo, and D.G. Schlom, “Amorphous Lanthanum Lutetium Oxide Thin Films as an Alternative High-k Material,” ECS Transactions 11 (2007) 311-318.
A. Venimadhav, Z. Ma, Q. Li, A. Soukiassian, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, R. Arroyave, Z.K. Liu, M.Y. Lee, and N.P. Ong, “Thermoelectric Properties of Epitaxial and Topotaxial NaxCoO2 Thin Films,” Materials and Technologies for Direct Thermal-to-Electric Energy Conversion edited by J. Yang, T.P. Hogan, R. Funahashi, G.S. Nolas, Vol. 886 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2006), pp. 65-74.
M.A. Zurbuchen, J. Lettieri, Y. Jia, A.H. Carim, S.K. Streiffer, and D.G. Schlom, “Out-of-phase Boundary (OPB) Nucleation in Layered Oxides,” Ferroelectric Thin Films XIII edited by R. Ramesh, J.-P. Maria, M. Alexe, and V. Joshi, Vol. 902E (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2006), pp. T10-55.1 – T10-55.6.
C.M. Osburn, S.A. Campbell, A. Demkov, E. Eisenbraun, E. Garfunkel, T. Gustafsson, A.I. Kingon, J. Lee, D.J. Lichtenwalner, G. Lucovsky, T.P. Ma, J.P. Maria, V. Misra, R.J. Nemanich, G.N. Parsons, D.G. Schlom, S. Stemmer, R.M. Wallace, and J. Whitten, “Materials and Processes for High k Gate Stacks: Results from the FEP Transition Center,” ECS Transactions 3 (2006) 389-415.
P. Sivasubramani, P. Zhao, M.J. Kim, B.E. Gnade, R.M. Wallace, L.F. Edge, D.G. Schlom, G.N. Parsons, and V. Misra, “Thermal Stability Studies of Advanced Gate Stack Structures on Si (100),” Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology 2005 edited by D.G. Seiler, A.C. Diebold, R. McDonald, C.R. Ayre, R.P. Khosla, S. Zollner, and E.M. Secula, AIP Vol. 788 (Springer, New York, 2005), pp. 156-160.
X.X. Xi, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, X.H. Zeng, J.M. Redwing, S.Y. Xu, Q. Li, Z.K. Liu, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, D.G. Schlom, H.M. Christen, H.Y. Zhai, and A. Goyal, “Progress in the Deposition of MgB2 Thin Films,” Superconductor Science and Technology 17 (2004) S196-S201 and Applied Superconductivity 2003: Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, IOP Vol. 181 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2004), pp. 37-44.
H.P. Sun, W. Tian, J.H. Haeni, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Strain Relaxation by Misfit Dislocations in Nanoscale Epitaxial Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Films Grown on SrTiO3 Substrate,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 8 (supplement 2) (2002) 1162-1163.
W. Tian, J.H. Haeni, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Strain-Induced Elevation of the Spontaneous Polarization in BaTiO3 Thin Films,” Ferroelectric Thin Films IX, edited by P.C. McIntyre, S.R. Gilbert, Y. Miyasaka, R.W. Schwartz, and D. Wouters, Vol. 655 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2001), pp. CC7.8.1-CC7.8.6.
M.A. Zurbuchen, J. Lettieri, S.K. Streiffer, Y. Jia, M.E. Hawley, X.Q. Pan, A.H. Carim, and D.G. Schlom, “Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Epitaxial SrBi2Nb2O9 and SrBi2Ta2O9 Films,” Integrated Ferroelectrics 33 (2001) 27-37.
W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, J.H. Haeni, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Strained BaTiO3 / SrTiO3 Superlattice Grown by Reactive Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 6 (supplement 2) (2000) 400-401.
D.G. Schlom, J.H. Haeni, C.D. Theis, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, G.W. Brown, and M.E. Hawley, “The Importance of in situ Monitors in the Preparation of Layered Oxide Heterostructures by Reactive MBE,” Recent Developments in Oxide and Metal Epitaxy—Theory and Experiment edited by M. Yeadon, S. Chiang, R.F.C. Farrow, J.W. Evans, and O. Auciello, Vol. 619 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2000), pp. 105-114.
