Designer Dielectrics Publications

M.A. Zurbuchen, V.O. Sherman, A.K. Tagantsev, J. Schubert, M.E. Hawley, D.D. Fong, S.K. Streiffer, Y. Jia, W. Tian, and D.G. Schlom, “Synthesis, Structure, and Electrical Behavior of Sr4Bi4Ti7O24,” Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 024106-1 – 024106-9.

D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, P. Kužel, C. Kadlec, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, J. Schubert, C.M. Brooks, and D.G. Schlom, “Soft Mode Behavior in SrTiO3/DyScO3 Thin Films:  Evidence of Ferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Phase Transitions,” Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 232902-1 – 232902-3.

D.A. Tenne, P. Turner, J.D. Schmidt, M. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, A. Soukiassian, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, D.D. Fong, P.H. Fuoss, J.A. Eastman, G.B. Stephenson, C. Thompson, and S.K. Streiffer, “Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin BaTiO3 Films:  Probing the Size Effect by Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy,” Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 177601-1 – 177601-4.

N.D. Orloff, W. Tian, C.J. Fennie, C.H. Lee, D. Gu, J. Mateu, X.X. Xi, K.M. Rabe, D.G. Schlom, I. Takeuchi, and J.C. Booth, “Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy of Ruddlesden-Popper Srn+1TinO3n+1 (n = 1, 2, 3) Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 042908-1 – 042908-3.

H.Z. Ma, J. Levy, M.D. Biegalski, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Room-Temperature Electro-Optic Properties of Strained SrTiO3 Films Grown on DyScO3,” Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 014102-1 – 014102-6.

M.D. Biegalski, D.D. Fong, J.A. Eastman, P.H. Fuoss, S.K. Streiffer, T. Heeg, J. Schubert, W. Tian, C.T. Nelson, X.Q. Pan, M.E. Hawley, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, R. Uecker, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and D.G. Schlom, “Critical Thickness of High Structural Quality SrTiO3 Films Grown on Orthorhombic (101) DyScO3,” Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 114109-1 – 114109-11.

A. Bruchhausen, A. Fainstein, A. Soukiassian, D.G. Schlom, X.X. Xi, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Ferroelectricity-Induced Coupling between Light and Terahertz-Frequency Acoustic Phonons in BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices,” Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 197402-1 – 197402-4.

D.G. Schlom, L.Q. Chen, X.Q. Pan, A. Schmehl, and M.A. Zurbuchen, “A Thin Film Approach to Engineering Functionality into Oxides,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 (2008) 2429-2454.

A. Vasudevarao, S. Denev, M.D. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Polarization Rotation Transitions in Anisotropically Strained SrTiO3 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 192902-1 – 192902-3; A. Vasudevarao, S. Denev, M.D. Biegalski, Y.L. Li, L.Q. Chen, S. Trolier-McKinstry, D.G. Schlom, and V. Gopalan, “Erratum:  ‘Polarization Rotation Transitions in Anisotropically Strained SrTiO3 Thin Films,’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 192902 (2008)],” Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 109901-1.

A. Soukiassian, W. Tian, V. Vaithyanathan, J.H. Haeni, L.Q. Chen, X.X. Xi, D.G. Schlom, D.A. Tenne, H.P. Sun, X.Q. Pan, K.J. Choi, C.B. Eom, Y.L. Li, Q.X. Jia, C. Constantin, R.M. Feenstra, M. Bernhagen, P. Reiche, and R. Uecker, “Growth of Nanoscale BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy,” Journal of Materials Research 23 (2008) 1417-1432.
