for the research he plans to perform on high-transition temperature superconducting nickelate thin films using a combination of MBE (to grow them) and ARPES (to reveal their electronic structure).
Group News
Jinkwon Kim receives Post-Doctoral Overseas Training Fellowship from the National Research Foundation of Korea
Yilin (Evan) Li receives Best Student Presentation Award at 2024 MRS Spring Meeting
from Symposium EL07: Emerging Ferroic Materials—Synthesis, Properties and Applications for his talk entitled, "Towards a Potential Room-Temperature Ferrimagnetic Ferroelectric"
Anna Park receives Poster Award (Gold) at 2024 Rice Workshop on Quantum Materials Synthesis
for her poster "Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of SrMoO3 Films with Record Low Electrical Resistivity"
Nate Schreiber receives APL Materials Excellence in Research Award for his paper "A Model Heterostructure with Engineered Berry Curvature"
APL Materials, November 17, 2023
See N.J. Schreiber, L. Miao, B.H. Goodge, L.F. Kourkoutis, K.M. Shen, and D.G. Schlom, “A Model Heterostructure with Engineered Berry Curvature,” APL Materials 11 (2023) 061117-1 – 061117-7.
Yorick Birkhölzer receives postdoctoral RUBICON fellowship from Dutch Research Council
for his research proposal entitled, "Conductivity on Demand – Turning an Insulator into a Metal"
Researchers flip the switch on electric control of crystal symmetry
Electrostatic engineering gets the lead out for faster batteries
Matt Barone receives APL Materials Excellence in Research Award for his paper "Improved Control of Atomic Layering in Perovskite-Related Homologous Series"
See M.R. Barone, N.M. Dawley, H.P. Nair, B.H. Goodge, M.E. Holtz, A. Soukiassian, E.E. Fleck, K. Lee, Y. Jia, T. Heeg, R. Gatt, Y. Nie, D.A. Muller, L.F. Kourkoutis, and D.G. Schlom, “Improved Control of Atomic Layering in Perovskite-Related Homologous Series,” APL Materials 9 (2021) 021118-1 – 021118-10.