K. Wasa, R. Ai, Y. Ichikawa, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Q. Gang, and C.B. Eom, “Thin Film Effects in the Ferroelectric PbTiO3,” 1999 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, edited by S.C. Schneider, M. Levy, and B.R. McAvoy, Vol. 2 (IEEE, Piscataway, 2000), pp. 999-1003.
J.C. Jiang, W. Tian, C.D. Theis, D.G. Schlom, and X.Q. Pan, “Effect of the Substrate Surface Termination on the Structure of the Bi4Ti3O12 / SrTiO3 Interface,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 5 (supplement 2) (1999) 104-105.
W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, J.H. Haeni, and D.G. Schlom, “Atomic Structure of Epitaxial Thin Films of the Srn+1TinO3n+1 Ruddlesden-Popper Homologous Series,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 5 (supplement 2) (1999) 114-115.
J. Lettieri, M.A. Zurbuchen, G.W. Brown, Y. Jia, W. Tian, X.Q. Pan, M.E. Hawley, and D.G. Schlom, “Investigation of Growth Evolution in c-Axis SrBi2Nb2O9 Epitaxial Thin Films,” Multicomponent Oxide Films for Electronics, edited by M.E. Hawley, D.H.A. Blank, C.B. Eom, D.G. Schlom, and S.K. Streiffer, Vol. 574 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 1999), pp. 31-36.
C.A. Billman, P.H. Tan, K.J. Hubbard, and D.G. Schlom, “Alternate Gate Oxides for Silicon MOSFETs using High‑K Dielectrics,” Ultrathin SiO2 and High-K Materials for ULSI Gate Dielectrics, edited by H.R. Huff, C.A. Richter, M.L. Green, G. Lucovsky, and T. Hattori, Vol. 567 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 1999), pp. 409-414.
K. Wasa, Y. Ichikawa, H. Adachi, I. Kanno, K. Setsune, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Q. Gan, and C.B. Eom, “Interfacial Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PZT/SrRuO3 Heterostructures on MISCUT (001)SrTiO3,” Integrated Ferroelectrics 26 (1999) 39-46.
K. Wasa, Y. Haneda, T. Sato, H. Adachi, I. Kanno, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Q. Gang, and C.B. Eom, “Single Domain/Single Crystal Ferroelectric PbTiO3 Thin Films,” 1998 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, edited by S.C. Schneider, M. Levy, and B.R. McAvoy, Vol. 1 (IEEE, Piscataway, 1999), pp. 619-623.
D.G. Schlom, Y. Jia, L.‑N. Zou, J.H. Haeni, S. Briczinski, M.A. Zurbuchen, C.W. Leitz, S. Madhavan, S. Wozniak, Y. Liu, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Searching for superconductivity in epitaxial films of copper-free layered oxides with the K2NiF4 structure,” Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering III, edited by D. Pavuna and I. Bozovic, SPIE Vol. 3481 (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998), pp. 226-240.
K. Wasa, Y. Haneda, T. Satoh, H. Adachi, I. Kanno, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Q. Gang, and C-B. Eom, “Step-Flow Growth of Perovskite PbTiO3 Thin Films Epitaxially Grown on a Miscut SrTiO3 Substrate,” Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering III, edited by D. Pavuna and I. Bozovic, SPIE Vol. 3481 (SPIE, Bellingham, 1998), pp. 182-189.
K. Wasa, Y. Haneda, T. Satoh, H. Adachi, I. Kanno, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Q. Gang, and C-B. Eom, “Basic Sputtering Process and Ferroelectric Properties of Single-Domain Single-Crystal Thin Films of PbTiO3,” Integrated Ferroelectrics 21 (1998) 451-460.
W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, C.D. Theis, and D.G. Schlom, “Microstructure of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattice Grown by MBE,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 4 (supplement 2) (1998) 576-577.
D.G. Schlom, C.D. Theis, and M.E. Hawley, “The Controlled Growth of Perovskite Thin Films: Opportunities, Challenges, and Synthesis,” Integrated Thin Films and Applications, edited by R.K. Pandey, D.E. Witter, and U. Varshney, Vol. 86 (American Ceramic Society, Westerville, 1998), pp. 41-60.
C.D. Theis and D.G. Schlom, “The Reactivity of Ozone Incident onto the Surface of Perovskite Thin Films Grown by MBE,” High Temperature Materials Chemistry IX, edited by K.E. Spear, Vol. 97-39 (Electrochemical Society, Pennington, 1997), pp. 610-616.
