Designer Dielectrics Publications

Y.L. Li, S.Y. Hu, D. Tenne, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, X.X. Xi, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, A. Saxena, T. Lookman, and Q.X. Jia, “Interfacial Coherency and Ferroelectricity of BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattice Films,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 252904-1 – 252904-3.

Y.L. Li, S.Y. Hu, D. Tenne, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, A. Saxena, T. Lookman, Q.X. Jia, and L.Q. Chen, “Prediction of Ferroelectricity in BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices with Domains,” Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 112914-1 – 112914-3.

T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, J. Schubert, W. Zander, C. Buchal, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Jia, Y. Jia, C. Adamo, and D.G. Schlom, “Epitaxially Stabilized Growth of Orthorhombic LuScO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 192901-1 – 192901-3.

A. Soukiassian, W. Tian, D.A. Tenne, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Bruchhausen, A. Fainstein, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, A. Cros, and A. Cantarero, “Acoustic Bragg Mirrors and Cavities Made using Piezoelectric Oxides,” Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 042909-1 – 042909-3.

D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, C.B. Eom, K.M. Rabe, S.K. Streiffer, and J.-M. Triscone, “Strain Tuning of Ferroelectric Thin Films,” Annual Review of Materials Research 37 (2007) 589-626.

D.A. Tenne, A. Bruchhausen, N.D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, R.S. Katiyar, A. Cantarero, A. Soukiassian, V. Vaithyanathan, J.H. Haeni, W. Tian, D.G. Schlom, K.J. Choi, D.M. Kim, C.B. Eom, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, Q.X. Jia, S.M. Nakhmanson, K.M. Rabe, and X.X. Xi, “Probing Nanoscale Ferroelectricity by Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy,” Science 313 (2006) 1614-1616.

W. Tian, J.C. Jiang, X.Q. Pan, J.H. Haeni, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, J.B. Neaton, K.M. Rabe, and Q.X. Jia, “Structural Evidence for Enhanced Polarization in a Commensurate Short-Period BaTiO3 / SrTiO3 Superlattice,” Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 092905-1 – 092905-3.

H.M. Christen, G.E. Jellison, Jr., I. Ohkubo, S. Huang, M.E. Reeves, E. Cicerrella, J.L. Freeouf, Y. Jia, and D.G. Schlom, “Dielectric and Optical Properties of Epitaxial Rare-Earth Scandate Films and their Crystallization Behavior,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 262906-1 – 262906-3.

M.D. Biegalski, Y. Jia, D.G. Schlom, S. Trolier-McKinstry, S.K. Streiffer, V. Sherman, R. Uecker, and P. Reiche, “Relaxor Ferroelectricity in Strained Epitaxial SrTiO3 Thin Films on DyScO3 Substrates,” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 192907-1 – 192907-3.

Y.L. Li, S. Choudhury, J.H. Haeni, M.D. Biegalski, A. Vasudevarao, A. Sharan, H.Z. Ma, J. Levy, V. Gopalan, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, Q.X. Jia, and L.Q. Chen, “Phase Transitions and Domain Structures in Strained Pseudocubic (100) SrTiO3 Thin Films,” Physical Review B 73 (2006) 184112-1 – 184112-13.