D.G. Schlom, B.A. Merritt, S. Madhavan, Y. Liu, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7‑ / Sr2RuO4 Heterostructures,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, edited by D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, M.E. Hawley, C.M. Foster, and J.S. Speck, Vol. 474 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997), pp. 85-90.
C.D. Theis, J. Yeh, M.E. Hawley, G.W. Brown, and D.G. Schlom, “Adsorption-Controlled Growth of Ferroelectric PbTiO3 and Bi4Ti3O12 Films for Nonvolatile Memory Applications by MBE,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, edited by D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, M.E. Hawley, C.M. Foster, and J.S. Speck, Vol. 474 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997), pp. 297-302.
J‑P. Maria, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Structure-Property Relationships in SrRuO3 Epitaxial Thin Films,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, edited by D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, M.E. Hawley, C.M. Foster, and J.S. Speck, Vol. 474 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997), pp. 217-222.
R.L. Goettler, J.P. Maria, and D.G. Schlom, “Origin of the (110) Orientation of Y2O3 and CeO2 Epitaxial Films Grown on (100) Silicon,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, edited by D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, M.E. Hawley, C.M. Foster, and J.S. Speck, Vol. 474 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997), pp. 333-338.
C.D. Theis and D.G. Schlom, “Domain Structure of Epitaxial PbTiO3 Films Grown on Vicinal (001) SrTiO3,” ISAF ‘96: Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, vol. 1 (IEEE, Piscataway, 1996), pp. 491-494.
J‑P. Maria, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Size Effects in Barium Titanate Thin Film Heterostructures with Conductive Oxide Electrodes,” ISAF ‘96: Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, vol. 1 (IEEE, Piscataway, 1996), pp. 333-336.
S. Trolier-McKinstry, C.A. Randall, J.P. Maria, C. Theis, D.G. Schlom, J. Shepard, Jr., and K. Yamakawa, “Size Effects and Domains in Ferroelectric Thin Film Actuators,” Ferroelectric Thin Films V, edited by S.B. Desu, R. Ramesh, B.A. Tuttle, R.E. Jones, and I.K. Yoo, Vol. 433 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 363-374.
K. Wasa, T. Sato, H. Adachi, K. Setsune, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Structural Control of Epitaxially Grown Sputtered Perovskite Thin Films,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 151-161.
S. Madhavan, B.J. Gibbons, A. Dabkowski, H.A. Dabkowska, S. Trolier‑McKinstry, Y. Liu, and D.G. Schlom, “Growth of Epitaxial a‑axis and c‑axis Oriented Sr2RuO4 Films,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 435-440.
C.D. Theis and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxy of PbTiO3 on (100) SrTiO3 and Vicinal (100) SrTiO3 by Pulsed Laser Deposition,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 171-176.
C.J. Kraisinger, D.M. Fusina, and D.G. Schlom, “Computer Simulation, Design, and Characterization of a Nozzle for More Effective Delivery of Oxidizing Gases,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 387-392.
J.L. Lacey and D.G. Schlom, “c‑axis Oriented Lithium Niobate Films on (001) Magnesium Oxide by Pulsed Laser Deposition,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 393-398.
K.J. Hubbard and D.G. Schlom, “Thermodynamic Stability of Binary Oxides in Contact with Silicon,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 33-38.
B.J. Gibbons, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, and C.B. Eom, “Oxide Superconductor Interfaces Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry,” Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films II, edited by J.S. Speck, D.K. Fork, R.M. Wolf, and T. Shiosaki, Vol. 401 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996), pp. 333-338.
K.J. Hubbard and D.G. Schlom, “Thermodynamic Stability of Binary Oxides in Contact with Silicon,” Structure and Properties of Interfaces in Ceramics, edited by D.A. Bonnell, U. Chowdhry, and M. Rühle, Vol. 357 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1995), pp. 331-336.
J. Mannhart, J.G. Bednorz, A. Catana, Ch. Gerber, and D.G. Schlom, “High‑Tc Thin Films. Growth Modes—Structure—Applications,” Materials and Crystallographic Aspects of HTc‑Superconductivity, edited by E. Kaldis (Kluwer, Erice, 1994), pp. 453-470.
D.G. Schlom, D. Anselmetti, J.G. Bednorz, Ch. Gerber, and J. Mannhart, “Defect-Mediated Growth of YBa2Cu3O7‑ Films,” Evolution of Surface and Thin Film Microstructure, edited by H.A. Atwater, E.H. Chason, M.L. Grabow, and M.G. Lagally, Vol. 280 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1993), pp. 341-344.
D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxial Growth of High Temperature Superconductors from the Gas Phase,” International Workshop on Superconductivity Co-Sponsored by ISTEC and MRS: Controlled Growth of Single- and Poly-Crystals of High Temperature Superconductors (ISTEC/MRS, Honolulu, 1992), pp. 34-37.
D.G. Schlom, A.F. Marshall, J.S. Harris, Jr., I. Bozovic, and J.N. Eckstein, “Growth of Metastable Phases and Superlattice Structures of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Compounds by an Atomic Layering MBE Technique,” Advances in Superconductivity III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS ‘90), edited by K. Kajimura and H. Hayakawa (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1991), pp. 1011-1016.
I.Bozovic, J.N. Eckstein, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, “In-Situ Growth of Superconducting Single Crystal Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Science and Technology of Thin Film Superconductors 2, edited by R.D. McConnell and R. Noufi (Plenum, New York, 1990), pp. 267-272.
J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, K.E. von Dessonneck, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Atomically Layered Heteroepitaxy of High Temperature Superconducting Thin Films: Metastable Phases and Superlattice Structures,” The Second ISTEC Workshop on Superconductivity (ISTEC, Kagoshima, 1990), pp. 37-40.
D.G. Schlom, J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, Z.J. Chen, A.F. Marshall, K.E. von Dessonneck, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Molecular beam epitaxy—a path to novel high Tc superconductors?,” Growth of Semiconductor Structures and High-Tc Thin Films on Semiconductors, SPIE Vol. 1285 (SPIE, Bellingham, 1990), pp. 234-247 and in: High Tc Superconductivity: Thin Films and Applications, SPIE Vol. 1287 (SPIE, Bellingham, 1990), pp. 152-165.
D.G. Schlom, J.N. Eckstein, I. Bozovic, A.F. Marshall, J.T. Sizemore, Z.J. Chen, K.E. von Dessonneck, J.S. Harris, Jr., and J.C. Bravman, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Layered Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Compounds,” High‑Temperature Superconductors: Fundamental Properties and Novel Materials Processing, edited by D. Christen, J. Narayan, and L. Schneemeyer, Vol. 169 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1990), pp. 711-714.
J.N. Eckstein, J.S. Harris, Jr., D.G. Schlom, I. Bozovic, K.E. von Dessonneck, and Z.J. Chen, “Development of Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of High Temperature Superconducting Compounds,” Extended Abstracts of 1989 International Superconductivity Electronics Conference (ISTEC, Tokyo, 1989), pp. 14-19.
D.G. Schlom, J.N. Eckstein, E.S. Hellman, C. Webb, F. Turner, J.S. Harris, Jr., M.R. Beasley, and T.H. Geballe, “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Layered Dy-Ba-Cu-O Compounds,” Extended Abstracts, High-Temperature Superconductors II, edited by D.W. Capone, II, W.H. Butler, B. Batlogg, and C.W. Chu (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1988), pp. 197-200.
B. Lee, M.H. Kim, S.S. Bose, G.E. Stillman, E.C. Larkins, E.S. Hellman, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Sulfur Incorporation in Undoped High Purity n-Type GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Vol. 96, (Atlanta, 1988), pp. 23-28.
G.W. Yoffe, D.G. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “Summary Abstract: Molecular-Beam Epitaxial Growth of Tunable Multilayer Interference Optical Modulators,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 6 (1988) 688-688.
D.R. Allee, P.R. de la Houssaye, D.G. Schlom, B.W. Langley, J.S. Harris, Jr., and R.F.W. Pease, “Sub-100 nm Gate Length GaAs MESFETs Fabricated by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Electron Beam Lithography,” Proceedings IEEE/Cornell Conference on Advanced Concepts in High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Circuits (IEEE, Ithaca, 1987), pp. 190-198.
S.M. Koch, S.J. Rosner, D. Schlom, and J.S. Harris, Jr., “The Growth of GaAs on Si by Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” Heteroepitaxy on Silicon, edited by J.C.C. Fan and J.M. Poate (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1986), pp. 37-43.
Books and Book Chapters
Technical Digest of Frontiers in Electronic Materials: A collection of Extended Abstracts of the Nature Conference Frontiers in Electronic Materials, June 17th to 20th 2012, Aachen, Germany edited by J. Heber, D.G. Schlom, Y. Tokura, R. Waser, and M. Wuttig (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012).
S. Datta and D.G. Schlom, “High-k Gate Dielectrics for Advanced CMOS,” Multifunctional Oxide Heterostructures edited by E.Y. Tsymbal, E.R.A. Dagotto, C.B. Eom, and R. Ramesh (Oxford University Press, Croydon, 2012), pp. 319-339.
R. Ramesh and D.G. Schlom, Guest Editors of November 2008 issue of MRS Bulletin on “Whither Oxide Electronics,” MRS Bulletin 33 (2008) 985-1128.
T. Gustafsson, E. Garfunkel, L. Goncharova, D. Starodub, R. Barnes, M. Dalponte, G. Bersuker, B. Foran, P. Lysaght, D.G. Schlom, V. Vaithyanathan, M. Hong, and J.R. Kwo, “Structure, Composition and Order at Interfaces of Crystalline Oxides and Other High-K Materials on Silicon,” Defects in High- Gate Dielectric Stacks edited by E. Gusev, (Springer, Dordrecht, 2006), pp. 349-360.
D.G. Schlom, C.A. Billman, J.H. Haeni, J. Lettieri, P.H. Tan, R.R.M. Held, S. Völk, and K.J. Hubbard, “High-K Candidates for use as the Gate Dielectric in Silicon MOSFETs,” Thin Films and Heterostructures for Oxide Electronics, edited by S.B. Ogale (Springer, New York, 2005), pp. 31-78.
Fundamentals of Novel Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces, edited by C.R. Abernathy, E.P. Gusev, D. Schlom, and S. Stemmer, Vol. 786 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2004).
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, edited by D. Norton, C. Ahn, and D. Schlom, published in the December 2003 issue of Solid-State Electronics 47 (2003) 2139-2298.
Crystalline Oxide-Silicon Heterostructures and Oxide Optoelectronics, edited by D. Ginley, S. Guha, S. Carter, S.A. Chambers, R. Droopad, H. Hosono, D.C. Paine, D.G. Schlom, and J. Tate, Vol. 747 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2003).
S. Stemmer and D.G. Schlom, “Experimental Investigations of the Stability of Candidate Materials for High‑K Gate Dielectrics in Silicon-Based MOSFETs,” Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics, edited by J. Greer, A. Korkin, and J. Labanowski (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003), pp. 129-150.
I. Bozovic and D.G. Schlom, “Superconducting Thin Films: Materials, Preparation, and Properties,” The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology (Pergamon, Amsterdam, 2001), pp. 8955-8964.
Available on-line at http://ww3.elsevier.nl/mrwclus/15/show/. -
D.G. Schlom and J. Mannhart, “High-Temperature Superconductors: Thin Films and Multilayers,” The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology (Pergamon, Amsterdam, 2001), pp. 3806-3820.
Available on-line at http://ww3.elsevier.nl/mrwclus/15/show/. -
Substrate Engineering—Paving the Way to Epitaxy, edited by D. Norton, D. Schlom, N. Newman, and D. Matthiesen, Vol. 587 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2000).
Multicomponent Oxide Films for Electronics, edited by M.E. Hawley, D.H.A. Blank, C.B. Eom, D.G. Schlom, and S.K. Streiffer, Vol. 574 (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 1999).
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, edited by D.G. Schlom, R. Ramesh, T. Venkatesan, and S. Wolf (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998).
Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, edited by D.G. Schlom, C.B. Eom, M.E. Hawley, C.M. Foster, and J.S. Speck, Vol. 474 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997).
D.G. Schlom and J.S. Harris, Jr., "MBE Growth of High Tc Superconductors," in: Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Applications to Key Materials, edited by R.F.C Farrow (Noyes, Park Ridge, 1995), pp. 505-622.
D.G. Schlom, “Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Cuprate Superconductors and Related Phases,” Ph.D. Thesis (Stanford University, 1990).